这是最近公司的一个系统需要用到的筛选功能,为了方便日后维护迭代升级,功能的增加,我写了一个插件,支持自定义模块、自定义默认显示几行,超出后出现更多按钮以及是否显示确定按钮, 不管一个页面中有多少个筛选模块,都可复用,只需要后台传给json数据,操作后通过回调函数实时返给后台同样的数据格式,以达到数据、表现、操作的分离。
* @Author:虾兵 @Blog:http: //ddbing.com/ * @param options: 前台传过来的参数,格式如: { title: null , pid: ‘screen-wrap‘ , cid: ‘platform‘ , data: null , rows: 2, ok: true , okVal: ‘\u786E\u5B9A‘ , callback: null };。 * @param title: 筛选模块标题,默认为空。 * @param pid: 筛选模块的父级id,默认id为 screen-wrap。 * @param cid: 筛选模块id,以区分多个筛选模块的情况,默认id为 platform,代表平台。 * @param data: 后台传过来的数据,格式如: [ { "id" : "27" , "name" : "6a818a" }, { "id" : "38" , "name" : "6a818b" } ];。 * @param ok: 是否显示确定按钮,默认显示为: true 。 * @param okVal: 确定按钮的文字,默认为:确定。 * @param rows: 默认显示多少行,超出出现 ‘更多‘ 按钮,默认为2行。 * @param callback: 回调函数,返回选中的数据,格式JSON,撤销全部返回空数组[]。 */ ;( function ($, window, document, undefined) { var QueryScreen = function (options){ this .opts = $.extend({}, this .defaults,options); this .arrSelect = []; }; QueryScreen.prototype = { constructor:QueryScreen, init: function (){ var that = this , opts = that.opts, pid = opts.pid, temp = that.getTemp(); $( ‘#‘ +pid).append(temp); that.handleRows() .handleMore() .handleList() .selectAll(); }, //处理行及是否显示更多按钮 handleRows: function (){ var that = this , opts = that.opts, _$cid = $( ‘#‘ +opts.cid), rows = opts.rows, nums = 6*rows, dataLen = opts.data.length; if ( dataLen-nums <= 0 ) { _$cid.find( ‘.more‘ ).addClass( ‘hide‘ ); } else { nums = nums-1; _$cid.find( ‘.lists li:gt(‘ +nums+ ‘)‘ ).addClass( ‘hide‘ ); }; return that; }, //处理更多按钮 handleMore: function (){ var that = this , opts = that.opts, _$cid = $( ‘#‘ +opts.cid), rows = opts.rows, nums = 6*rows-1; _$cid.find( ‘.more‘ ).children( ‘a‘ ).on( ‘click‘ , function (){ var t = $( this ); if (t.hasClass( ‘up‘ )){ t.removeClass( ‘up‘ ); _$cid.find( ‘.lists li:gt(‘ +nums+ ‘)‘ ).slideUp( ‘fast‘ ); } else { t.addClass( ‘up‘ ); _$cid.find( ‘.lists li‘ ).slideDown( ‘fast‘ ); } }); return that; }, //处理点击选择选项后 handleList: function (){ var that = this , opts = that.opts, _$cid = $( ‘#‘ +opts.cid), _$lists = _$cid.find( ‘li a‘ ), arrSelect = that.arrSelect, dataLen = opts.data.length; var Selected = function (id,name){ this .id = id; this .name = name; }; _$lists.on( ‘click‘ , function (){ var t = $( this ), dataId, name, activeLen = _$cid.find( ‘.lists‘ ).find( ‘.active‘ ).length + 1; dataId = $.trim(t.attr( ‘data-id‘ )); name = $.trim(t.text()); if (t.hasClass( ‘active‘ )){ $.each(arrSelect, function (key,value){ if (value && value.id && value.id == dataId) { arrSelect.splice(key,1); }; }); t.removeClass( ‘active‘ ); _$cid.find( ‘.handler a‘ ).eq(0).removeClass( ‘active‘ ); that.callback(arrSelect); } else { t.addClass( ‘active‘ ); arrSelect.push( new Selected(dataId,name)); if (activeLen === dataLen) { _$cid.find( ‘.handler a‘ ).eq(0).trigger( ‘click‘ ); } else { that.callback(arrSelect); }; }; }); return that; }, //处理全选、撤销全选 selectAll: function (){ var that = this , opts = that.opts, _$cid = $( ‘#‘ +opts.cid), _$lists = _$cid.find( ‘li a‘ ), _$a = _$cid.find( ‘.handler a‘ ),arrSelect = that.arrSelect; _$a.eq(0).on( ‘click‘ , function (){ var t = $( this ); t.addClass( ‘active‘ ); _$lists.addClass( ‘active‘ ); that.callback(-1); }); _$a.eq(1).on( ‘click‘ , function (){ _$lists.removeClass( ‘active‘ ); arrSelect.length = 0; that.callback([]); _$lists.removeClass( ‘active‘ ); _$a.eq(0).removeClass( ‘active‘ ); }); return that; }, //选择后的回调数据 callback: function (data){ var that = this , opts = that.opts,_data = opts.data,arrSelect= this .arrSelect,json_data = JSON.stringify( this .arrSelect),all_data=JSON.stringify([{ ‘id‘ : ‘-1‘ , ‘name‘ : ‘全部‘ }]); if ( ‘function‘ === typeof opts.callback) { if (data === -1) { opts.callback(all_data); arrSelect.length = 0; $.each(_data, function (i,val){ arrSelect.push({ ‘id‘ :val.id, ‘name‘ :val.name}); }); } else { opts.callback(json_data); } }; return that; }, //处理模板 getTemp: function (){ var that = this , temp = ‘‘ , dataTemp = that.dataTemp(), opts = that.opts, okTemp = that.okTemp(), title = opts.title; temp += ‘‘ + ‘‘ + title + ‘全选撤销全部‘ + ‘‘ + ‘‘ + ‘‘ + dataTemp + ‘‘ + ‘‘ + ‘‘ + ‘更多‘ + ‘‘ + ‘‘ + okTemp + ‘‘ ; return temp; }, //处理数据模板 dataTemp: function (){ var temp = ‘‘ , opts = this .opts, data = opts.data; $.each(data, function (key,value){ temp += ‘‘ + value.name + ‘‘ ; }); return temp; }, //处理是否显示确定按钮 okTemp: function (){ var temp = ‘‘ , opts = this .opts, isOk = opts.ok, okVal = opts.okVal; if (isOk){ temp += ‘‘ + ‘‘ + okVal + ‘‘ + ‘‘ ; }; return temp; }, //默认参数配置 defaults: function (){ var config = { title: null , pid: ‘screen-wrap‘ , cid: ‘platform‘ , data: null , rows: 2, ok: true , okVal: ‘\u786E\u5B9A‘ , callback: null }; return config; }(), }; window.QueryScreen = QueryScreen; }(jQuery, window, document)); |