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SharePoint Provider Hosted App Walk through -- Foreword

时间:2014-07-17 18:24:20      阅读:279      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:http   os   io   for   cti   re   



In the past few months, I attended some projects development that use SharePoint Provider host app model, in this course I will walk you through creating a provider hosted App for SharePoint. This will show the following key features:

  1. How to develop a provider hosted App that is hosted in Azure websites and linked to SharePoint Online?
  2. How to use the Client Object Model (CSOM) to connect the SharePoint site from provider-hosted app?
  3. How to deploy a provider hosted App to SharePoint??


There are three hosting options App type for SharePoint, there are SharePoint-hosted app, Provider-host app and Auto-host app. You can choose your own web stack, have Microsoft provision Windows Azure and SQL Azure, or have it hosted on SharePoint, Figure 1 illustrates three architecture approaches hosting. For more details on the hosting options please refer to the MSDN link.?

Figure 1. Hosting: three architecture approaches.


Here we only introduce the Provider- host app. Provider-hosted apps for SharePoint include components that are deployed and hosted outside the SharePoint farm. They are installed to the host web, but their remote components are hosted on another server. On host web, we can get the remote events from SharePoint, and we can use CSOM/REST to work with SharePoint. Figure? 2 illustrates the basic architecture of a provider-hosted app.

Figure 2. Provider-hosted app architecture


SharePoint Provider Hosted App Walk through -- Foreword,布布扣,bubuko.com

SharePoint Provider Hosted App Walk through -- Foreword

标签:http   os   io   for   cti   re   


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