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I just did a quick test with this CNBlogs.CodeHighlighter plug-in :
#!/usr/local/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-. # line of utf-8 is for multi-language # optional 4-spaces before line rule for Python. import sys sys.path.append("/homes/sli/pexpect-2.3/") import pexpect import time import re import os statsre = re.compile("(May 1. \d+:\d+:\d+).*? Input packets:[ ]+(\d+).*? Output packets:[ ]+(\d+).*? Errors: (\d+),", re.DOTALL) # def function_name(): # The definition ends where the indentation ends. def logging(fo, str): fo.write(str) print str def process(prev, output): m = statsre.findall(output) val = int(m[0][3]) #if prev: # if (val-prev>0): # print "%d drops at %s" % (val-prev, m[0][0]) return val # input() actually evaluates the input as Python code. # raw_input() returns the verbatim string entered by the user. routername = raw_input("enter routername:") # raw_input is the same as input but omits the evaluation. for i in range(10): print "Loop #%d" % i try: cct = pexpect.spawn("ssh labroot@%s" % routername) # ssh the router and answered yes/no first before this script # cct.expect("login: ") # cct.sendline("labroot") cct.expect("assword:") cct.sendline("lab123") cct.expect("> ") print "on router Iqbal-RE0, 1st try ok!" prompt = cct.before.split(‘\n‘)[-1]+">" # correct one for the prompt prompt0 = cct.before prompt1 = cct.before.split(">") # test prompt1 prompt2 = cct.before.split(‘\n‘) # test prompt2 prompt3 = cct.before.split(‘\n‘)[-1] # test prompt3 print "prompt is", prompt print "prompt0 is", prompt0 print "prompt1 is", prompt1 print "prompt2 is", prompt2 print "prompt3 is", prompt3 except: time.sleep(5) cct = pexpect.spawn("ssh labroot@%s" % routername) # cct.expect("login: ") # cct.sendline("labroot") cct.expect("assword:") cct.sendline("lab123") cct.expect("> ") print "on router Iqbal-RE0, 2nd try ok!" prompt = cct.before.split(‘\n‘)[-1]+">" print "prompt is", prompt cct.sendline(‘set cli screen-width 300‘) cct.expect(prompt) cct.sendline(‘set cli screen-length 0‘) cct.expect(prompt) cct.sendline(‘set cli timestamp‘) cct.expect(prompt) f = open(‘%s_%d.txt‘ % (routername,i), ‘w‘) # open with mode w for write, a for append # commands cct.sendline(‘show system uptime | no-more‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show system uptime | no-more‘ # print cct.before # test what‘s cct.before is, also the syntax for print f.write(cct.before) cct.sendline(‘show bgp summary | no-more‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show bgp summary | no-more‘ # print(cct.before) # test what‘s cct.before is, , also the syntax for print f.write(cct.before) cct.sendline(‘show chassis routing-engine | no-more‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show chassis routing-engine | no-more‘ # print cct.before # test what‘s cct.before is f.write(cct.before) cct.sendline(‘show system core-dumps | no-more ‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show system core-dumps | no-more ‘ f.write(cct.before) cct.timeout = 30 cct.sendline(‘show krt queue | no-more‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show krt queue | no-more‘ f.write(cct.before) cct.sendline(‘show system storage | no-more‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show system storage | no-more‘ f.write(cct.before) cct.sendline(‘show system core-dumps | match "sep " | no-more‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show system core-dumps | match "sep " | no-more‘ f.write(cct.before) cct.sendline(‘show krt table ‘) cct.expect(prompt) print ‘show krt table ‘ f.write(cct.before) # check if new core dump on backup RE def extract_nbr(str): [int(s) for s in str.split() if s.isdigit()] # extract all numbers from the string "str" cct.sendline(‘show system core-dumps | match ksync | count‘) cct.expect(prompt) f.write(cct.before) str1 = cct.before # print out should be <x> lines str2 = cct.before.split(‘count‘)[-1] str3 = cct.before.split(‘Count‘)[-1] # print out should be : #n lines ( of ksyncd cores ) str4 = ‘test1 1909 test2 3030 test3 -55 test4 -1001 test5 2002 test6 6000‘ print "string1 is : ", str1 print "string2 is : %s " % str2 print "string3 is : %s " % str3 k2 = 1* [int(s) for s in str3.split() if s.isdigit()] # output should be [n] print k2 k3 = k2[0] # output should be number n now, #n lines of ksyncd there :-) print "k3=",k3 list = [int(s) for s in str4.split() if s.isdigit()] # output should be a list of numbers [ n1 n2 n3 n4] for positive numbers k5 = list[0] # negative numbers can‘t be extracted from this function! k6 = list[1] k7 = list[2] k8 = list[3] # k9 = list[4] # k10 = list[5] # k11 = list[6] print (k5,k6,k7,k8) cct.sendline(‘show system core-dumps | match ksync‘) cct.expect(prompt) f.write(cct.before) res = cct.before print res if (‘ksyncd‘ in res) and k3 > 20 : print "Found new core dump!!!" f.write(‘New ksyncd core dump on backup\n‘) break else: f.write(‘no new ksyncd core dump on backup\n‘) print ‘no new ksyncd core dump on backup‘ cct.sendline(‘re-request chassis routing-engine master switch no-confirm | no-more‘) cct.expect(prompt) f.write(cct.before) print ‘switchover just happened and will sleep %d seconds‘ % cct.timeout # close the file f.close() cct.sendline(‘exit‘) time.sleep(cct.timeout) [sli ~/my-test]$
test Python source code plugin with Windows live writter 2012–