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Supporting Python 3(支持python3)——使用现代的风格改善你的代码

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一旦你已经添加了Python 3的支持,你将改成使用Python的新的函数来改进的代码。Once you have added Python 3 support you have a chance to use the newer features of Python to improve your code. Many of the things mentioned in this chapter are in fact possible to do even before adding Python 3 support, as they are supported even by quite old versions of Python. But I mention them here anyway, because they aren’t always used when the code could benefit from them. This includes generators, available since Python 2.2; the sorted() method, available since Python 2.4 and context managers, available since Python 2.5.

The rest of the new features mentioned here have in fact been backported to either Python 2.6 or Python 2.7. So if you are able to drop support for Python 2.5 and earlier, you can use almost all of these new features even if you are not adding Python 3 support.

Use sorted() instead of .sort()

Lists in Python has a .sort() method that will sort the list in place. Quite often when .sort() is used is it used on a temporary variable discarded after the loop. Code like this is used because up to Python 2.3 this was the only built-in way of sorting.

>>> infile = open(‘pythons.txt‘)>>> pythons = infile.readlines()>>> pythons.sort()>>> [x.strip() for x in pythons][‘Eric‘, ‘Graham‘, ‘John‘, ‘Michael‘, ‘Terry‘, ‘Terry‘]

Python 2.4 has a new built-in, sorted(), that will return a sorted list and takes the same parameters as .sort(). With sorted() you often can avoid the temporary variable. It also will accept any iterable as input, not just lists, which can make your code more flexible and readable.

>>> infile = open(‘pythons.txt‘)>>> [x.strip() for x in sorted(infile)][‘Eric‘, ‘Graham‘, ‘John‘, ‘Michael‘, ‘Terry‘, ‘Terry‘]

There is however no benefit in replacing a mylist.sort() withmylist = sorted(mylist), in fact it will use more memory.

The 2to3 fixer "idioms" will change some usage of .sort() intosorted().

Coding with context managers

Since Python 2.5 you can create context managers, which allows you to create and manage a runtime context. If you think that sounds rather abstract, you are completely right. Context managers are abstract and flexible beasts that can be used and misused in various ways, but this chapter is about how to improve your existing code so I’ll take up some examples of typical usage where they simplify life.

Context managers are used as a part of the with statement. The context manager is created and entered in the with statement and available during the with statements code block. At the end of the code block the context manager is exited. This may not sound very exiting until you realize that you can use it for resource allocation. The resource manager then allocates the resource when you enter the context and deallocates it when you exit.

The most common example of this type of resource allocation are open files. In most low level languages you have to remember to close files that you open, while in Python the file is closed once the file object gets garbage collected. However, that can take a long time and sometimes you may have to make sure you close the file explicitly, for example when you open many files in a loop as you may otherwise run out of file handles. You also have to make sure you close the file even if an exception happens. The result is code like this:

>>> f = open(‘/tmp/afile.txt‘, ‘w‘)>>> try:...     n = f.write(‘sometext‘)... finally:...     f.close()

Since files are context managers, they can be used in a with-statement, simplifying the code significantly:

>>> with open(‘/tmp/afile.txt‘, ‘w‘) as f:...     n = f.write(‘sometext‘)

When used as a context manager, the file will close when the code block is finished, even if an exception occurs. As you see the amount of code is much smaller, but more importantly it’s much clearer and easier to read and understand.

Another example is if you want to redirect standard out. Again you would normally make a try/except block as above. That’s OK if you only do it once in your program, but if you do this repeatedly you will make it much cleaner by making a context manager that handles the redirection and also resets it.

>>> import sys>>> from StringIO import StringIO>>> class redirect_stdout:...     def __init__(self, target):...         self.stdout = sys.stdout...         self.target = target......     def __enter__(self):...         sys.stdout = self.target......     def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):...         sys.stdout = self.stdout...>>> out = StringIO()>>> with redirect_stdout(out):...     print ‘Test‘...>>> out.getvalue() == ‘Test\n‘True

The __enter__() method is called when the indented block after the withstatement is reached and the __exit___() method is called when the block is exited, including after an error was raised.

Context managers can be used in many other ways and they are generic enough to be abused in various ways as well. Any code you have that uses exception handling to make sure an allocated resource or a global setting is unallocated or unset will be a good candidate for a context manager.

There are various functions to help you out in making context managers in thecontextlib module. For example, if you have objects that have a .close()method but aren’t context managers you can use the closing() function to automatically close them at the end of the with-block.

>>> from contextlib import closing>>> import urllib>>>>>> book_url = ‘http://python3porting.com/‘>>> with closing(urllib.urlopen(book_url)) as page:...     print len(page.readlines())165

Advanced string formatting

In Python 3 and also Python 2.6 a new string formatting support was introduced. It is more flexible and has a clearer syntax than the old string formatting.

Old style formatting:
>>> ‘I %s Python %i‘ % (‘like‘, 2)
‘I like Python 2‘

New style formatting:
>>> ‘I {0} Python {1}‘.format(‘?‘, 3)
‘I ? Python 3‘

It is in fact a mini-language, and you can do some crazy stuff, but when you go overboard you lose the benefit of the more readable syntax:

>>> import sys>>> ‘Python {0.version_info[0]:!<9.1%}‘.format(sys)‘Python 300.0%!!!‘

For a full specification of the advanced string formatting syntax see the Common String Operations section of the Python documentation[1].

The old string formatting based on % is planned to be eventually removed, but there is no decided timeline for this.

Class decorators

Decorators have been around since Python 2.4 and have become commonplace thanks to the builtin decorators like @property and @classmethod. Python 2.6 introduces class decorators, that work similarly.

Class decorators can both be used to wrap classes and modify the class that should be decorated. An example of the later is functools.total_ordering, that will let you implements a minimum of rich comparison operators, and then add the missing ones to your class. They can often do the job of metaclasses, and examples of class decorators are decorators that make the class into a singleton class, or the zope.interface class decorators that register a class as implementing a particular interface.

If you have code that modify classes, take a look at class decorators, they may help you to make your code more readable.

Set literals

There is a new literal syntax for sets available in Python 3. Instead of set([1, 2, 3]) you can now write the cleaner {1, 2, 3}. Both syntaxes work in Python 3, but the new one is the recommended and the representation of sets in Python 3 has changed accordingly:

>>> set([1,2,3]){1, 2, 3}

The set literal has been back-ported to Python 2.7, but the representation has not.

yield to the generators

Like the floor division operators and the key-parameter to .sort(), generators have been around for long time, but you still don’t see them that much. But they are immensely practical and save you from creating temporary lists and thereby both save memory and simplify the code. As an example we take a simple function with two loops:

>>> def allcombinations(starters, endings):...     result = []...     for s in starters:...         for e in endings:...             result.append(s+e)...     return result

This becomes more elegant by using yield and thereby a generator:

>>> def allcombinations(starters, endings):...     for s in starters:...         for e in endings:...             yield s+e

Although this is a rather trivial case, making complicated loops into generators can sometimes make them much simpler, resulting in cleaner and more readable code. They can be a bit tricky to debug though, since they reverse the normal program flow. If you have a chain of generators, you can’t step “up” in the call stack to see what the function that created the generator did. “Up” in the call stack is instead the function that will use the result of the generator. This feels backwards or upside down until you get used to it, and can be a bit of a brain teaser. If you are used to functional programming you will feel right at home though.

More comprehensions

Generators have been around since Python 2.2, but a new way to make generators appeared in Python 2.4, namely generator expressions. These are like list comprehesions, but instead of returning a list, they return a generator. They can be used in many places where list comprehensions are normally used:

>>> sum([x*x for x in xrange(4000000)])21333325333334000000L


>>> sum(x*x for x in xrange(4000000))21333325333334000000L

Thereby saving you from creating a list with 2 million items and then immediately throwing it away. You can use a generator expression anywhere you can have any expression, but quite often you need to put parentheses around it:

>>> (x for x in ‘Silly Walk‘)<generator object <genexpr> at ...>

In Python 3 the generator expression is not just a new nice feature, but a fundamental change as the generator expression is now the base around which all the comprehensions are built. In Python 3 a list comprehension is only syntactic sugar for giving a generator expression to the list types constructor:

>>> list(x for x in ‘Silly Walk‘)[‘S‘, ‘i‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘y‘, ‘ ‘, ‘W‘, ‘a‘, ‘l‘, ‘k‘]>>> [x for x in ‘Silly Walk‘][‘S‘, ‘i‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘y‘, ‘ ‘, ‘W‘, ‘a‘, ‘l‘, ‘k‘]

This also means that the loop variable no longer leaks into the surrounding namespace.

The new generator expressions can be given to the dict() andset() constructors in Python 2.6 and later, but in Python 3 and also in Python 2.7 you have new syntax for dictionary and set comprehensions:

>>> department = ‘Silly Walk‘>>> {x: department.count(x) for x in department}{‘a‘: 1, ‘ ‘: 1, ‘i‘: 1, ‘k‘: 1, ‘l‘: 3, ‘S‘: 1, ‘W‘: 1, ‘y‘: 1}>>> {x for x in department}{‘a‘, ‘ ‘, ‘i‘, ‘k‘, ‘l‘, ‘S‘, ‘W‘, ‘y‘}

The next next()

In Python 2 iterators have a .next() method you use to get the next value from the iterator.

>>> i = iter(range(5))>>> i.next()0>>> i.next()1

This special method has in Python 3 been renamed to .__next__() to be consistent with the naming of special attributes elswhere in Python. However, you should generally not call it directly, but instead use the builtinnext() function. This function is also available from Python 2.6, so unless you are supporting Python 2.5 or earlier you can switch.

>>> i = iter(range(5))>>> next(i)0>>> next(i)1

New modules

There is several new modules that you should also take a look at to see if they can be of use for you. I won’t take them up in detail here, since most of them are hard to benefit from without refactoring your software completely, but you should know they exist. For more information on them, you can look at the Python documentation.

Abstract base classes

The abc module contains support for making abstract base classes, where you can mark a method or property on a base class as “abstract”, which means you must implement it in a subclass. Classes that do not implement all abstract methods or properties can not be instantiated.

The abstract base classes can also be used to define interfaces by creating classes that have no concrete methods. The class would then work only as an interface, and subclassing from it guarantees that it implements the interface. The new hierarchy of mathematical classes introduced in Python 2.6 and Python 3.0 is a good example of this.

The abc module is included in Python 2.6 and later.

multiprocessing and futures

multiprocessing is a new module that helps you if you are using Python do to concurrent processing, letting you have process queues and use locks and semaphores for synchronizing the processes.

multiprocessing is included in Python 2.6 and later. It is also available for Python 2.4 and Python 2.5 on the CheeseShop[2].

If you do concurrency you may also want to take a look at the futuresmodule which will be included in Python 3.2, and exists on the CheeseShop in a version that supports Python 2.5 and later[3].

numbers and fractions

Python 3 has a new class hierarchy of mathematical classes. For the most part you will not notice this, but one of the interesting results of this is the fractions module, available in Python 2.6 and later.

>>> from fractions import Fraction>>> Fraction(3,4) / Fraction(‘2/3‘)Fraction(9, 8)

There is also a numbers module that contains the abstract base classes for all the number types which is useful if you are implementing your own numeric types.


[1] http://docs.python.org/library/string.html#format-string-syntax
[2] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/multiprocessing
[3] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/futures/




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Supporting Python 3(支持python3)——使用现代的风格改善你的代码



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