# coding: utf-8 #Tree-Node Type class Node: def __init__(self,freq): self.left = None self.right = None self.father = None self.freq = freq def __repr__(self): #change the string representation of instances,see cookbook 8.1 return ‘Node({0.freq!r})‘.format(self) def isLeft(self): return self.father.left == self #create nodes 创建叶子节点 def createNodes(freqs): return [Node(freq) for freq in freqs] #create Huffman-Tree 创建Huffman树 def createHuffmanTree(nodes): queue = nodes[:] #copy of the nodes while len(queue) > 1: queue.sort(key=lambda item:item.freq) #sort the objects by certain attribute node_left = queue.pop(0) node_right = queue.pop(0) node_father = Node(node_left.freq + node_right.freq) node_father.left = node_left node_father.right = node_right node_left.father = node_father node_right.father = node_father queue.append(node_father) queue[0].father = None #self.father = None,可省去 return queue[0] #root node #Huffman编码 def huffmanEncoding(nodes,root): codes = [‘‘] * len(nodes) #叶子节点数即为编码数 for i in range(len(nodes)): node_tmp = nodes[i] while node_tmp != root: if node_tmp.isLeft(): codes[i] = ‘0‘ + codes[i] else: codes[i] = ‘1‘ + codes[i] node_tmp = node_tmp.father return codes if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: chars = [‘A‘,‘B‘,‘C‘,‘D‘,‘E‘,‘F‘,‘G‘,‘H‘,‘I‘,‘J‘,‘K‘,‘L‘,‘M‘,‘N‘] freqs = [10,4,2,5,3,4,2,6,4,4,3,7,9,6] chars_freqs = zip(chars,freqs) nodes = createNodes([item[1] for item in chars_freqs]) root = createHuffmanTree(nodes) codes = huffmanEncoding(nodes,root) chars_codes = zip(chars_freqs,codes) chars_codes.sort(key=lambda item:item[0][1]) #sort the result by the freqs for item in chars_codes: print ‘Character:%s freq:%-2d encoding: %s‘ % (item[0][0],item[0][1],item[1]) Character:C freq:2 encoding: 10100 Character:G freq:2 encoding: 10101 Character:E freq:3 encoding: 0000 Character:K freq:3 encoding: 0001 Character:B freq:4 encoding: 0100 Character:F freq:4 encoding: 0101 Character:I freq:4 encoding: 0110 Character:J freq:4 encoding: 0111 Character:D freq:5 encoding: 1011 Character:H freq:6 encoding: 1110 Character:N freq:6 encoding: 1111 Character:L freq:7 encoding: 001 Character:M freq:9 encoding: 100 Character:A freq:10 encoding: 110
1)__repr__修改instance的string representation,方便调试,见python cookbook 8.1节
2)line22和line55 根据提供的key参数对列表进行排序
Huffman Encode 哈弗曼编码(python实现)