Behind the scenes, Monkey uses several private interfaces to communicate with three essential system services:
Monkey sends random events to any application you choose. In order to ensure that this doesn’t cause a security hole, Android uses several techniques to ensure that only monkey can send events, and only when the phone’s user is asking it to.
Firstly, Monkey itself can only be run by root, or by someone in the “shell” Unix group. Normally, only “adb shell” runs as the “shell group”. This means that the only way to run monkey is to do so through “adb shell”.
首先,monkey本身仅仅能一是被root执行,二是被属于shell这个组的成员执行。而正常来说,仅仅有”adb shell“是在shell这个组下执行的。
这就意味着执行monkey的唯一方法就是通过‘adb shell’了。
Secondly, the Monkey application, which is mostly written in Java, asks for two special manifest permissions. The first, SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER, allows Monkey to take control of the activity life-cycle. The second, INJECT_EVENTS, allows Monkey to simulate touches and key presses. Importantly, no normal Android application can request these permissions — they are only granted to applications supplied with the Android system. So there is little danger of a rogue APK taking control of an Android device using Monkey.
INJECT_EVENTS:Allows an application to inject user events (keys, touch, trackball) into the event stream and deliver
them to ANY window.
Monkey events
What is an event?
In Android, events are sent in response to user input, or due to system events, such as power management. Monkey supports quite a few event types, but only three of them are of interest for automated testing:
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