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拿一个水池水位来说,我们 可以制定一个规则,
把输出分为超大幅 度、大幅度、较大幅度、微小几个区段。

当水位处于较高、趋势缓慢变化 的时候,输出一个微小调节两就够了;
当水位处于中值、趋势较快变化的时候,输出进行叫 大幅度调节……。

如上所述,我们需要制定一个控制规则表,然后制定参数判断水位区段的界值、波动趋 势的界值、输出幅度的界值。






PID Library

PID Front-End using Processing.org

  • Latest version: v0.3

Older Versions can be viewed / downloaded here


What Is PID?

From Wikipedia: "A PID controller calculates an ‘error‘ value as the difference between a measured [Input] and a desired setpoint. The controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting [an Output]."

So, you tell the PID what to measure (the "Input",) Where you want that measurement to be (the "Setpoint",) and the variable to adjust that can make that happen (the "Output".) The PID then adjusts the output trying to make the input equal the setpoint.

For reference, in a car, the Input, Setpoint, and Output would be the speed, desired speed, and gas pedal angle respectively.

Tuning Parameters

The black magic of PID comes in when we talk about HOW it adjusts the Output to drive the Input towards Setpoint. There are 3 Tuning Parameters (or "Tunings"): Kp, Ki & Kd. Adjusting these values will change the way the output is adjusted. Fast? Slow? God-awful? All of these can be achieved depending on the values of Kp, Ki, and Kd.

So what are the "right" tuning values to use? There isn‘t one right answer. The values that work for one application may not work for another, just as the driving style that works for a truck may not work for a race car. With each new application you will need to try Several Tuning values until you find a set that gives you what you want.

Note: there is also now a PID Autotune Library that can help you determine tuning parameters.

Should I Use PID?

PID is a pretty impressive control algorithm, but it‘s not magic. You should at least be able to answer "yes" to these questions:

  • Is it worth the extra work? If you‘re using a more basic system and it‘s working for you, there‘s no real reason to use PID.
  • Is your system repeatable? The PID needs some semblance of repeatability. When the output is changed from A to B, at least roughly the same thing should happen every time. (think of a car where you step on the gas and sometimes you speed up and sometimes you slow down. not repeatable, not a place where you could use PID)

(This list will probably grow as I think of more criteria. These are the big ones though)

A Note About Relays

Even though a PID controller is designed to work with an analog output, it is possible to connect to a discrete output such as a relay. Be sure to look at the RelayOutput example below.


Try the newly created Google group.

The Library

Using The PID Library has two benefits in my mind

  1. There are many ways to write the PID algorithm. A lot of time was spent making the algorithm in this library as solid as any found in industry. If you want to read more about this, check out this detailed explanation.
  2. When using the library all the PID code is self-contained. This makes your code easier to understand. It also lets you do more complex stuff, like say having 8 PIDs in the same program.




* Arduino PID Library - Version 1.1.1
* by Brett Beauregard <br3ttb@gmail.com> brettbeauregard.com
* This Library is licensed under a GPLv3 License

- For an ultra-detailed explanation of why the code is the way it is, please visit:

- For function documentation see: http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/PIDLibrary

#ifndef PID_v1_h
#define PID_v1_h
#define LIBRARY_VERSION    1.1.1

class PID


  //Constants used in some of the functions below
  #define AUTOMATIC    1
  #define MANUAL    0
  #define DIRECT  0
  #define REVERSE  1

  //commonly used functions **************************************************************************
    PID(double*, double*, double*,        // * constructor.  links the PID to the Input, Output, and 
        double, double, double, int);     //   Setpoint.  Initial tuning parameters are also set here
    void SetMode(int Mode);               // * sets PID to either Manual (0) or Auto (non-0)

    bool Compute();                       // * performs the PID calculation.  it should be
                                          //   called every time loop() cycles. ON/OFF and
                                          //   calculation frequency can be set using SetMode
                                          //   SetSampleTime respectively

    void SetOutputLimits(double, double); //clamps the output to a specific range. 0-255 by default, but
                                          //it‘s likely the user will want to change this depending on
                                          //the application

  //available but not commonly used functions ********************************************************
    void SetTunings(double, double,       // * While most users will set the tunings once in the 
                    double);               //   constructor, this function gives the user the option
                                          //   of changing tunings during runtime for Adaptive control
    void SetControllerDirection(int);      // * Sets the Direction, or "Action" of the controller. DIRECT
                                          //   means the output will increase when error is positive. REVERSE
                                          //   means the opposite.  it‘s very unlikely that this will be needed
                                          //   once it is set in the constructor.
    void SetSampleTime(int);              // * sets the frequency, in Milliseconds, with which 
                                          //   the PID calculation is performed.  default is 100
  //Display functions ****************************************************************
    double GetKp();                          // These functions query the pid for interal values.
    double GetKi();                          //  they were created mainly for the pid front-end,
    double GetKd();                          // where it‘s important to know what is actually 
    int GetMode();                          //  inside the PID.
    int GetDirection();                      //

    void Initialize();
    double dispKp;                // * we‘ll hold on to the tuning parameters in user-entered 
    double dispKi;                //   format for display purposes
    double dispKd;                //
    double kp;                  // * (P)roportional Tuning Parameter
    double ki;                  // * (I)ntegral Tuning Parameter
    double kd;                  // * (D)erivative Tuning Parameter

    int controllerDirection;

    double *myInput;              // * Pointers to the Input, Output, and Setpoint variables
    double *myOutput;             //   This creates a hard link between the variables and the 
    double *mySetpoint;           //   PID, freeing the user from having to constantly tell us
                                  //   what these values are.  with pointers we‘ll just know.
    unsigned long lastTime;
    double ITerm, lastInput;

    unsigned long SampleTime;
    double outMin, outMax;
    bool inAuto;
 * Arduino PID Library - Version 1.1.1
 * by Brett Beauregard <br3ttb@gmail.com> brettbeauregard.com
 * This Library is licensed under a GPLv3 License

#if ARDUINO >= 100
  #include "Arduino.h"
  #include "WProgram.h"

#include <PID_v1.h>

/*Constructor (...)*********************************************************
 *    The parameters specified here are those for for which we can‘t set up 
 *    reliable defaults, so we need to have the user set them.
PID::PID(double* Input, double* Output, double* Setpoint,
        double Kp, double Ki, double Kd, int ControllerDirection)
    myOutput = Output;
    myInput = Input;
    mySetpoint = Setpoint;
    inAuto = false;
    PID::SetOutputLimits(0, 255);                //default output limit corresponds to 
                                                //the arduino pwm limits

    SampleTime = 100;                            //default Controller Sample Time is 0.1 seconds

    PID::SetTunings(Kp, Ki, Kd);

    lastTime = millis()-SampleTime;                
/* Compute() **********************************************************************
 *     This, as they say, is where the magic happens.  this function should be called
 *   every time "void loop()" executes.  the function will decide for itself whether a new
 *   pid Output needs to be computed.  returns true when the output is computed,
 *   false when nothing has been done.
bool PID::Compute()
   if(!inAuto) return false;
   unsigned long now = millis();
   unsigned long timeChange = (now - lastTime);
      /*Compute all the working error variables*/
      double input = *myInput;
      double error = *mySetpoint - input;
      ITerm+= (ki * error);
      if(ITerm > outMax) ITerm= outMax;
      else if(ITerm < outMin) ITerm= outMin;
      double dInput = (input - lastInput);
      /*Compute PID Output*/
      double output = kp * error + ITerm- kd * dInput;
      if(output > outMax) output = outMax;
      else if(output < outMin) output = outMin;
      *myOutput = output;
      /*Remember some variables for next time*/
      lastInput = input;
      lastTime = now;
      return true;
   else return false;

/* SetTunings(...)*************************************************************
 * This function allows the controller‘s dynamic performance to be adjusted. 
 * it‘s called automatically from the constructor, but tunings can also
 * be adjusted on the fly during normal operation
void PID::SetTunings(double Kp, double Ki, double Kd)
   if (Kp<0 || Ki<0 || Kd<0) return;
   dispKp = Kp; dispKi = Ki; dispKd = Kd;
   double SampleTimeInSec = ((double)SampleTime)/1000;  
   kp = Kp;
   ki = Ki * SampleTimeInSec;
   kd = Kd / SampleTimeInSec;
  if(controllerDirection ==REVERSE)
      kp = (0 - kp);
      ki = (0 - ki);
      kd = (0 - kd);
/* SetSampleTime(...) *********************************************************
 * sets the period, in Milliseconds, at which the calculation is performed    
void PID::SetSampleTime(int NewSampleTime)
   if (NewSampleTime > 0)
      double ratio  = (double)NewSampleTime
                      / (double)SampleTime;
      ki *= ratio;
      kd /= ratio;
      SampleTime = (unsigned long)NewSampleTime;
/* SetOutputLimits(...)****************************************************
 *     This function will be used far more often than SetInputLimits.  while
 *  the input to the controller will generally be in the 0-1023 range (which is
 *  the default already,)  the output will be a little different.  maybe they‘ll
 *  be doing a time window and will need 0-8000 or something.  or maybe they‘ll
 *  want to clamp it from 0-125.  who knows.  at any rate, that can all be done
 *  here.
void PID::SetOutputLimits(double Min, double Max)
   if(Min >= Max) return;
   outMin = Min;
   outMax = Max;
       if(*myOutput > outMax) *myOutput = outMax;
       else if(*myOutput < outMin) *myOutput = outMin;
       if(ITerm > outMax) ITerm= outMax;
       else if(ITerm < outMin) ITerm= outMin;

/* SetMode(...)****************************************************************
 * Allows the controller Mode to be set to manual (0) or Automatic (non-zero)
 * when the transition from manual to auto occurs, the controller is
 * automatically initialized
void PID::SetMode(int Mode)
    bool newAuto = (Mode == AUTOMATIC);
    if(newAuto == !inAuto)
    {  /*we just went from manual to auto*/
    inAuto = newAuto;
/* Initialize()****************************************************************
 *    does all the things that need to happen to ensure a bumpless transfer
 *  from manual to automatic mode.
void PID::Initialize()
   ITerm = *myOutput;
   lastInput = *myInput;
   if(ITerm > outMax) ITerm = outMax;
   else if(ITerm < outMin) ITerm = outMin;

/* SetControllerDirection(...)*************************************************
 * The PID will either be connected to a DIRECT acting process (+Output leads 
 * to +Input) or a REVERSE acting process(+Output leads to -Input.)  we need to
 * know which one, because otherwise we may increase the output when we should
 * be decreasing.  This is called from the constructor.
void PID::SetControllerDirection(int Direction)
   if(inAuto && Direction !=controllerDirection)
      kp = (0 - kp);
      ki = (0 - ki);
      kd = (0 - kd);
   controllerDirection = Direction;

/* Status Funcions*************************************************************
 * Just because you set the Kp=-1 doesn‘t mean it actually happened.  these
 * functions query the internal state of the PID.  they‘re here for display 
 * purposes.  this are the functions the PID Front-end uses for example
double PID::GetKp(){ return  dispKp; }
double PID::GetKi(){ return  dispKi;}
double PID::GetKd(){ return  dispKd;}
int PID::GetMode(){ return  inAuto ? AUTOMATIC : MANUAL;}
int PID::GetDirection(){ return controllerDirection;}




 * PID Basic Example
 * Reading analog input 0 to control analog PWM output 3

#include <PID_v1.h>

#define PIN_INPUT 0
#define PIN_OUTPUT 3

//Define Variables we‘ll be connecting to
double Setpoint, Input, Output;

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
double Kp=2, Ki=5, Kd=1;
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT);

void setup()
  //initialize the variables we‘re linked to
  Input = analogRead(PIN_INPUT);
  Setpoint = 100;

  //turn the PID on

void loop()
  Input = analogRead(PIN_INPUT);
  analogWrite(PIN_OUTPUT, Output);




 * PID Adaptive Tuning Example
 * One of the benefits of the PID library is that you can
 * change the tuning parameters at any time.  this can be
 * helpful if we want the controller to be agressive at some
 * times, and conservative at others.   in the example below
 * we set the controller to use Conservative Tuning Parameters
 * when we‘re near setpoint and more agressive Tuning
 * Parameters when we‘re farther away.

#include <PID_v1.h>

#define PIN_INPUT 0
#define PIN_OUTPUT 3

//Define Variables we‘ll be connecting to
double Setpoint, Input, Output;

//Define the aggressive and conservative Tuning Parameters
double aggKp=4, aggKi=0.2, aggKd=1;
double consKp=1, consKi=0.05, consKd=0.25;

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, consKp, consKi, consKd, DIRECT);

void setup()
  //initialize the variables we‘re linked to
  Input = analogRead(PIN_INPUT);
  Setpoint = 100;

  //turn the PID on

void loop()
  Input = analogRead(PIN_INPUT);

  double gap = abs(Setpoint-Input); //distance away from setpoint
  if (gap < 10)
  {  //we‘re close to setpoint, use conservative tuning parameters
    myPID.SetTunings(consKp, consKi, consKd);
     //we‘re far from setpoint, use aggressive tuning parameters
     myPID.SetTunings(aggKp, aggKi, aggKd);

  analogWrite(PIN_OUTPUT, Output);


 * PID RelayOutput Example
 * Same as basic example, except that this time, the output
 * is going to a digital pin which (we presume) is controlling
 * a relay.  the pid is designed to Output an analog value,
 * but the relay can only be On/Off.
 *   to connect them together we use "time proportioning
 * control"  it‘s essentially a really slow version of PWM.
 * first we decide on a window size (5000mS say.) we then
 * set the pid to adjust its output between 0 and that window
 * size.  lastly, we add some logic that translates the PID
 * output into "Relay On Time" with the remainder of the
 * window being "Relay Off Time"

#include <PID_v1.h>

#define PIN_INPUT 0
#define RELAY_PIN 6

//Define Variables we‘ll be connecting to
double Setpoint, Input, Output;

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
double Kp=2, Ki=5, Kd=1;
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT);

int WindowSize = 5000;
unsigned long windowStartTime;

void setup()
  windowStartTime = millis();

  //initialize the variables we‘re linked to
  Setpoint = 100;

  //tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size
  myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, WindowSize);

  //turn the PID on

void loop()
  Input = analogRead(PIN_INPUT);

   * turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
  if (millis() - windowStartTime > WindowSize)
  { //time to shift the Relay Window
    windowStartTime += WindowSize;
  if (Output < millis() - windowStartTime) digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);







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