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红司令部,City 1,City 2,……,City n,蓝司令部
两军的司令部都会制造武士。武士一共有 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 五种。每种武士都有编号、生命值这两种属性。
有的武士可以拥有武器。武器有三种,sword, bomb,和arrow,编号分别为0,1,2。
双方的武士编号都是从1开始计算。红方制造出来的第 n 个武士,编号就是n。同样,蓝方制造出来的第 n 个武士,编号也是n。
dragon 可以拥有一件武器。编号为n的dragon降生时即获得编号为 n%3 的武器。dragon还有“士气”这个属性,是个浮点数,其值为它降生后其司令部剩余生命元的数量除以造dragon所需的生命元数量。
ninjia可以拥有两件武器。编号为n的ninjia降生时即获得编号为 n%3 和 (n+1)%3的武器。
iceman有一件武器。编号为n的iceman降生时即获得编号为 n%3 的武器。
lion 有“忠诚度”这个属性,其值等于它降生后其司令部剩余生命元的数目。
红方司令部按照 iceman、lion、wolf、ninja、dragon 的顺序循环制造武士。
蓝方司令部按照 lion、dragon、ninja、iceman、wolf 的顺序循环制造武士。
制造一个初始生命值为 m 的武士,司令部中的生命元就要减少 m 个。
1) 武士降生
输出样例: 004 blue lion 5 born with strength 5,2 lion in red headquarter
表示在 4点整,编号为5的蓝魔lion武士降生,它降生时生命值为5,降生后蓝魔司令部里共有2个lion武士。(为简单起见,不考虑单词的复数形式)注意,每制造出一个新的武士,都要输出此时司令部里共有多少个该种武士。
It has a arrow,and it‘s morale is 23.34
It has a bomb and a arrow
It has a sword
It‘s loyalty is 24
2) 司令部停止制造武士
输出样例: 010 red headquarter stops making warriors
表示在 10点整,红方司令部停止制造武士
第一行,一个整数M。其含义为: 每个司令部一开始都有M个生命元( 1 <= M <= 10000)
第二行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的初始生命值。它们都大于0小于等于10000
对每组测试数据,首先输出“Case:n" n是测试数据的编号,从1开始
1 20 3 4 5 6 7
Case:1 000 red iceman 1 born with strength 5,1 iceman in red headquarter It has a bomb 000 blue lion 1 born with strength 6,1 lion in blue headquarter It‘s loyalty is 14 001 red lion 2 born with strength 6,1 lion in red headquarter It‘s loyalty is 9 001 blue dragon 2 born with strength 3,1 dragon in blue headquarter It has a arrow,and it‘s morale is 3.67 002 red wolf 3 born with strength 7,1 wolf in red headquarter 002 blue ninja 3 born with strength 4,1 ninja in blue headquarter It has a sword and a bomb 003 red headquarter stops making warriors 003 blue iceman 4 born with strength 5,1 iceman in blue headquarter It has a bomb 004 blue headquarter stops making warriors
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <iomanip> 3 #include <string> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 class headquarters 7 { 8 public: 9 10 headquarters(const int theLifeValue, const int theRedOrBlue, const int theWarriorValue[], 11 const string theWarriorNames[], const int order[], const string theHeadquarterNames[]); 12 13 ~headquarters(); 14 15 //获取出生数,用于战士的id计算 16 int getCount() { return count;} 17 18 // 获取生命值,用于在main程序中与各战士的最小生命值比较,以及与战士生命值的比较 19 int getLifeValue() { return lifeValue; } 20 21 // 获取将要出生的战士的生命值 22 int getWarriorValue(int position) { return warriorValues[position]; } 23 24 // 获取将要出生的战士的名字 25 string getWarriorName(int position) { return warriorNames[position];} 26 27 // 生产战士 28 void product(int time, int position); 29 30 private: 31 int lifeValue; 32 int redOrBlue; // 红色总部值为0,蓝色总部值为1 33 int count; // 生产的战士数量 34 int *warriorCounts; // 记录每种战士数量的数组 35 string headquarterName; // 总部的名字 36 string *warriorNames; // 记录每种战士名字的数组 37 int *warriorValues; // 记录每种战士生命值的数组 38 39 }; 40 41 /** 42 * 指定初始化 43 */ 44 headquarters::headquarters(const int theLifeValue, const int theRedOrBlue, const int theWarriorValue[], 45 const string theWarriorNames[], const int order[], const string theHeadquarterNames[]) 46 { 47 count = 0; 48 lifeValue = theLifeValue; 49 redOrBlue = theRedOrBlue; 50 headquarterName = theHeadquarterNames[redOrBlue]; // 从总部名字的数组取得该总部的名字 51 warriorCounts = new int[5]{0}; 52 warriorValues = new int[5]; 53 warriorNames = new string[5]; 54 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { 55 warriorNames[i] = theWarriorNames[order[i]]; // 由给定的顺序和原始战士名字的数组,得到该总部战士名字的数组 56 warriorValues[i] = theWarriorValue[order[i]]; // 由给定的顺序和原始战士名字的数组,得到该总部战士生命值的数组 57 } 58 } 59 60 headquarters::~headquarters() { 61 if (warriorCounts) delete []warriorCounts; 62 if (warriorValues) delete []warriorValues; 63 if (warriorNames) delete []warriorNames; 64 } 65 66 /** 67 * 生产战士 68 * time参数给定战士出生的回合 69 * position参数给定该战士在司令部出生战士中的位置 70 */ 71 void headquarters::product(int time, int position) 72 { 73 count++; 74 warriorCounts[position]++; // 该种战士的总数加一 75 // 输出题目要求的语句 76 cout << setfill(‘0‘)<<setw(3) << time << " " << headquarterName << " " << warriorNames[position] 77 << " " << count << " born with strength " << warriorValues[position] << "," << warriorCounts[position] 78 << " " << warriorNames[position] << " in " << headquarterName << " headquarter" << endl; 79 lifeValue -= warriorValues[position]; 80 } 81 82 class warrior{ 83 private: 84 int id; 85 int lifeValue; 86 string *weaponNames; 87 public: 88 warrior():id(0),lifeValue(0) {} 89 warrior(int theId, int theLifeValue):id(theId), lifeValue(theLifeValue) { 90 weaponNames = new string[3] {"sword", "bomb", "arrow"}; 91 } 92 ~warrior() { 93 if (weaponNames) delete []weaponNames; 94 } 95 int getId() { return id;} 96 string* getWeaponNames() { return weaponNames;} 97 }; 98 99 class dragon:public warrior { 100 private: 101 float morale; //士气属性 102 public: 103 dragon(int theId, int theLifeValue, int headquarterLifeValue):warrior(theId, theLifeValue) { 104 morale = (float)(headquarterLifeValue) / theLifeValue; 105 } 106 ~dragon() {}; 107 float getMorale() { return morale;} 108 string getWeaponName() { 109 int index = this->getId() % 3; 110 return this->getWeaponNames()[index]; 111 } 112 void print() { 113 cout<<"It has a "<<this->getWeaponName()<<",and it‘s morale is "<< setprecision(2)<<fixed<< this->getMorale()<<endl; 114 } 115 }; 116 117 class ninja:public warrior { 118 public: 119 ninja(int theId, int theLifeValue):warrior(theId, theLifeValue) {} 120 ~ninja() {} 121 string getFirstWeaponName() { 122 int index = this->getId() % 3; 123 return this->getWeaponNames()[index]; 124 } 125 string getSecondWeaponName() { 126 int index = (this->getId() + 1) % 3; 127 return this->getWeaponNames()[index]; 128 } 129 void print() { 130 cout<<"It has a "<<this->getFirstWeaponName()<<" and a "<<this->getSecondWeaponName()<<endl; 131 } 132 }; 133 134 class iceman:public warrior { 135 public: 136 iceman(int theId, int theLifeValue):warrior(theId, theLifeValue) {} 137 ~iceman() {}; 138 string getWeaponName() { 139 int index = this->getId() % 3; 140 return this->getWeaponNames()[index]; 141 } 142 void print() { 143 cout<<"It has a "<<this->getWeaponName()<<endl; 144 } 145 }; 146 147 class lion:public warrior { 148 private: 149 int loyalty; 150 public: 151 lion(int theId, int theLifeValue, int headquarterLifeValue):warrior(theId, theLifeValue) { 152 loyalty = headquarterLifeValue;} 153 ~lion() {} 154 int getLoyalty() { return loyalty;} 155 void print() { 156 cout<<"It‘s loyalty is "<<this->getLoyalty()<<endl; 157 } 158 }; 159 160 class wolf:public warrior { 161 public: 162 wolf(int theId, int theLifeValue):warrior(theId, theLifeValue) {} 163 ~wolf() {} 164 }; 165 166 int main() 167 { 168 const int redOrder[5] = {2, 3, 4, 1, 0}; // 红色总部的出兵顺序 169 const int blueOrder[5] = {3, 0, 1, 2, 4}; // 蓝色总部的出兵顺序 170 const string headquartersNames[2] = {"red", "blue"}; // 记录总部名字的数组 171 const string priorNames[5] = { "dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf" }; // 记录战士名字的数组 172 int n = 0; // 测试数 173 cin >> n; 174 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) 175 { 176 177 int priorValue[5], headquartersValue, minValue, redPosition = 0, bluePosition = 0; 178 bool redHadStop = false, blueHadStop = false; 179 180 cin >> headquartersValue; // 获取总部生命值 181 // 获取每种战士的生命值 182 for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) 183 { 184 cin >> priorValue[j]; 185 } 186 187 cout << "Case:" << i << endl; 188 189 // 计算出战士中的最小生命值 190 minValue = priorValue[0]; 191 for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) 192 { 193 if (priorValue[j] < minValue) 194 { 195 minValue = priorValue[j]; 196 } 197 } 198 199 // 初始化红军总部和蓝军总部 200 headquarters redOne = headquarters(headquartersValue, 0, priorValue, priorNames, redOrder, headquartersNames); 201 headquarters blueOne = headquarters(headquartersValue, 1, priorValue, priorNames, blueOrder, headquartersNames); 202 203 204 for (int time = 0;!redHadStop || !blueHadStop; time++) 205 { 206 // 如果红军没有停止出兵,继续 207 if (!redHadStop) 208 { 209 // 红军的生命值小于最小战士生命值, 停止出兵,打印命令 210 if (redOne.getLifeValue() < minValue) 211 { 212 cout << setfill(‘0‘)<<setw(3) << time << " red headquarter stops making warriors" << endl; 213 redHadStop = true; 214 } 215 else { 216 // 从上面的判断句筛选后,现在一定能出兵。 217 // 从当前position开始增加,到某个位置出兵了停止 218 while (true) 219 { 220 if (redOne.getLifeValue() >= redOne.getWarriorValue(redPosition)) 221 { 222 redOne.product(time, redPosition); // 出兵 223 224 if (redOne.getWarriorName(redPosition) == "dragon") { 225 dragon theDragon(redOne.getCount(), redOne.getWarriorValue(redPosition), redOne.getLifeValue()); 226 theDragon.print(); 227 } else if (redOne.getWarriorName(redPosition) == "ninja") { 228 ninja theNinja(redOne.getCount(), redOne.getWarriorValue(redPosition)); 229 theNinja.print(); 230 } else if (redOne.getWarriorName(redPosition) == "iceman") { 231 iceman theIceman(redOne.getCount(), redOne.getWarriorValue(redPosition)); 232 theIceman.print(); 233 } else if (redOne.getWarriorName(redPosition) == "lion") { 234 lion theLion(redOne.getCount(), redOne.getWarriorValue(redPosition), redOne.getLifeValue()); 235 theLion.print(); 236 } else { 237 wolf theWolf(redOne.getCount(), redOne.getWarriorValue(redPosition)); 238 } 239 240 if (redPosition == 4 ? redPosition = 0: redPosition++); 241 break; 242 } 243 else 244 { 245 if (redPosition == 4 ? redPosition = 0: redPosition++); 246 } 247 } 248 } 249 } 250 251 if (!blueHadStop) 252 { 253 if (blueOne.getLifeValue() < minValue) 254 { 255 cout << setfill(‘0‘)<<setw(3)<< time << " blue headquarter stops making warriors" << endl; 256 blueHadStop = true; 257 } 258 else { 259 while (true) 260 { 261 if (blueOne.getLifeValue() >= blueOne.getWarriorValue(bluePosition)) 262 { 263 blueOne.product(time, bluePosition); 264 265 if (blueOne.getWarriorName(bluePosition) == "dragon") { 266 dragon theDragon(blueOne.getCount(), blueOne.getWarriorValue(bluePosition), blueOne.getLifeValue()); 267 theDragon.print(); 268 } else if (blueOne.getWarriorName(bluePosition) == "ninja") { 269 ninja theNinja(blueOne.getCount(), blueOne.getWarriorValue(bluePosition)); 270 theNinja.print(); 271 } else if (blueOne.getWarriorName(bluePosition) == "iceman") { 272 iceman theIceman(blueOne.getCount(), blueOne.getWarriorValue(bluePosition)); 273 theIceman.print(); 274 } else if (blueOne.getWarriorName(bluePosition) == "lion") { 275 lion theLion(blueOne.getCount(), blueOne.getWarriorValue(bluePosition), blueOne.getLifeValue()); 276 theLion.print(); 277 } else { 278 wolf theWolf(blueOne.getCount(), blueOne.getWarriorValue(bluePosition)); 279 } 280 281 if (bluePosition == 4 ? bluePosition = 0: bluePosition++); 282 break; 283 } 284 else 285 { 286 if (bluePosition == 4 ? bluePosition = 0: bluePosition++); 287 } 288 } 289 } 290 } 291 292 } 293 294 } 295 296 return 0; 297 }