[1]IE9-(<!--[if IE]><![endif]-->)
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[2]仅单一IE(<!--[if IE 6]><![endif]-->)
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[3]大于 gt || 大于等于 gte || 小于 lt || 小于等于 lte(<!--[if gte IE 8]><![endif]-->)
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[4]非IE(IE10+也能识别),此处多加的<-->,在IE中被当作内部注释,而在非IE浏览器中会闭合之前的注释(<!--[if !IE]><--><![endif]-->)
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[3]IE8(@media \0)
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[6]chrome、safari、opera(@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0))
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function isSortable(object){ return !!object.sort; }
var result = isSortable({sort:true});
function isSortable(object){ return typeof object.sort == "function"; } //上面的typeof操作符用于确定sort的确是一个函数,因此可以调用它对数据进行排序
[BUG]在IE中typeof xhr.open会返回"unkown"
if(window.ActiveXObject){ var xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHttp"); alert(typeof xhr.open) }
function isHostMethod(object,property){ var t = typeof object[property]; return t == "function" || (!!(t == "object" && object[property])) || t== "unknown"; }
if(typeof document.createElement == "Object"){ alert(1) }
if(document.all){ alert(1) }
if(window.ActiveXObject){ alert(1) }
if(window.chrome){ alert(1) }
function isIE(){ var ua = navigator.userAgent; //检测Trident引擎,IE8+ if(/Trident/.test(ua)){ //IE11+ if(/rv:(\d+)/.test(ua)){ return RegExp["$1"]; } //IE8-IE10 if(/MSIE (\d+)/.test(ua)){ return RegExp["$1"]; } } //检测IE标识,IE7- if(/MSIE (\d+)/.test(ua)){ return RegExp["$1"]; } } console.log(isIE());//只有IE会返回版本号,其他浏览器都返回undefined
function isChrome(){ var ua = navigator.userAgent; //先排除opera,因为opera只是在chrome的userAgent后加入了自己的标识 if(!/OPR/.test(ua)){ if(/Chrome\/(\S+)/.test(ua)){ return RegExp["$1"]; } } } console.log(isChrome());//只有Chrome会返回版本号,其他浏览器都返回undefined
function isSafari(){ var ua = navigator.userAgent; //先排除opera if(!/OPR/.test(ua)){ //检测出chrome和safari浏览器 if(/Safari/.test(ua)){ //检测出safari if(/Version\/(\S+)/.test(ua)){ return RegExp["$1"]; } } } } console.log(isSafari());//只有safari会返回版本号,其他浏览器都返回undefined
function isFireFox(){ if(/Firefox\/(\S+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ return RegExp["$1"]; } } console.log(isFireFox());//只有firefox会返回版本号,其他浏览器都返回undefined
function isOpera(){ var ua = navigator.userAgent; if(/OPR\/(\S+)/.test(ua)){ return RegExp["$1"]; } } console.log(isOpera());//只有opera会返回版本号,其他浏览器都返回undefined