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Supporting Python 3(支持Python 3):深入指南

时间:2015-09-19 11:03:38      阅读:231      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


Supporting Python 3: An in-depth guide

Supporting Python 3 doesn’t have to be daunting. This book guides you through the process of adding Python 3 support, from choosing a strategy to solving your distribution issues. Using plenty of code examples, it guides you across the hurdles and shows you the new Python features.

Crowd funding successful!

This book has been helpful for a lot of people, but is now in risk of getting outdated. But that’s tp the community helping out this book will make it into a community project that everyone can update!

Get the book!

  • PDF version! Get it for when you are offline!

  • Paperback version! Yes, the book is back in print! For reading in bed or at the beach! It’s available from many channels:

  • 14 more pages!

  • Several new tricky bits explained!

  • Fewer spelling errors!


There is also a list of Errata, still fairly short.

About the Author

Lennart Regebro, has been a full time Python developer since 2001 and has been using Python 3 since early 2008.

If you have any questions mail regebro@gmail.com .

Supporting Python 3(支持Python 3):深入指南



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