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1. 使你的Html更具语义化,不需要深入研究代码和逻辑即可知道页面的大致逻辑。

2. 抽象一个自定义组件,在其他地方进行重用。




 1 <body>  2 <div>  3 <p>This is your class name.</p>  4 <div>  5 <p>Your teacher:</p>  6 <p>Mr. Wang</p>  7 <p>35 years old</p>  8 <p>English</p>  9 <p>Descriptions: 1.85cm tall, with a pair of brown glasses, unmarried, easy going etc.</p> 10 </div> 11 <div> 12 <div> 13 <p>Students in the class:</p> 14 <div> 15 <p>Jack</p> 16 <p>Male</p> 17 <p>15</p> 18 <p>Description: Smart ...</p> 19 </div> 20 <div> 21 <p>May</p> 22 <p>Female</p> 23 <p>14</p> 24 <p>Description: Diligent ...</p> 25 </div> 26 <div> 27 <p>Tom</p> 28 <p>Male</p> 29 <p>15</p> 30 <p>Description: Naughty ...</p> 31 </div> 32 <div> 33 <p>Alice</p> 34 <p>Female</p> 35 <p>14</p> 36 <p>Description: Smart ...</p> 37 </div> 38 </div> 39 </div> 40 </div> 41 </body>


1 <body ng-app> 2 <class-info> 3 <teacher-info></teacher-info> 4 <student-infos></student-infos> 5 </class-info> 6 </body>


示例1中的代码你可能要完整的看完才能知道逻辑(当然示例1也不复杂,你可以想象下真实的场景要比这个复杂的多的多),不是说示例2中的代码少(逻 辑被转移到其他地方去了),而是在示例2中,光看Html标签就知道这个页面是在展示班级信息,班级信息中还有班主任的信息和所有学生的信息。





 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(ngCustomDirectiveTest, []);  8  app.controller(myController, [$scope, function ($scope) {  9  $scope.info = { 10  yourname: Jack, 11  template: template.html 12  }; 13  }]); 14 15 // 自定义Element的Directive 16  app.directive("studentInfo", function () { 17 return { 18 // A 代表 Attribute 19 // C 代表 Class 20 // E 代表 Element 21 // ACE 表示同时创建 A、C、E 三种 22  restrict: ACE, 23 // templateUrl 指向独立的Html文件,AngularJS会用Html文件中的内容替换studentInfo对象 24  templateUrl: template.html 25  }; 26  }); 27  })(); 28 </script> 29 </head> 30 <body ng-app="ngCustomDirectiveTest"> 31 <div ng-controller="myController as myCtrl"> 32 <student-info></student-info> 33 <br /> 34 <data-student-info></data-student-info> 35 <br /> 36 37 <div student-info></div> 38 <br /> 39 <div data_student-info></div> 40 <br /> 41 42 <div class="student-info"></div> 43 <br /> 44 <div class="data-student-info"></div> 45 <br /> 46 </div> 47 </body> 48 </html>


1 <div> 2 <p>This is a custom template.</p> 3 <p>Your name: {{info.yourname}}</p> 4 </div>


另外,你可能疑惑,为什么加上"data-"前缀的为什么也能被解析?实际上AngularJS在处理Directive时,首先会忽略 Directive命名中的"data-"或者"x-"前缀,因此无论你加上"data-"还是"x-",AngularJS还是能正确解析的,不 过"x-"也是一种过时的写法,我们可以忽略。




 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(ngCustomDirectiveTest, []);  8  app.controller(myController, [$scope, function ($scope) {  9  $scope.jack = { 10  name: Jack, 11  sex: Male 12  }, 13  $scope.alice = { 14  name: Alice, 15  sex: Female 16  } 17  }]); 18 19  app.directive("studentInfo", function () { 20 return { 21  restrict: E, 22  template: <div><p>Student name: {{jack.name}}</p><p>Student sex: {{jack.sex}}</p></div><br /><div><p>Student name: {{alice.name}}</p><p>Student sex: {{alice.sex}}</p></div> 23  }; 24  }); 25  })(); 26 </script> 27 </head> 28 <body ng-app="ngCustomDirectiveTest"> 29 <div ng-controller="myController as myCtrl"> 30 <student-info></student-info> 31 </div> 32 </body> 33 </html>


 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(ngCustomDirectiveTest, []);  8  app.controller(myController, [$scope, function ($scope) {  9  $scope.students = [ 10  { 11  name: Jack, 12  sex: Male 13  }, 14  { 15  name: Alice, 16  sex: Female 17  } 18  ]; 19  }]); 20 21  app.directive("studentInfo", function () { 22 return { 23  restrict: E, 24  template: <div ng-repeat="stu in students"><p>Student name:{{stu.name}}</p><p>Student sex:{{stu.sex}}</p></div> 25  }; 26  }); 27  })(); 28 </script> 29 </head> 30 <body ng-app="ngCustomDirectiveTest"> 31 <div ng-controller="myController as myCtrl"> 32 <student-info></student-info> 33 </div> 34 </body> 35 </html>


 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(ngCustomDirectiveTest, []);  8  app.controller(jackController, [$scope, function ($scope) {  9  $scope.student = 10  { 11  name: Jack, 12  sex: Male 13  } 14  }]); 15 16  app.controller(aliceController, [$scope, function ($scope) { 17  $scope.student = 18  { 19  name: Alice, 20  sex: Female 21  } 22  }]); 23 24  app.directive("studentInfo", function () { 25 return { 26  restrict: E, 27  template: <div><p>Student name:{{student.name}}</p><p>Student sex:{{student.sex}}</p></div> 28  }; 29  }); 30  })(); 31 </script> 32 </head> 33 <body ng-app="ngCustomDirectiveTest"> 34 <div ng-controller="jackController as jackCtrl"> 35 <student-info></student-info> 36 </div> 37 <br /> 38 <div ng-controller="aliceController as aliceCtrl"> 39 <student-info></student-info> 40 </div> 41 </body> 42 </html>



1. 示例4中,student-info的template中的所有表达式严重依赖Controller中的变量定义,导致student-info无法抽象成一个公共的学生信息展示模块。

2. 示例5中,虽然使用ng-repeat封装了代码,但是还是存在依赖Controller中students变量的问题,示例5仅比示例4稍微好点。

3. 示例6中,定义了不同的Controller来隔离作用域,但N个学生需要定义N个作用域,并且定义Controller时,还是必须定义一个名为student的变量,否则代码无法正确执行,因此还是存在耦合性。


 好吧,让我们看看AngularJS为我们提供的优雅的解决方案-Isolate scope:

示例7(通过使用=attr将Isolate scope中的属性赋值给Directive的名为‘attr‘的Attribute):

 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(ngCustomDirectiveTest, []);  8  app.controller(myController, [$scope, function ($scope) {  9  $scope.jack = { 10  name: Jack, 11  sex: Male 12  }, 13  $scope.alice = { 14  name: Alice, 15  sex: Female 16  } 17  }]); 18 19  app.directive("studentInfo", function () { 20 return { 21  restrict: E, 22 // 定义student-info的Isolate scope 23  scope: { 24 // 作用域内定义一个变量:newNameInScope 25 // 值对应到Directive中的info属性 26  newNameInScope: =info 27  }, 28 // template 不再依赖外部, 仅依赖内部的newNameInScope变量 29  template: <div><p>Student name: {{newNameInScope.name}}</p><p>Student sex: {{newNameInScope.sex}}</p></div> 30  }; 31  }); 32  })(); 33 </script> 34 </head> 35 <body ng-app="ngCustomDirectiveTest"> 36 <div ng-controller="myController as myCtrl"> 37 <!--将myController中的jack属性传递给info--> 38 <student-info info="jack"></student-info> 39 <br /> 40 <!--将myController中的alice属性传递给info--> 41 <student-info info="alice"></student-info> 42 </div> 43 </body> 44 </html>





 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(ngCustomDirectiveTest, []);  8  app.controller(myController, [$scope, function ($scope) {  9  $scope.jack = { 10  name: Jack, 11  sex: Male 12  }, 13  $scope.alice = { 14  name: Alice, 15  sex: Female 16  } 17  }]); 18 19  app.directive("studentInfo", function () { 20 return { 21  restrict: E, 22  scope: { 23  newNameInScope: =info 24  }, 25 // 这里的alice将不能获取Controller中的变量alice的信息 26  template: <div><p>Student name: {{newNameInScope.name}}</p><p>Student sex: {{newNameInScope.sex}}</p><br /><p>Deskmate name: {{alice.name}}</p><p>Deskmate sex: {{alice.sex}}</p></div> 27  }; 28  }); 29  })(); 30 </script> 31 </head> 32 <body ng-app="ngCustomDirectiveTest"> 33 <div ng-controller="myController as myCtrl"> 34 <student-info info="jack"></student-info> 35 </div> 36 </body> 37 </html>


 这个就是所谓的封闭(Isolate),对比一下示例4,当创建student-info时指定了scope属性后,不在scope中指定的变 量,在student-info中将无法被识别,做到了“封闭”。这样,当你定义一个公共模块时,不会因为在不同的Controller中使用而产生意想 不到的问题。因此当你需要定义一个具有隔离性的Directive时,即使不需要传递Controller中的变量,也务必加上scope属性。

 不过我们只能将一个字符串或者一个对象传入Isolate scope中,试想若遇到某些特殊情况,需要直接包含指定的Html片段时怎么办?AngularJS也是有这样的功能的。


 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(ngCustomDirectiveTest, []);  8  app.controller(myController, [$scope, function ($scope) {  9  $scope.jack = { 10  name: Jack, 11  sex: Male 12  }, 13  $scope.alice = { 14  name: Alice, 15  sex: Female 16  } 17  }]); 18 19  app.directive("studentInfo", function () { 20 return { 21  restrict: E, 22 // 指定transclude属性为true 23  transclude: true 24  }; 25  }); 26  })(); 27 </script> 28 </head> 29 <body ng-app="ngCustomDirectiveTest"> 30 <div ng-controller="myController as myCtrl"> 31 <!--指明student-info将会使用transclude模式--> 32 <student-info ng-transclude> 33 <!-- student-info的内容由使用者自己指定,并且内容中能访问student-info的scope以外的变量 --> 34 <p>Student name: {{jack.name}}</p> 35 <p>Student sex: {{jack.sex}}</p> 36 <br /> 37 <p>Deskmate name: {{alice.name}}</p> 38 <p>Deskmate sex: {{alice.sex}} 39 </student-info> 40 </div> 41 </body> 42 </html>




 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(docsTimeDirective, []);  8  9  app.controller(Controller, [$scope, function ($scope) { 10  $scope.format = M/d/yy h:mm:ss a; 11  }]) 12 13  app.directive(myCurrentTime, [$interval, dateFilter, function ($interval, dateFilter) { 14 function link(scope, element, attrs) { 15 var format, 16  timeoutId; 17 18 function updateTime() { 19  element.text(dateFilter(new Date(), format)); 20  } 21 22  scope.$watch(attrs.myCurrentTime, function (value) { 23  format = value; 24  updateTime(); 25  }); 26 27  element.on($destroy, function () { 28  $interval.cancel(timeoutId); 29  }); 30 31  timeoutId = $interval(function () { 32  updateTime(); 33  }, 1000); 34  } 35 36 return { 37  link: link 38  }; 39  }]); 40  })(); 41 </script> 42 </head> 43 <body ng-app="docsTimeDirective"> 44 <div ng-controller="Controller"> 45  Date format: 46 <input ng-model="format"> 47 <hr /> 48 Current time is: <span my-current-time="format"></span> 49 </div> 50 </body> 51 </html>

如果想要使Directive改变DOM,一般会用到link参数,其原型为:function link(scope, element, attrs) {...}:

  • scope: 与当前元素结合的scope
  • elment:当前元素
  • $attrs:当前元素的属性对象



 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(isoFnBindTest, []);  8  9  app.controller(myController, [$scope, function ($scope) { 10  $scope.name = ‘‘; 11  $scope.message = ‘‘; 12  $scope.isHide = true; 13  $scope.sayHello = function (message, name) { 14  $scope.isHide = false; 15  $scope.name = name; 16  $scope.message = message; 17  alert($scope.message + , + $scope.name); 18  }; 19  }]); 20 21  app.directive(myGreeting, function () { 22 return { 23  restrict: E, 24  transclude: true, 25  scope: { 26 // Step 2: greet方法绑定到onGreet属性(对应Html中的on-greet),并将greet的输入参数传给onGreet 27 greet: &onGreet 28  }, 29  templateUrl: my-greeting.html 30  }; 31  }); 32  })(); 33 </script> 34 </head> 35 <body ng-app="isoFnBindTest"> 36 <div ng-controller="myController"> 37 <!-- Step 3: on-greet指向了myController中的sayHello方法,此时on-greet中能直接访问到greet的输入参数--> 38 <my-greeting on-greet="sayHello(message, name)"> 39 <div ng-hide="isHide"> 40  {{message}}, {{name}}! 41 </div> 42 </my-greeting> 43 </div> 44 </body> 45 </html>


1 <div> 2 <!-- Step1: 一旦触发click, 将调用Isolate scope中的greet方法--> 3 <button ng-click="greet({message: ‘Hello‘, name: ‘Tom‘})">Click me!</button> 4 <div ng-transclude></div> 5 </div>



 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(dragModule, []);  8  9  app.directive(myDraggable, [$document, function ($document) { 10 return { 11  link: function (scope, element, attr) { 12 var startX = 0, startY = 0, x = 0, y = 0; 13 14  element.css({ 15  position: relative, 16  border: 1px solid red, 17  backgroundColor: lightgrey, 18  cursor: pointer 19  }); 20 21  element.on(mousedown, function (event) { 22 // Prevent default dragging of selected content 23  event.preventDefault(); 24  startX = event.pageX - x; 25  startY = event.pageY - y; 26  $document.on(mousemove, mousemove); 27  $document.on(mouseup, mouseup); 28  }); 29 30 function mousemove(event) { 31  y = event.pageY - startY; 32  x = event.pageX - startX; 33  element.css({ 34  top: y + px, 35  left: x + px 36  }); 37  } 38 39 function mouseup() { 40  $document.off(mousemove, mousemove); 41  $document.off(mouseup, mouseup); 42  } 43  } 44  }; 45  }]); 46  })(); 47 </script> 48 </head> 49 <body ng-app="dragModule"> 50 <span my-draggable>Drag ME</span> 51 </body> 52 </html>



 1 <!DOCTYPE>  2 <html>  3 <head>  4 <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>  5 <script type="text/javascript">  6  (function () {  7 var app = angular.module(docsTabsExample, []);  8  9  app.directive(myTabs, function () { 10 return { 11  restrict: E, 12  transclude: true, 13  scope: {}, 14  controller: function ($scope) { 15 var panes = $scope.panes = []; 16 17  $scope.select = function (pane) { 18  angular.forEach(panes, function (pane) { 19  pane.selected = false; 20  }); 21  pane.selected = true; 22  }; 23 24 this.addPane = function (pane) { 25 if (panes.length === 0) { 26  $scope.select(pane); 27  } 28  panes.push(pane); 29  }; 30  }, 31  templateUrl: my-tabs.html 32  }; 33  }); 34 35  app.directive(myPane, function () { 36 return { 37 // 指定必须有myTabs对象,若对象不存在则会报错,见下面的图1 38  require: ^myTabs, // ^ 表示将在父级的范围内查找该对象, 没有 ^ 表示在Directive内查找该对象, 若范围指定错误无法找到myTabs,js则会报错 39  restrict: E, 40  transclude: true, 41  scope: { 42  title: @ 43  }, 44  link: function (scope, element, attrs, tabsCtrl) { 45  tabsCtrl.addPane(scope); 46  }, 47  templateUrl: my-pane.html 48  }; 49  }); 50  })(); 51 </script> 52 </head> 53 <body ng-app="docsTabsExample"> 54 <my-tabs> 55 <my-pane title="Hello"> 56 <h4>Hello</h4> 57 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p> 58 </my-pane> 59 <my-pane title="World"> 60 <h4>World</h4> 61 <em>Mauris elementum elementum enim at suscipit.</em> 62 <p><a href ng-click="i = i + 1">counter: {{i || 0}}</a></p> 63 </my-pane> 64 </my-tabs> 65 </body> 66 </html>


1 <div class="tabbable"> 2 <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> 3 <li ng-repeat="pane in panes" ng-class="{active:pane.selected}"> 4 <a href="" ng-click="select(pane)">{{pane.title}}</a> 5 </li> 6 </ul> 7 <div class="tab-content" ng-transclude></div> 8 </div>


1 <div class="tab-pane" ng-show="selected" ng-transclude> 2 </div>


AngularJS官方文档: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive





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