What‘s 1+N problem?
When you are querying for one table, it auto calls sql command for each relational database if the fetch type is eager.In such case,it calls out 1+N sqls
For example:
class Thread: class Topic=1:M relationship, When we call select* from topic, it will also call select* from thread for each topic.thread_id
1. change FetchType of Topic to lazy, the sql command will only be called when neccesarry -- good when we don‘t need properties of relational DB
2. @BatchSize(size=) under @Entity in Thread class;--Not really solving the problem
For example,size=4, then if we have 8 entries, it selects 4 ids each time, therefore, only 2 sql commands are called
3. Join Fetch. session.createQuery("from Topic t left join fetch t.thread c") -- good when we do need properties of relational DB right afterwards