发件人邮箱 发件人邮箱密码 这是邮件标题 这是具体邮件内容 收件人1邮箱 收件人2邮箱
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion COLOR 0A :cloneBegin rem *初始化参数.* set gitUser="" set gitPwd="" set gitUrl="" set gitBranch="" set gitCommit="" set gitProjectName="" set cloneStr="" set /a index=0 set cloneRootPath="" set cloneBranchPath="" set cloneCommitPath="" set currentGitName="" set /a status=0 set /a mailIndex=0 rem *从git-config文件中逐行读取配置信息,并将项目及其依赖库拉去至本地.* for /f "tokens=1-6 delims==|" %%a in (git-config.txt) do ( rem *初始化参数.* set "gitUser=%%a" set "gitPwd=%%b" set "gitUrl=%%c" set "gitBranch=%%d" set "gitCommit=%%e" rem *转义@字符.* set gitUser=!gitUser:@=%%40! set gitUrl=!gitUrl:https://=! set gitUrl=!gitUrl:http://=! rem *生成git clone的指令.* set cloneStr=http://!gitUser!:!gitPwd!@!gitUrl! -b !gitBranch! set "currentGitName=%%f" echo !cloneStr! if !index! EQU 0 ( set "gitProjectName=%%f" echo ***************!currentGitName! start clone...*************** rem *拉去主项目到当前目录下的项目名目录下.* git clone !cloneStr! ./!gitProjectName! ) else ( echo ***************!currentGitName! start clone...*************** cd !gitProjectName! rem *拉去依赖项目到主项目目录下的依赖库名目录下.* git clone !cloneStr! ./!currentGitName! rem *dp0 表示当前该bat文件的目录下.* cd %~dp0 ) rem *设置当前项目的build.gradle路径以及其分支名与提交记录路径.* if !index! EQU 0 ( set "cloneRootPath=%~dp0!gitProjectName!\build.gradle" set "cloneBranchPath=%~dp0!gitProjectName!\.git\HEAD" set "cloneCommitPath=%~dp0!gitProjectName!\.git\refs\heads\!gitBranch!" ) else ( set "cloneRootPath=%~dp0!gitProjectName!\%%f" set "cloneBranchPath=%~dp0!gitProjectName!\%%f\.git\HEAD" set "cloneCommitPath=%~dp0!gitProjectName!\%%f\.git\refs\heads\!gitBranch!" ) rem *判断当前项目是否拉取成功,其分支与当前所处提交记录是否正确* if exist !cloneRootPath! ( echo *******!currentGitName! clone complete...******* find /i "!gitBranch!" !cloneBranchPath! && ( echo *******!currentGitName! clone branch correctly...******* if "!gitCommit!"==" " ( echo *******!currentGitName! clone latest commit correctly...******* )||( find /i "!gitCommit!" !cloneCommitPath! && ( echo *******!currentGitName! clone seleteced commit correctly...******* )||( if !index! EQU 0 ( cd %~dp0!gitProjectName! ) else ( cd %~dp0!gitProjectName!\!currentGitName! ) rem *更改分支* git reset --hard !gitCommit! cd %~dp0 find /i "!gitCommit!" !cloneCommitPath! && ( echo *******!currentGitName! clone seleteced commit correctly...******* )||( echo *******!currentGitName! clone seleteced commit failed...******* rem rd /s /q %~dp0!gitProjectName! goto cloneError ) ) ) )||( echo *******!currentGitName! clone branch failed...******* rem rd /s /q %~dp0!gitProjectName! goto cloneError ) ) else ( echo *******!gitProjectName! clone failed, please try again...******* rem rd /s /q %~dp0!gitProjectName! goto cloneError ) set /a index+=1 ) rem *编译项目.* if exist !cloneRootPath! ( cd !gitProjectName! :buildApk gradle assembleRelease rem *after call other batch such as gradle, turn echo off to make command disappear.* @echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem *编译完成的后续处理bat文件.* call build-after.bat PAUSE ) else ( :cloneError rem *错误处理,打印当前的信息判断是否配置错误,修改错误的配置信息后按回车重新开始编译.* echo *******!gitProjectName! clone failed, there are your configs in !currentGitName! as follow:******* echo *******gitUser=!gitUser!******* echo *******gitPwd=!gitPwd!******* echo *******gitUrl=!gitUrl!******* echo *******gitBranch=!gitBranch!******* echo *******gitCommit=!gitCommit!******* echo *******repositoryName=!currentGitName!******* echo *******please check for errors and correct them, press any key to reclone after all******* PAUSE goto :cloneBegin ) PAUSE
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set status=0 set sendUser="" set sendPwd="" set mailTitle="" set mailContent="" set /a mailIndex=0 cd %~dp0 rem *从git-config文件中读取主项目名.* for /f "tokens=1-6 delims==|" %%a in (git-config.txt) do ( if !status! EQU 0 ( set status=1 rem *判断主项目名是否编译成功.* if exist %~dp0%%f\app\build\outputs\apk\app-release.apk ( echo *******%%f build success******* rem *生成当前时间.* set time=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2% rem *重命名生成的apk文件,并将其移至指定目录.* ren %~dp0%%f\app\build\outputs\apk\app-release.apk %%f_1.0.0_!time!.apk move %~dp0%%f\app\build\outputs\apk\%%f_1.0.0_!time!.apk %~dp0 rd /s /q %~dp0%%f rem *逐行读取邮件配置文件内容,最后调用blat发送邮件给每个收件人.* for /f "" %%a in (mail-config.txt) do ( if !mailIndex! EQU 0 ( set "sendUser=%%a" ) if !mailIndex! EQU 1 ( set "sendPwd=%%a" ) if !mailIndex! EQU 2 ( set "mailTitle=%%a" ) if !mailIndex! EQU 3 ( set "mailContent=%%a" ) if !mailIndex! GTR 3 ( blat -body "!mailContent!" -to %%a -s "!mailTitle!" -u !sendUser! -pw !sendPwd! -charset UTF-8 ) set /a mailIndex+=1 ) ) else ( echo *******%%f build failed******* echo *******please check for errors and correct them, press any key to rebuild after all******* PAUSE ) ) ) PAUSE