接下来我们开始介绍Hibernate的数据类型,因为我们现在暂时只关注Hibernate这块,因此我们这次只建立一个Java Project,命名为hibernate2。
加入hibernate JAR包:
选择hibernate2项目,点击MyEclipse->Add Hibernate Capabilities, Hibernate Specification与风中页老师的相同,为Hibernate3.2,点击next,继续next,去掉Specify database connection details前面的√接着next,去掉Create SessionFactory class?前面的√点击Finish。
<?xml version=‘1.0‘ encoding=‘UTF-8‘?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd"> <!-- Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools. --> <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> <property name="show_sql">true</property> <!-- 属性之间没有上下关系,放在哪里都行 --> <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myhibernate</property> <property name="connection.username">root</property> <property name="connection.password">root</property> <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property> <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property> <mapping resource="Customers.hbm.xml"/> <!-- 将主配置文件包含对象-关系映射文件,之所以映射是因为hibernate启动时只会加载主配置文件 --> </session-factory> </hibernate-configuration>
mysql> create table CUSTOMERS( -> ID bigint not null primary key, -> NAME varchar(15) not null, -> EMAIL varchar(128) not null, -> PASSWORD varchar(8) not null, -> PHONE int, -> ADDRESS varchar(255), -> SEX char(1), -> IS_MARRIED bit, -> DESCRIPTION text, -> IMAGE blob, -> BIRTHDAY date, -> REGISTERED_TIME timestamp -> );
package com.test.bean; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; public class Customer { private Long id; private String name; private String email; private String password; private int phone; // or Integer private String address; private char sex; private boolean married; private String description; private byte[] image; private Date birthday; private Timestamp registeredTime; public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public int getPhone() { return phone; } public void setPhone(int phone) { this.phone = phone; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } public char getSex() { return sex; } public void setSex(char sex) { this.sex = sex; } public boolean isMarried() { return married; } public void setMarried(boolean married) { this.married = married; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public byte[] getImage() { return image; } public void setImage(byte[] image) { this.image = image; } public Date getBirthday() { return birthday; } public void setBirthday(Date birthday) { this.birthday = birthday; } public Timestamp getRegisteredTime() { return registeredTime; } public void setRegisteredTime(Timestamp registeredTime) { this.registeredTime = registeredTime; } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"> <hibernate-mapping> <class name="com.test.bean.Customer" table="customers"> <!-- 将类与表相关联,使得类中的属性和表中的字段关联起来 --> <id name="id" column="id" type="long"> <!-- 类中id属性和映射到表中的id字段,类型为int/integer皆可 --> <generator class="increment"> <!-- 主键id的生成方式为自增 --> </generator> </id> <property name="name" column="name" type="string" not-null="true"></property> <!-- 如果不写字段名,则默认与类中的属性名相同 ;hibernate层和数据库层都可以对非空进行检查--> <property name="email" column="email" type="string" not-null="true"></property> <property name="password" column="password" type="string" not-null="true"></property> <property name="phone" column="phone" type="int"></property> <property name="address" column="address" type="string" ></property> <property name="sex" column="sex" type="character" ></property> <property name="married" column="is_married" type="boolean" ></property> <property name="description" column="description" type="text"></property> <property name="image" column="image" type="binary" ></property> <property name="birthday" column="birthday" type="date" ></property> <property name="registeredTime" column="registered_time" type="timestamp"></property> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
package com.test.bean; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; public class HibernateTest { public static SessionFactory sessionFactory; static { try { Configuration config = new Configuration().configure(); sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void findAllCustomers(PrintStream out) throws Exception { // Ask for a session using the JDBC information we‘ve configured Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); List customers = session.createQuery("from Customer as c order by c.name asc").list(); for (Iterator it = customers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { printCustomer(out, (Customer) it.next()); } // We‘re done; make our changes permanent tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { // Something went wrong; discard all partial changes tx.rollback(); } throw e; } finally { // No matter what, close the session session.close(); } } public static void saveCustomer(Customer customer) throws Exception { // Ask for a session using the JDBC information we‘ve configured Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.save(customer); // We‘re done; make our changes permanent tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { // Something went wrong; discard all partial changes tx.rollback(); } throw e; } finally { // No matter what, close the session session.close(); } } public void loadAndUpdateCustomer(Long customer_id, String address) throws Exception { // Ask for a session using the JDBC information we‘ve configured Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Customer c = (Customer) session.load(Customer.class, customer_id); c.setAddress(address); // We‘re done; make our changes permanent tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { // Something went wrong; discard all partial changes tx.rollback(); } throw e; } finally { // No matter what, close the session session.close(); } } public void deleteAllCustomers() throws Exception { // Ask for a session using the JDBC information we‘ve configured Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Customer"); List list = query.list(); for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { session.delete((Customer) i.next()); } tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { // Something went wrong; discard all partial changes tx.rollback(); } throw e; } finally { // No matter what, close the session session.close(); } } private void printCustomer(PrintStream out, Customer customer) throws Exception { byte[] buffer = customer.getImage(); OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("photo_copy.gif"); fout.write(buffer); fout.close(); out.println("------以下是" + customer.getName() + "的个人信息------"); out.println("ID: " + customer.getId()); out.println("口令: " + customer.getPassword()); out.println("E-Mail: " + customer.getEmail()); out.println("电话: " + customer.getPhone()); out.println("地址: " + customer.getAddress()); String sex = customer.getSex() == ‘M‘ ? "男" : "女"; out.println("性别: " + sex); String marriedStatus = customer.isMarried() ? "已婚" : "未婚"; out.println("婚姻状况: " + marriedStatus); out.println("生日: " + customer.getBirthday()); out.println("注册时间: " + customer.getRegisteredTime()); out.println("自我介绍: " + customer.getDescription()); } public void test(PrintStream out) throws Exception { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setName("zhangsan"); customer.setEmail("zhangsan@yahoo.com"); customer.setPassword("1234"); customer.setPhone(1381234); customer.setAddress("Shanghai"); customer.setSex(‘M‘); customer.setDescription("I am very honest."); InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("photo.gif"); byte[] buffer = new byte[in.available()]; in.read(buffer); customer.setImage(buffer); customer.setBirthday(Date.valueOf("1980-05-06")); saveCustomer(customer); findAllCustomers(out); loadAndUpdateCustomer(customer.getId(), "Tianjin"); findAllCustomers(out); deleteAllCustomers(); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { new HibernateTest().test(System.out); sessionFactory.close(); } }
saveCustomer(customer); findAllCustomers(out); loadAndUpdateCustomer(customer.getId(), "Tianjin"); findAllCustomers(out); deleteAllCustomers();