#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> main(int ac,char * av[]) { int sock,fd; FILE * fpin; char request[BUFSIZ]; if(ac == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"usage:ws portnum\n"); exit(1); } sock = make_server_socket(atoi(av[1])); if(sock == -1) exit(2); /* main loop here */ while(1){ /* take a call and buffer it */ fd = accept(sock,NULL,NULL); fpin = fdopen(fd,"r"); /* read request */ fgets(request,BUFSIZ,fpin); printf("got a call:request = %s ",request); read_til_crnl(fpin); /* do what client asks */ process_rq(request,fd); fclose(fpin); } } /*------------read_til_crnl(FILE *)---------------------------------------- *-------------skip over all request info until a CRNL is seen-----------*/ read_til_crnl(FILE * fp) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; while( fgets(buf,BUFSIZ,fp) != NULL && strcmp(buf,"\r\n") != 0); } /*-----------process_rq(char * rq,int fd) -------------do waht the request asks for and write reply to fd -------------handles request in a new process -------------rq is HTTP command: GET /foo/bar.html HTTP/1.0 */ process_rq(char * rq,int fd) { char cmd[BUFSIZ],arg[BUFSIZ]; /* create a new process and return if not the child */ if(fork() != 0) return; strcpy(arg,"./"); /* precede args with. */ if(sscanf(rq,"%s %s",cmd,arg+2) != 2) /* */ return; } /*---------the reply header thing: allfunctions need one ----------- if content_type is NULL then don‘t send content type */ header(FILE * fp,char * content_type) { fprintf(fp,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); if(content_type) fprintf(fp,"Content_type:%s\r\n",content_type); } /*---------Simple function first: -------------cannot_do(fd) unimplemented HTTP command ------------and do_404(item,fd) no such object */ cannot_do(int fd) { FILE * fp = fdopen(fd,"w"); fprintf(fp,"HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n"); fprintf(fp,"Content_type:text/plain\r\n"); fprintf(fp,"\r\n"); fprintf(fp,"That command is not yet Implemented"); fclose(fp); } do_404(char * item,int fd) { FILE * fp = fdopen(fd,"w"); fprintf(fp,"HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n"); fprintf(fp,"Content_type:text/plain\r\n"); fprintf(fp,"\r\n"); fprintf(fp,"The item you requested:%s\r\n is not found \r\n",item); fclose(fp); } /*-------------the directory listing section ---------------isaddir() uses stat, not_exist() uses stat ---------------do_ls runs ls. It should not */ isaddir(char * f) { struct stat info; return (stat(f,&info) != -1 && S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)); } not_exist(char *f) { struct stat info; return(stat(f,&info) == -1); } do_ls(char * dir,int fd) { FILE * fp; fp = fdopen(fd,"w"); fprintf(fp,"text/plain\r\n"); fflush(fp); dup2(fd,1); dup2(fd,2); close(fd); execlp("ls","ls","-l",dir,NULL); perror(dir); exit(1); } /*---------the cgi sutff. function to check extension and one to run the program. */ char * file_type(char *f) /* returns ‘extension‘ of file */ { char * cp; if((cp = strrchr(f,‘.‘)) != NULL) return cp+1; return ""; } ends_in_cgi(char *f) { return (strcmp(file_type(f),"cgi") == 0); } do_exec(char * prog,int fd) { FILE * fp; fp = fdopen(fd,"w"); header(fp,NULL); fflush(fp); dup2(fd,1); dup2(fd,2); close(fd); execl(prog,prog,NULL); perror(prog); } /*------------------do_cat(filename,fd) --------------------send back contents afet a header */ do_cat(char *f,int fd) { char * extension = file_type(f); char * content = "text/plain"; FILE * fpsock, * fpfile; int c; if(strcmp(extension,"html") == 0 ) content = "text/html"; else if(strcmp(extension,"gif") == 0) content = "text/gif"; else if(strcmp(extension,"jpg") == 0) content = "text/jpeg"; else if(strcmp(extension,"jpeg") == 0) content = "text/jpeg"; fpsock = fdopen(fd,"w"); fpfile = fopen(f,"r"); if(fpsock != NULL && fpfile != NULL) { header(fpsock,content); fprintf(fpsock,"\r\n"); while((c = getc(fpfile)) != EOF) putc(c,fpsock); fclose(fpfile); fclose(fpsock); } exit(0); }
#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <string.h>
main(int ac,char * av[]){int sock,fd;FILE * fpin;char request[BUFSIZ];if(ac == 1){fprintf(stderr,"usage:ws portnum\n");exit(1);}
sock = make_server_socket(atoi(av[1]));if(sock == -1)exit(2);
/* main loop here */while(1){/* take a call and buffer it */fd = accept(sock,NULL,NULL);fpin = fdopen(fd,"r");
/* read request */fgets(request,BUFSIZ,fpin);printf("got a call:request = %s ",request);read_til_crnl(fpin);
/* do what client asks */process_rq(request,fd);
/*------------read_til_crnl(FILE *)----------------------------------------*-------------skip over all request info until a CRNL is seen-----------*/
read_til_crnl(FILE * fp){char buf[BUFSIZ];while( fgets(buf,BUFSIZ,fp) != NULL && strcmp(buf,"\r\n") != 0);}
/*-----------process_rq(char * rq,int fd)-------------do waht the request asks for and write reply to fd-------------handles request in a new process-------------rq is HTTP command: GET /foo/bar.html HTTP/1.0*/
process_rq(char * rq,int fd){char cmd[BUFSIZ],arg[BUFSIZ];
/* create a new process and return if not the child */if(fork() != 0)return;
strcpy(arg,"./");/* precede args with. */if(sscanf(rq,"%s %s",cmd,arg+2) != 2)/* */return;}
/*---------the reply header thing: allfunctions need one----------- if content_type is NULL then don‘t send content type*/
header(FILE * fp,char * content_type){fprintf(fp,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");if(content_type)fprintf(fp,"Content_type:%s\r\n",content_type);}
/*---------Simple function first:-------------cannot_do(fd)unimplemented HTTP command------------and do_404(item,fd)no such object*/
cannot_do(int fd){FILE * fp = fdopen(fd,"w");fprintf(fp,"HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n");fprintf(fp,"Content_type:text/plain\r\n");fprintf(fp,"\r\n");
fprintf(fp,"That command is not yet Implemented");fclose(fp);}
do_404(char * item,int fd){FILE * fp = fdopen(fd,"w");fprintf(fp,"HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n");fprintf(fp,"Content_type:text/plain\r\n");fprintf(fp,"\r\n");
fprintf(fp,"The item you requested:%s\r\n is not found \r\n",item);fclose(fp);}
/*-------------the directory listing section---------------isaddir() uses stat, not_exist() uses stat---------------do_ls runs ls. It should not*/
isaddir(char * f){struct stat info;return (stat(f,&info) != -1 && S_ISDIR(info.st_mode));}
not_exist(char *f){struct stat info;return(stat(f,&info) == -1);}
do_ls(char * dir,int fd){FILE * fp;fp = fdopen(fd,"w");fprintf(fp,"text/plain\r\n");fflush(fp);
/*---------the cgi sutff. function to check extension and one to run the program.*/
char * file_type(char *f)/* returns ‘extension‘ of file */{char * cp;if((cp = strrchr(f,‘.‘)) != NULL)return cp+1;return "";}
ends_in_cgi(char *f){return (strcmp(file_type(f),"cgi") == 0);}
do_exec(char * prog,int fd){FILE * fp;fp = fdopen(fd,"w");header(fp,NULL);fflush(fp);dup2(fd,1);dup2(fd,2);close(fd);execl(prog,prog,NULL);perror(prog);}
/*------------------do_cat(filename,fd)--------------------send back contents afet a header*/do_cat(char *f,int fd){char * extension = file_type(f);char * content = "text/plain";FILE * fpsock, * fpfile;int c;
if(strcmp(extension,"html") == 0 )content = "text/html";else if(strcmp(extension,"gif") == 0)content = "text/gif";else if(strcmp(extension,"jpg") == 0)content = "text/jpeg";else if(strcmp(extension,"jpeg") == 0)content = "text/jpeg";
fpsock = fdopen(fd,"w");fpfile = fopen(f,"r");if(fpsock != NULL && fpfile != NULL){header(fpsock,content);fprintf(fpsock,"\r\n");while((c = getc(fpfile)) != EOF)putc(c,fpsock);fclose(fpfile);fclose(fpsock);}exit(0);}