(****************************************** 文件和目录监控 当磁盘上有文件或目录操作时,产生事件 使用方法: 开始监控: PathWatch(Self.Handle, ‘C:\FtpFolder‘); 解除监控:PathWatch(-1); 在窗体中加消息监听 private { Private declarations } procedure MsgListern(var Msg:TMessage);message WM_SHNOTIFY; 实现: procedure TForm1.MsgListern(var Msg:TMessage); begin PathWatch(Msg,procedure(a,s1,s2:String) begin Log(‘文件事件是:‘ +a); Log(‘文件名称是:‘ +s1); Log(‘另外的参数是:‘+s2); end); end; ******************************************) unit PathWatch; interface uses Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, FMX.Types, FMX.Platform.Win, WinAPI.ShlObj, Winapi.ActiveX, WinApi.Windows, VCL.Dialogs ; const WM_SHNOTIFY = $401; type PIDLSTRUCT = ^IDLSTRUCT; _IDLSTRUCT = record pidl : PItemIDList; bWatchSubFolders : Integer; end; IDLSTRUCT =_IDLSTRUCT; type PSHNOTIFYSTRUCT=^SHNOTIFYSTRUCT; SHNOTIFYSTRUCT = record dwItem1 : PItemIDList; dwItem2 : PItemIDList; end; Function SHChangeNotifyDeregister(hNotify:integer):integer;stdcall; external ‘Shell32.dll‘ index 4; Function SHChangeNotifyRegister(hWnd,uFlags,dwEventID,uMSG,cItems:LongWord;lpps:PIDLSTRUCT):integer;stdcall; external ‘Shell32.dll‘ index 2; function PathWatch(hWND: Integer ; Path:String=‘‘):Boolean; overload; function PathWatch(hWND: TWindowHandle; Path:String=‘‘):Boolean; overload; function PathWatch(var Msg: TMessage; callback: TProc<String,String,String>):Boolean; overload; var g_HSHNotify : Integer; g_pidlDesktop : PItemIDList; g_WatchPath : String; implementation function PathWatch(hWND: Integer; Path:String=‘‘):Boolean; var ps:PIDLSTRUCT; begin result:=False; Path:=Path.Replace(‘/‘,‘\‘); if(hWnd>=0) then begin // 开始监控 g_WatchPath:=Path.ToUpper; if g_HSHNotify = 0 then begin SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, g_pidlDesktop); if Boolean(g_pidlDesktop) then begin getmem(ps,sizeof(IDLSTRUCT)); ps.bWatchSubFolders := 1; ps.pidl := g_pidlDesktop; g_HSHNotify := SHChangeNotifyRegister(hWnd, (SHCNF_TYPE Or SHCNF_IDLIST),(SHCNE_ALLEVENTS Or SHCNE_INTERRUPT),WM_SHNOTIFY, 1, ps); Result := Boolean(g_HSHNotify); end else CoTaskMemFree(g_pidlDesktop); end; end else begin // 解除监控 if boolean(g_HSHNotify) then if Boolean(SHChangeNotifyDeregister(g_HSHNotify)) then begin g_HSHNotify := 1; CoTaskMemFree(g_pidlDesktop); result := True; end; end; end; function PathWatch(hWND: TWindowHandle; Path:String=‘‘):Boolean; begin PathWatch(FmxHandleToHWND(hWND),Path); // FireMonkey的窗体不接受处理Windows消息 end; function PathWatch(var Msg: TMessage; callback:TProc<String,String,String>):Boolean; var a, s1,s2 : String; buf : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; pidlItem : PSHNOTIFYSTRUCT; begin pidlItem :=PSHNOTIFYSTRUCT(Msg.WParam); SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlItem.dwItem1, buf); s1 := buf; SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlItem.dwItem2, buf); s2 := buf; a:=‘‘; case Msg.LParam of // SHCNE_RENAMEITEM : a := ‘重命名‘ ; SHCNE_CREATE : a := ‘建立文件‘ ; // SHCNE_DELETE : a := ‘删除文件‘ ; // SHCNE_MKDIR : a := ‘新建目录‘ ; // SHCNE_RMDIR : a := ‘删除目录‘ ; // SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES : a := ‘改变属性‘ ; // SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED : a := ‘插入介质‘ ; // SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED : a := ‘移去介质‘ ; // SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED : a := ‘移去驱动器‘ ; // SHCNE_DRIVEADD : a := ‘添加驱动器‘ ; // SHCNE_NETSHARE : a := ‘改变共享‘ ; // SHCNE_UPDATEDIR : a := ‘更新目录‘ ; // SHCNE_UPDATEITEM : a := ‘更新文件‘ ; // SHCNE_SERVERDISCONNECT: a := ‘断开连接‘ ; // SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE : a := ‘更新图标‘ ; // SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI : a := ‘添加驱动器‘ ; // SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER : a := ‘重命名文件夹‘ ; // SHCNE_FREESPACE : a := ‘磁盘空间改变‘ ; // SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED : a := ‘改变文件关联‘ ; // else a := ‘其他操作‘ ; end; result := True; if( (a<>‘‘) and (Assigned(callback)) and (s1.ToUpper.StartsWith(g_WatchPath))) and (not s1.Contains(‘_plate‘)) then begin callback(a,s1,g_WatchPath); end; end; end.
PathWatch(self.Handle, DM.Config.O[‘Local‘].S[‘PhotoPath‘]);
procedure MsgListern(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_SHNOTIFY; // 触发监听事件
procedure TFormMain.MsgListern(var Msg: TMessage); begin PathWatch(Msg, Procedure(act,fn,s2: string) begin if(act=‘建立文件‘) then begin if SecondsBetween(now(), PrePostTime) >= 5 then //两个时间之间相差的秒数 begin // 这里处理监控到后 要响应的事情 end; end; end); end;