<#assign x = "plain"> 1. ${x} <#-- we see the plain var. here --> <@test/> 6. ${x} <#-- the value of plain var. was not changed --> <#list ["loop"] as x> 7. ${x} <#-- now the loop var. hides the plain var. --> <#assign x = "plain2"> <#-- replace the plain var, hiding does not mater here --> 8. ${x} <#-- it still hides the plain var. --> </#list> 9. ${x} <#-- the new value of plain var. -->
<#macro test> 2. ${x} <#-- we still see the plain var. here --> <#local x = "local"> 3. ${x} <#-- now the local var. hides it --> <#list ["loop"] as x> 4. ${x} <#-- now the loop var. hides the local var. --> </#list> 5. ${x} <#-- now we see the local var. again --> </#macro> 结果: 1. plain 2. plain 3. local 4. loop 5. local 6. plain 7. loop 8. loop 9. plain2
<#assign user = "Joe Hider"> ${user} <#-- prints: Joe Hider --> ${.globals.user} <#-- prints: Big Joe --> 命名(namespaces)空间-通常情况,只使用一个命名空间,称为主命名空间(main namespace),但你是不会意识到这些的;为了创建可重用的macro、transforms或其它变量的集合(通常称库),必须使用多命名空间,为了防止同名冲突。
<#macro copyright date> <p>Copyright (C) ${date} Julia Smith. All rights reserved. <br>Email: ${mail}</p> </#macro> <#assign mail = "jsmith@acme.com"> 使用import指令导入库到模板中,Freemarker会为导入的库创建新的命名空间,并可以通过import指令中指定的hash(散列)变量访问库中的变量:
<p>Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Julia Smith. All rights reserved. <br>Email: jsmith@acme.com</p> jsmith@acme.com fred@acme.com 上面的例子中使用的两个同名变量并没有冲突,因为它们位于不同的命名空间
<#import "/lib/my_test.ftl" as my> ${my.mail} <#assign mail="jsmith@other.com" in my> ${my.mail} 结果: jsmith@acme.com jsmith@other.com
<#macro copyright date> <p>Copyright (C) ${date} ${user}. All rights reserved.</p> </#macro> <#assign mail = "${user}@acme.com"> 假设数据模型中的user变量的值是Fred:
<#import "/lib/my_test.ftl" as my> <@my.copyright date="1999-2002"/> ${my.mail} 结果: <p>Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Fred. All rights reserved.</p> Fred@acme.com