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procedure create_batch_line
  (p_validate                      in     boolean  default false
  ,p_session_date                  in     date
  ,p_batch_id                      in     number
  ,p_batch_line_status             in     varchar2 default U
  ,p_assignment_id                 in     number   default null
  ,p_assignment_number             in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute_category            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute1                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute2                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute3                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute4                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute5                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute6                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute7                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute8                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute9                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute10                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute11                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute12                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute13                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute14                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute15                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute16                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute17                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute18                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute19                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_attribute20                   in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information_category    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information1            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information2            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information3            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information4            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information5            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information6            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information7            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information8            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information9            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information10           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information11           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information12           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information13           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information14           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information15           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information16           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information17           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information18           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information19           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information20           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information21           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information22           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information23           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information24           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information25           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information26           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information27           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information28           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information29           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_entry_information30           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_date_earned                   in     date     default null
  ,p_personal_payment_method_id    in     number   default null
  ,p_subpriority                   in     number   default null
  ,p_batch_sequence                in     number   default null
  ,p_concatenated_segments         in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id    in     number   default null
  ,p_effective_date                in     date     default null
  ,p_effective_start_date          in     date     default null
  ,p_effective_end_date            in     date     default null
  ,p_element_name                  in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_element_type_id               in     number   default null
  ,p_entry_type                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_reason                        in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment1                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment2                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment3                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment4                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment5                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment6                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment7                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment8                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment9                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment10                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment11                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment12                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment13                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment14                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment15                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment16                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment17                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment18                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment19                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment20                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment21                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment22                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment23                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment24                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment25                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment26                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment27                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment28                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment29                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_segment30                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_1                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_2                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_3                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_4                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_5                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_6                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_7                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_8                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_9                       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_10                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_11                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_12                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_13                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_14                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_value_15                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_canonical_date_format         in     varchar2 default Y
  ,p_iv_all_internal_format        in     varchar2 default N
  ,p_batch_line_id                    out nocopy number
  ,p_object_version_number            out nocopy number
  ) is
  -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc                   varchar2(72) := g_package||create_batch_line;
  l_batch_line_id          pay_batch_lines.batch_line_id%TYPE;
  l_object_version_number  pay_batch_lines.object_version_number%TYPE;
  l_session_date           date;
  l_effective_date         date;
  l_effective_start_date   date;
  l_effective_end_date     date;
  l_date_earned            date;
  l_value_1                pay_batch_lines.value_1%TYPE := p_value_1;
  l_value_2                pay_batch_lines.value_2%TYPE := p_value_2;
  l_value_3                pay_batch_lines.value_3%TYPE := p_value_3;
  l_value_4                pay_batch_lines.value_4%TYPE := p_value_4;
  l_value_5                pay_batch_lines.value_5%TYPE := p_value_5;
  l_value_6                pay_batch_lines.value_6%TYPE := p_value_6;
  l_value_7                pay_batch_lines.value_7%TYPE := p_value_7;
  l_value_8                pay_batch_lines.value_8%TYPE := p_value_8;
  l_value_9                pay_batch_lines.value_9%TYPE := p_value_9;
  l_value_10               pay_batch_lines.value_10%TYPE := p_value_10;
  l_value_11               pay_batch_lines.value_11%TYPE := p_value_11;
  l_value_12               pay_batch_lines.value_12%TYPE := p_value_12;
  l_value_13               pay_batch_lines.value_13%TYPE := p_value_13;
  l_value_14               pay_batch_lines.value_14%TYPE := p_value_14;
  l_value_15               pay_batch_lines.value_15%TYPE := p_value_15;
  l_bee_iv_upgrade  varchar2(1);
  hr_utility.set_location(Entering:|| l_proc, 10);
  -- Issue a savepoint
  savepoint create_batch_line;
  -- Truncate the time portion from all IN date parameters
  l_session_date         := trunc(p_session_date);
  --l_effective_date       := trunc(p_effective_date);
/*If effective date is not passed, then we are setting the session date
    passed as effective date.*/
  if (p_effective_date is null) then
      l_effective_date := trunc(p_session_date);
      l_effective_date := trunc(p_effective_date);
  end if;
  l_effective_start_date := trunc(p_effective_start_date);
  l_effective_end_date   := trunc(p_effective_end_date);
  l_date_earned          := trunc(p_date_earned);
  l_bee_iv_upgrade := get_upgrade_status(p_batch_id,null,BEE_IV_UPG);
  -- Check whether the upgrade process is in progress.
  if l_bee_iv_upgrade = E then
     hr_utility.set_message(800, HR_449106_BEE_UPGRADING);
  end if;
  if p_iv_all_internal_format = Y and l_bee_iv_upgrade = N then
    fnd_message.set_name(PAY, HR_7462_PLK_INVLD_VALUE);
  end if;
  if p_iv_all_internal_format = Y and p_canonical_date_format = N then
    fnd_message.set_name(PAY, HR_7462_PLK_INVLD_VALUE);
  end if;
  if p_iv_all_internal_format <> Y then
     (p_iv1               => l_value_1
     ,p_iv2               => l_value_2
     ,p_iv3               => l_value_3
     ,p_iv4               => l_value_4
     ,p_iv5               => l_value_5
     ,p_iv6               => l_value_6
     ,p_iv7               => l_value_7
     ,p_iv8               => l_value_8
     ,p_iv9               => l_value_9
     ,p_iv10              => l_value_10
     ,p_iv11              => l_value_11
     ,p_iv12              => l_value_12
     ,p_iv13              => l_value_13
     ,p_iv14              => l_value_14
     ,p_iv15              => l_value_15
     ,p_element_type_id   => p_element_type_id
     ,p_element_name      => p_element_name
     ,p_batch_id          => p_batch_id
     ,p_effective_date    => l_effective_date
     ,p_date_cfmt         => p_canonical_date_format
     ,p_int_fmt           => l_bee_iv_upgrade
  end if;
  -- Call Before Process User Hook
      (p_session_date                   => l_session_date
      ,p_batch_id                       => p_batch_id
      ,p_batch_line_status              => p_batch_line_status
      ,p_assignment_id                  => p_assignment_id
      ,p_assignment_number              => p_assignment_number
      ,p_attribute_category             => p_attribute_category
      ,p_attribute1                     => p_attribute1
      ,p_attribute2                     => p_attribute2
      ,p_attribute3                     => p_attribute3
      ,p_attribute4                     => p_attribute4
      ,p_attribute5                     => p_attribute5
      ,p_attribute6                     => p_attribute6
      ,p_attribute7                     => p_attribute7
      ,p_attribute8                     => p_attribute8
      ,p_attribute9                     => p_attribute9
      ,p_attribute10                    => p_attribute10
      ,p_attribute11                    => p_attribute11
      ,p_attribute12                    => p_attribute12
      ,p_attribute13                    => p_attribute13
      ,p_attribute14                    => p_attribute14
      ,p_attribute15                    => p_attribute15
      ,p_attribute16                    => p_attribute16
      ,p_attribute17                    => p_attribute17
      ,p_attribute18                    => p_attribute18
      ,p_attribute19                    => p_attribute19
      ,p_attribute20                    => p_attribute20
      ,p_entry_information_category     => p_entry_information_category
      ,p_entry_information1             => p_entry_information1
      ,p_entry_information2             => p_entry_information2
      ,p_entry_information3             => p_entry_information3
      ,p_entry_information4             => p_entry_information4
      ,p_entry_information5             => p_entry_information5
      ,p_entry_information6             => p_entry_information6
      ,p_entry_information7             => p_entry_information7
      ,p_entry_information8             => p_entry_information8
      ,p_entry_information9             => p_entry_information9
      ,p_entry_information10            => p_entry_information10
      ,p_entry_information11            => p_entry_information11
      ,p_entry_information12            => p_entry_information12
      ,p_entry_information13            => p_entry_information13
      ,p_entry_information14            => p_entry_information14
      ,p_entry_information15            => p_entry_information15
      ,p_entry_information16            => p_entry_information16
      ,p_entry_information17            => p_entry_information17
      ,p_entry_information18            => p_entry_information18
      ,p_entry_information19            => p_entry_information19
      ,p_entry_information20            => p_entry_information20
      ,p_entry_information21            => p_entry_information21
      ,p_entry_information22            => p_entry_information22
      ,p_entry_information23            => p_entry_information23
      ,p_entry_information24            => p_entry_information24
      ,p_entry_information25            => p_entry_information25
      ,p_entry_information26            => p_entry_information26
      ,p_entry_information27            => p_entry_information27
      ,p_entry_information28            => p_entry_information28
      ,p_entry_information29            => p_entry_information29
      ,p_entry_information30            => p_entry_information30
      ,p_date_earned                    => l_date_earned
      ,p_personal_payment_method_id     => p_personal_payment_method_id
      ,p_subpriority                    => p_subpriority
      ,p_batch_sequence                 => p_batch_sequence
      ,p_concatenated_segments          => p_concatenated_segments
      ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id     => p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
      ,p_effective_date                 => l_effective_date
      ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
      ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
      ,p_element_name                   => p_element_name
      ,p_element_type_id                => p_element_type_id
      ,p_entry_type                     => p_entry_type
      ,p_reason                         => p_reason
      ,p_segment1                       => p_segment1
      ,p_segment2                       => p_segment2
      ,p_segment3                       => p_segment3
      ,p_segment4                       => p_segment4
      ,p_segment5                       => p_segment5
      ,p_segment6                       => p_segment6
      ,p_segment7                       => p_segment7
      ,p_segment8                       => p_segment8
      ,p_segment9                       => p_segment9
      ,p_segment10                      => p_segment10
      ,p_segment11                      => p_segment11
      ,p_segment12                      => p_segment12
      ,p_segment13                      => p_segment13
      ,p_segment14                      => p_segment14
      ,p_segment15                      => p_segment15
      ,p_segment16                      => p_segment16
      ,p_segment17                      => p_segment17
      ,p_segment18                      => p_segment18
      ,p_segment19                      => p_segment19
      ,p_segment20                      => p_segment20
      ,p_segment21                      => p_segment21
      ,p_segment22                      => p_segment22
      ,p_segment23                      => p_segment23
      ,p_segment24                      => p_segment24
      ,p_segment25                      => p_segment25
      ,p_segment26                      => p_segment26
      ,p_segment27                      => p_segment27
      ,p_segment28                      => p_segment28
      ,p_segment29                      => p_segment29
      ,p_segment30                      => p_segment30
      ,p_value_1                        => l_value_1
      ,p_value_2                        => l_value_2
      ,p_value_3                        => l_value_3
      ,p_value_4                        => l_value_4
      ,p_value_5                        => l_value_5
      ,p_value_6                        => l_value_6
      ,p_value_7                        => l_value_7
      ,p_value_8                        => l_value_8
      ,p_value_9                        => l_value_9
      ,p_value_10                       => l_value_10
      ,p_value_11                       => l_value_11
      ,p_value_12                       => l_value_12
      ,p_value_13                       => l_value_13
      ,p_value_14                       => l_value_14
      ,p_value_15                       => l_value_15
    when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
        (p_module_name => create_batch_line_b
        ,p_hook_type   => BP
  -- Validation in addition to Row Handlers
  -- Process Logic
      (p_session_date                => l_session_date
      ,p_batch_id                    => p_batch_id
      ,p_batch_line_status           => p_batch_line_status
      ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id  => p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
      ,p_element_type_id             => p_element_type_id
      ,p_assignment_id               => p_assignment_id
      ,p_assignment_number           => p_assignment_number
      ,p_batch_sequence              => p_batch_sequence
      ,p_concatenated_segments       => p_concatenated_segments
      ,p_effective_date              => l_effective_date
      ,p_element_name                => p_element_name
      ,p_entry_type                  => p_entry_type
      ,p_reason                      => p_reason
      ,p_segment1                    => p_segment1
      ,p_segment2                    => p_segment2
      ,p_segment3                    => p_segment3
      ,p_segment4                    => p_segment4
      ,p_segment5                    => p_segment5
      ,p_segment6                    => p_segment6
      ,p_segment7                    => p_segment7
      ,p_segment8                    => p_segment8
      ,p_segment9                    => p_segment9
      ,p_segment10                   => p_segment10
      ,p_segment11                   => p_segment11
      ,p_segment12                   => p_segment12
      ,p_segment13                   => p_segment13
      ,p_segment14                   => p_segment14
      ,p_segment15                   => p_segment15
      ,p_segment16                   => p_segment16
      ,p_segment17                   => p_segment17
      ,p_segment18                   => p_segment18
      ,p_segment19                   => p_segment19
      ,p_segment20                   => p_segment20
      ,p_segment21                   => p_segment21
      ,p_segment22                   => p_segment22
      ,p_segment23                   => p_segment23
      ,p_segment24                   => p_segment24
      ,p_segment25                   => p_segment25
      ,p_segment26                   => p_segment26
      ,p_segment27                   => p_segment27
      ,p_segment28                   => p_segment28
      ,p_segment29                   => p_segment29
      ,p_segment30                   => p_segment30
      ,p_value_1                     => l_value_1
      ,p_value_2                     => l_value_2
      ,p_value_3                     => l_value_3
      ,p_value_4                     => l_value_4
      ,p_value_5                     => l_value_5
      ,p_value_6                     => l_value_6
      ,p_value_7                     => l_value_7
      ,p_value_8                     => l_value_8
      ,p_value_9                     => l_value_9
      ,p_value_10                    => l_value_10
      ,p_value_11                    => l_value_11
      ,p_value_12                    => l_value_12
      ,p_value_13                    => l_value_13
      ,p_value_14                    => l_value_14
      ,p_value_15                    => l_value_15
      ,p_attribute_category          => p_attribute_category
      ,p_attribute1                  => p_attribute1
      ,p_attribute2                  => p_attribute2
      ,p_attribute3                  => p_attribute3
      ,p_attribute4                  => p_attribute4
      ,p_attribute5                  => p_attribute5
      ,p_attribute6                  => p_attribute6
      ,p_attribute7                  => p_attribute7
      ,p_attribute8                  => p_attribute8
      ,p_attribute9                  => p_attribute9
      ,p_attribute10                 => p_attribute10
      ,p_attribute11                 => p_attribute11
      ,p_attribute12                 => p_attribute12
      ,p_attribute13                 => p_attribute13
      ,p_attribute14                 => p_attribute14
      ,p_attribute15                 => p_attribute15
      ,p_attribute16                 => p_attribute16
      ,p_attribute17                 => p_attribute17
      ,p_attribute18                 => p_attribute18
      ,p_attribute19                 => p_attribute19
      ,p_attribute20                 => p_attribute20
      ,p_entry_information_category  => p_entry_information_category
      ,p_entry_information1          => p_entry_information1
      ,p_entry_information2          => p_entry_information2
      ,p_entry_information3          => p_entry_information3
      ,p_entry_information4          => p_entry_information4
      ,p_entry_information5          => p_entry_information5
      ,p_entry_information6          => p_entry_information6
      ,p_entry_information7          => p_entry_information7
      ,p_entry_information8          => p_entry_information8
      ,p_entry_information9          => p_entry_information9
      ,p_entry_information10         => p_entry_information10
      ,p_entry_information11         => p_entry_information11
      ,p_entry_information12         => p_entry_information12
      ,p_entry_information13         => p_entry_information13
      ,p_entry_information14         => p_entry_information14
      ,p_entry_information15         => p_entry_information15
      ,p_entry_information16         => p_entry_information16
      ,p_entry_information17         => p_entry_information17
      ,p_entry_information18         => p_entry_information18
      ,p_entry_information19         => p_entry_information19
      ,p_entry_information20         => p_entry_information20
      ,p_entry_information21         => p_entry_information21
      ,p_entry_information22         => p_entry_information22
      ,p_entry_information23         => p_entry_information23
      ,p_entry_information24         => p_entry_information24
      ,p_entry_information25         => p_entry_information25
      ,p_entry_information26         => p_entry_information26
      ,p_entry_information27         => p_entry_information27
      ,p_entry_information28         => p_entry_information28
      ,p_entry_information29         => p_entry_information29
      ,p_entry_information30         => p_entry_information30
      ,p_date_earned                 => l_date_earned
      ,p_personal_payment_method_id  => p_personal_payment_method_id
      ,p_subpriority                 => p_subpriority
      ,p_effective_start_date        => l_effective_start_date
      ,p_effective_end_date          => l_effective_end_date
      ,p_batch_line_id               => l_batch_line_id
      ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number);
  -- Call After Process User Hook
      (p_session_date                   => l_session_date
      ,p_batch_id                       => p_batch_id
      ,p_batch_line_status              => p_batch_line_status
      ,p_assignment_id                  => p_assignment_id
      ,p_assignment_number              => p_assignment_number
      ,p_attribute_category             => p_attribute_category
      ,p_attribute1                     => p_attribute1
      ,p_attribute2                     => p_attribute2
      ,p_attribute3                     => p_attribute3
      ,p_attribute4                     => p_attribute4
      ,p_attribute5                     => p_attribute5
      ,p_attribute6                     => p_attribute6
      ,p_attribute7                     => p_attribute7
      ,p_attribute8                     => p_attribute8
      ,p_attribute9                     => p_attribute9
      ,p_attribute10                    => p_attribute10
      ,p_attribute11                    => p_attribute11
      ,p_attribute12                    => p_attribute12
      ,p_attribute13                    => p_attribute13
      ,p_attribute14                    => p_attribute14
      ,p_attribute15                    => p_attribute15
      ,p_attribute16                    => p_attribute16
      ,p_attribute17                    => p_attribute17
      ,p_attribute18                    => p_attribute18
      ,p_attribute19                    => p_attribute19
      ,p_attribute20                    => p_attribute20
      ,p_entry_information_category     => p_entry_information_category
      ,p_entry_information1             => p_entry_information1
      ,p_entry_information2             => p_entry_information2
      ,p_entry_information3             => p_entry_information3
      ,p_entry_information4             => p_entry_information4
      ,p_entry_information5             => p_entry_information5
      ,p_entry_information6             => p_entry_information6
      ,p_entry_information7             => p_entry_information7
      ,p_entry_information8             => p_entry_information8
      ,p_entry_information9             => p_entry_information9
      ,p_entry_information10            => p_entry_information10
      ,p_entry_information11            => p_entry_information11
      ,p_entry_information12            => p_entry_information12
      ,p_entry_information13            => p_entry_information13
      ,p_entry_information14            => p_entry_information14
      ,p_entry_information15            => p_entry_information15
      ,p_entry_information16            => p_entry_information16
      ,p_entry_information17            => p_entry_information17
      ,p_entry_information18            => p_entry_information18
      ,p_entry_information19            => p_entry_information19
      ,p_entry_information20            => p_entry_information20
      ,p_entry_information21            => p_entry_information21
      ,p_entry_information22            => p_entry_information22
      ,p_entry_information23            => p_entry_information23
      ,p_entry_information24            => p_entry_information24
      ,p_entry_information25            => p_entry_information25
      ,p_entry_information26            => p_entry_information26
      ,p_entry_information27            => p_entry_information27
      ,p_entry_information28            => p_entry_information28
      ,p_entry_information29            => p_entry_information29
      ,p_entry_information30            => p_entry_information30
      ,p_date_earned                    => l_date_earned
      ,p_personal_payment_method_id     => p_personal_payment_method_id
      ,p_subpriority                    => p_subpriority
      ,p_batch_sequence                 => p_batch_sequence
      ,p_concatenated_segments          => p_concatenated_segments
      ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id     => p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
      ,p_effective_date                 => l_effective_date
      ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
      ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
      ,p_element_name                   => p_element_name
      ,p_element_type_id                => p_element_type_id
      ,p_entry_type                     => p_entry_type
      ,p_reason                         => p_reason
      ,p_segment1                       => p_segment1
      ,p_segment2                       => p_segment2
      ,p_segment3                       => p_segment3
      ,p_segment4                       => p_segment4
      ,p_segment5                       => p_segment5
      ,p_segment6                       => p_segment6
      ,p_segment7                       => p_segment7
      ,p_segment8                       => p_segment8
      ,p_segment9                       => p_segment9
      ,p_segment10                      => p_segment10
      ,p_segment11                      => p_segment11
      ,p_segment12                      => p_segment12
      ,p_segment13                      => p_segment13
      ,p_segment14                      => p_segment14
      ,p_segment15                      => p_segment15
      ,p_segment16                      => p_segment16
      ,p_segment17                      => p_segment17
      ,p_segment18                      => p_segment18
      ,p_segment19                      => p_segment19
      ,p_segment20                      => p_segment20
      ,p_segment21                      => p_segment21
      ,p_segment22                      => p_segment22
      ,p_segment23                      => p_segment23
      ,p_segment24                      => p_segment24
      ,p_segment25                      => p_segment25
      ,p_segment26                      => p_segment26
      ,p_segment27                      => p_segment27
      ,p_segment28                      => p_segment28
      ,p_segment29                      => p_segment29
      ,p_segment30                      => p_segment30
      ,p_value_1                        => l_value_1
      ,p_value_2                        => l_value_2
      ,p_value_3                        => l_value_3
      ,p_value_4                        => l_value_4
      ,p_value_5                        => l_value_5
      ,p_value_6                        => l_value_6
      ,p_value_7                        => l_value_7
      ,p_value_8                        => l_value_8
      ,p_value_9                        => l_value_9
      ,p_value_10                       => l_value_10
      ,p_value_11                       => l_value_11
      ,p_value_12                       => l_value_12
      ,p_value_13                       => l_value_13
      ,p_value_14                       => l_value_14
      ,p_value_15                       => l_value_15
      ,p_batch_line_id                  => l_batch_line_id
      ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
    when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
        (p_module_name => create_batch_line_a
        ,p_hook_type   => AP
  -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
  if p_validate then
    raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
  end if;
  -- Set all output arguments
  p_batch_line_id          := l_batch_line_id;
  p_object_version_number  := l_object_version_number;
  hr_utility.set_location( Leaving:||l_proc, 70);
  when hr_api.validate_enabled then
    -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
    -- we must rollback to the savepoint
    rollback to create_batch_line;
    -- Only set output warning arguments
    -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
    -- when validation only mode is being used.)
    p_batch_line_id          := null;
    p_object_version_number  := null;
    hr_utility.set_location( Leaving:||l_proc, 80);
  when others then
    -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
    rollback to create_batch_line;
    p_batch_line_id          := null;
    p_object_version_number  := null;
    hr_utility.set_location( Leaving:||l_proc, 90);
end create_batch_line;


sql API



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