该函数是怎样工作的。#include<iostream> using namespace std; void show(const char * a, int b=0); void show(const char * a, int b) { static int uses = 0; int lim = ++uses; cout << "第" << uses << "次调用.\n"; if(b==0) lim = 1; for (int i=0; i<lim; i++) cout <<a<<endl; } int main() { int i; const char * p = "hello world\n"; cout <<"输入函数调用次数:"; cin >> i; while(i>=0) { cout << "參数n为:" <<i; show(p, i); i--; } cout << "默认n为0:"; show(p); return 0; }
的引用、char指针、double和int作为參数。并用最后3个值设置对应的结构成员。最后3个參数的默认值分别为"Millennium Munch"、2.85和350。另外,该程序还包括一个以CandyBar的引用为參数。并显示结构内容的函数。请尽可能使用const.#include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int MAX=60; struct CandyBar{ char brand[MAX]; double weight; int energy; }; void init( CandyBar & cb, const char *br = "Millennium Munch", double we = 2.85, int ca = 350 ); void display(const CandyBar & cb); int main() { CandyBar candybar; cout << "默认的candybar为:"<<endl; init(candybar); display(candybar); char newBrand[MAX]; double newWeight; int newEnergy; cout << "请输入新的candybar数据:"<<endl; cout << "brand: "; cin.get(newBrand, MAX); cout << "weight: "; cin >> newWeight; cout << "Energy: "; cin >> newEnergy; init(candybar, newBrand, newWeight, newEnergy); display(candybar); return 0; } void init(CandyBar &cb,const char *br, double we, int ca) { strcpy(cb.brand, br); cb.weight = we; cb.energy = ca; } void display(const CandyBar &cb) { cout << "新的candybar为:\n"; cout << "brand: " << cb.brand<<endl; cout << "weight: "<<cb.weight<<endl; cout << "energy: "<<cb.energy<<endl; }
enter a string (q to quit) :go away
next string (q to quit) : good grief !
next string (q to quit) : q
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; void wordupper(string &a); int main() { string str; cout << "Enter a string (1 to quit):"; getline(cin, str); int i=0; while (str != "q") { wordupper(str); cout << str <<endl; cout << "next string (q to quit):"; getline(cin, str); } cout << "bey!\n"; return 0; } void wordupper(string &a) { int i; while (a[i]) { a[i] = toupper(a[i]); i++; } }
#include<iostream> template<class T> T max5(T ar[]) { int n; T max = ar[0]; for (n=1; n<5; n++) if (ar[n] > max) max = ar[n]; return max; } const int lim = 5; int main() { using namespace std; double ard[lim] = {-3.1, 8.1, -71.1, 34.4, 2.3}; int ari[lim] = {2, 3, 10, 9, 7}; double md; int mi; md = max5(ard); mi = max5(ari); cout << "Max double = " << md <<endl; cout << "Max int = " << mi <<endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<cstring> template<class T> T maxn(T ar[], int n) { int i; T max = ar[0]; for (i=1; i<n; i++) if(ar[i] > max) max = ar[i]; return max; } template<> const char * maxn(const char * arr[], int n) { const char * max = arr[0]; int i; for (i=1; i<n; i++) if(strlen(arr[i]) > strlen(max)) max = arr[i]; return max; } int main() { using namespace std; int ari[6] = {8,4,2,7,10,22}; double ard[4] = {-3.1, 8.1, -71.1, 34.4}; const char * char_arr[5] = { "hello world!", "what your name?", "I love you", "you are wonderful", "hi" }; cout << "The max integer of array is:" << maxn(ari, 6) <<endl; cout << "The max double of array is:" << maxn(ard, 4) <<endl; cout << "The max string of array is:" << maxn(char_arr, 5) <<endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> template <typename T> T ShowArray (T arr[], int n); template <typename T> T ShowArray (T * arr[], int n); struct debts { char name[50]; double amount; }; int main(void) { using namespace std; int things[6] = {13, 31, 103, 301, 310, 130}; struct debts mr_E[3] = { {"Ima Wolfe",2400.0}, {"Ura Foxe ",1300.0}, {"Iby Stout",1800.0} }; double* pd[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) pd[i] = &mr_E[i].amount; cout<<"Listing Mr. E's counts of things:\n"; cout << ShowArray(things,6) <<endl; cout<<"Listing Mr. E's debts:\n"; cout << ShowArray(pd,3) <<endl; return 0; } template <typename T> T ShowArray (T arr[],int n) { using namespace std; T total = 0; cout<<"template A\n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) total +=arr[i]; return total; } template <typename T> T ShowArray (T * arr[], int n) { using namespace std; T total = 0; cout<< "template B\n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) total += *arr[i]; return total; }