Spring 10 - Bean scope
Prototype; Request ;Session; Singleton.
Source Code:
Person person1 = (Person) context.getBean("person"); Person person2 = (Person) context.getBean("person"); person1.setTaxId(666); System.out.println(person2);
Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=666, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]]
Default behave(Singleton): No matter how many times you request this beans from the container, will always be given the same bean.
Change scope to prototype
<bean id="person" class="com.caveofprogramming.spring.test.Person" scope="prototype">
Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]]
Spring 11 - Init and Destroy Methods
1.Add method onCreate() in Person.class.
public void onCreate(){ System.out.println("Person created: " + this); }
2.Set Init-method in beans.xml to onCreate
Person created: Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]] Person created: Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]] Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]]
3.Add method onDestroy() in Person.class
public void onDestroy(){ System.out.println("Person destroyed."); }
4.Set destroy-method in beans.xml to toDestroy
Person created: Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]] Person created: Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]] Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]]
5. Set scope back to singleton(default)
Person created: Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=123, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]] Person [id=777, name=Mary, taxId=666, address=Address [street=hillside, pos=08540]] Person destroyed.