Gdiplus::Font font(_T("微软雅黑"), (Gdiplus::REAL)130); Gdiplus::RectF orgin(0.0f, 100.0f, nWidth, 200.0f); Gdiplus::StringFormat stringformat; stringformat.SetAlignment(Gdiplus::StringAlignmentCenter); //stringformat.SetLineAlignment(Gdiplus::StringAlignmentCenter); Gdiplus::SolidBrush solidBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 0, 0)); graphics.DrawString(strFailedContent.c_str(), -1, &font, orgin, &stringformat, &solidBrush);
float GetTextWidthFloor(const wstring& strText, const Gdiplus::Font& font) { Gdiplus::StringFormat stringformat(Gdiplus::StringAlignmentNear); Gdiplus::GraphicsPath graphicsPathObj; Gdiplus::FontFamily fontfamily; font.GetFamily(&fontfamily); Gdiplus::RectF rcBound; graphicsPathObj.AddString(strText.c_str(), -1, &fontfamily, font.GetStyle(), font.GetSize(), Gdiplus::PointF(0, 0), &stringformat); graphicsPathObj.GetBounds(&rcBound); return (float)(rcBound.Width); } int GetTextWidth(const wstring& strText, const Gdiplus::Font& font) { // calculate spaces width of text head // due to gdiplus do not care about it int nHeadSpace = 0; int nLen = strText.size(); for (int i=0; i<nLen; ++i) { if (0x20 == strText.at(i)) nHeadSpace++; else{ break; } } // calculate space width static float fSpaceWidth = 0.0f; if ((fSpaceWidth >= -0.00001f && fSpaceWidth <= 0.00001f) && nHeadSpace > 0) { fSpaceWidth = GetTextWidthFloor(_T("a b"), font) - GetTextWidthFloor(_T("ab"), font); } float fResult = GetTextWidthFloor(strText, font) + (float)nHeadSpace * fSpaceWidth; return (int)fResult + 1; }