1. css() --- get or set css properties
two kinds of syntex:
i. $(‘#foo‘).css(‘background‘, ‘#fff000‘, ‘width‘, ‘100px‘);
ii. $(‘#foo‘).css({background: ‘#fff000‘, }); // original css syntex
2. text() --- get or set the value of an element
$(‘#foo‘).text(‘new text‘);
3. clone() --- copy an element
4. appendTo(), append() --- move an element to / be appended by an element (also changes the inheritance relationship between objects)
$(‘#foo‘).appendTo($(‘#bar‘)); // is the same as
5. insertAfter(), insertBefore(), etc --- for all kinds of insertion
6. eq() / get() --- used as filter to select an element in the selection (as jQuery object / DOM element)
$(‘#foo‘).eq(1).text(‘changed‘); // change the text of the second element of a jQuery object ‘#foo‘
$(‘#foo‘).get(1); // get the the second element of ‘#foo‘ as a DOM element
7. attr() --- get or add an Attribute of an element
$(‘#foo‘).attr(‘disable‘, ‘str‘); // ignore the second input parameter ‘str‘ for get function, otherwise for adding
8. removeAttr() --- remove an Attribute of an element
$(‘#foo‘).removeAttr(‘checked‘); // uncheck the check box
$(‘#foo‘).removeAttr(‘readonly‘); // set the input field to be read-only
9. empty() --- remove all children of an object
10. setTimeout(function, int millisecond) --- call a function with delay
setTimeout(function(){alert(‘Time\‘s up!‘)}, 1000); // wait for 1s before executing the function
11. find() --- selects all decsendents with conditions
$(‘#foo‘).find(‘.child‘); // selects all children of ‘#foo‘ that have attribute [class = ‘child‘]
12. size(), length --- returns an integer of the number of elements
// these two are for the same use, except when count the length of string or array, only the length is available.
13. animate(css, int millisecond) --- display css changes by animation
$(‘#foo‘).animate({width: 100px, margin: 120px}, 1000); // the time defines the period of time that the animation uses
// for all css properties that can be animated, view "http://www.jb51.net/w3school/jquery/prop_length.htm"
14. filter() --- selects elements (not the children of whom, which is different from find() ) with conditions
$(‘#foo‘).filter(‘:odd‘); // selects all elements of ‘#foo‘ with odd number of index
$(‘#foo‘).filter(‘.peer‘); // selects all elements of ‘#foo‘ with attribute [class = ‘peer‘]
15. html() --- get or set the innerHTML of an element
$(‘p‘).html(‘Yes, you are!‘);
Effect: <p>I am an inner HTML!<\p> ====> <p>Yes, you are!<\p> // this doesn‘t change the HTML file itself, but only changes the display
16. replace() --- replace text in string objects
stringObject.replace(/string to be replaced/, "string to replace");
// for detailed syntex of parameter of replace(), view http://www.w3school.com.cn/jsref/jsref_replace.asp
17. children(), find(), parent(), parents()
eg: $(‘#foo‘).children();
// children() / parent() only selects the direct children / parent of ‘#foo‘
// find() / parents() selects all descendant / ancestor elements of ‘#foo‘
18. not() --- select all elements with exception
$(‘#foo‘).children().not(‘.bad‘) // select all children of ‘#foo‘ except ones with attribute [class = ‘bad‘]
19. remove() --- remove an element
$(‘#foo‘).remove() // remove ‘#foo‘
jQuery Useful Built-in Functions Summary