日期:2015/10/20 - 2015/10/26 time 18:42
一、说明 使用sdk-python 通过pip安装 ovirt-engine-sdk-python # pip install ovirt-engine-sdk-python 二、示例 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # !/bin/env python # # 2015/10/26 from __future__ import print_function from time import sleep from ovirtsdk.api import API from ovirtsdk.xml import params __version__ = ‘0.2.3‘ OE_URL = ‘https://e01.test/api‘ OE_USERNAME = ‘admin@internal‘ OE_PASSWORD = ‘TestVM‘ # curl -k https://e01.test/ca.crt -o ca.crt OE_CA_FILE = ‘ca.crt‘ # ca.crt 在当前目录下 def vm_list(oe_api): """ List VM """ try: print(‘[I] List vms:‘) for vm_online in oe_api.vms.list(): print(‘{0}‘.format(vm_online.name)) except Exception as err: print(‘[E] List VM:\n{0}‘.format(str(err))) def vm_start(oe_api, vm_name): """ start vm by name """ try: if vm_name not in [vm_online.name for vm_online in oe_api.vms.list()]: print("[E] VM not found: {0}".format(vm_name)) return 1 if oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state != ‘up‘: print(‘[I] Starting VM‘) oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).start() print(‘[I] Waiting for VM to reach Up status.‘) while oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state != ‘up‘: sleep(1) print(‘.‘, end=‘‘) print(‘ VM {0} is up!‘.format(vm_name)) else: print(‘[E] VM already up.‘) except Exception as err: print(‘[E] Failed to Start VM:\n{0}‘.format(str(err))) def vm_stop(oe_api, vm_name): """ stop vm by name """ try: if vm_name not in [vm_online.name for vm_online in oe_api.vms.list()]: print("[E] VM not found: {0}".format(vm_name)) return 1 if oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state != ‘down‘: print(‘[I] Stop VM.‘) oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).stop() print(‘[I] Waiting for VM to reach Down status..‘) while oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state != ‘down‘: sleep(1) print(‘.‘, end=‘‘) print(‘ VM {0} is down!‘.format(vm_name)) else: print(‘[E] VM already down:\n{0}‘.format(vm_name)) except Exception as err: print(‘[E] Stop VM:\n{0}‘.format(str(err))) def vm_delete(oe_api, vm_name): """ delete vm by name """ try: if vm_name not in [vm_online.name for vm_online in oe_api.vms.list()]: print("[E] VM not found: {0}".format(vm_name)) return 1 oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).delete() print(‘[I] Waiting for VM to be deleted.‘) while vm_name in [vm_online.name for vm_online in oe_api.vms.list()]: sleep(1) print(‘.‘, end=‘‘) print(‘ VM was removed successfully.‘) except Exception as err: print(‘[E] Failed to remove VM:\n{0}‘.format(str(err))) def vm_run_once(oe_api, vm_name, vm_password, vm_nic_info): """ vm run once with cloud-init """ try: if vm_name not in [vm_online.name for vm_online in oe_api.vms.list()]: print("[E] VM not found: {0}".format(vm_name)) return 1 elif vm_nic_info is None: print(‘[E] VM nic info is needed: "name_of_nic, ip_address, net_mask, gateway"‘) return 2 elif oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state == ‘down‘: print(‘[I] Starting VM with cloud-init.‘) p_host = params.Host(address="{0}".format(vm_name)) p_users = params.Users(user=[params.User(user_name="root", password=vm_password)]) vm_nic = [nic for nic in vm_nic_info.split(‘, ‘)] if len(vm_nic) != 4: print(‘[E] VM nic info need 4 args: "name_of_nic, ip_address, net_mask, gateway"‘) return 3 p_nic = params.Nics(nic=[params.NIC(name=vm_nic[0], boot_protocol="STATIC", on_boot=True, network=params.Network(ip=params.IP(address=vm_nic[1], netmask=vm_nic[2], gateway=vm_nic[3])))]) p_network = params.NetworkConfiguration(nics=p_nic) p_cloud_init = params.CloudInit(host=p_host, users=p_users, regenerate_ssh_keys=True, network_configuration=p_network) p_initialization = params.Initialization(cloud_init=p_cloud_init) vm_params = params.VM(initialization=p_initialization) vm_action = params.Action(vm=vm_params) oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).start(vm_action) print(‘[I] Waiting for VM to reach Up status.‘) while oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state != ‘up‘: sleep(1) print(‘.‘, end=‘‘) print(‘ VM {0} is up!‘.format(vm_name)) else: print(‘[E] VM already up.‘) except Exception as err: print(‘[E] Failed to Start VM with cloud-init:\n{0}‘.format(str(err))) def vm_create_from_tpl(oe_api, vm_name, tpl_name, cluster_name): """ create vm from template. notice: not (Clone/Independent), but (Thin/Dependent) """ try: vm_params = params.VM(name=vm_name, template=oe_api.templates.get(tpl_name), cluster=oe_api.clusters.get(cluster_name)) oe_api.vms.add(vm_params) print(‘[I] VM was created from Template successfully.\nWaiting for VM to reach Down status‘) while oe_api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state != ‘down‘: sleep(1) print(‘.‘, end=‘‘) print(‘ VM {0} is down!‘.format(vm_name)) except Exception as err: print(‘[E] Failed to create VM from template\n{0}‘.format(str(err))) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: import optparse p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option("-a", "--action", action="store", type="string", dest="action", help="list|init|start|stop|delete|create[-list]") p.add_option("-n", "--vm-name", action="store", type="string", dest="vm_name", help="provide the name of vm. eg: -a create -n vm01") p.add_option("-c", "--vm-cluster", action="store", type="string", dest="vm_cluster", help="provide cluster name") p.add_option("-t", "--vm-template", action="store", type="string", dest="vm_template", help="provide template name. eg: -a create -n vm01 -t tpl01 -c cluster01") p.add_option("-p", "--vm-password", action="store", type="string", dest="vm_password", help="-a init -p password_of_vm -i vm_nic_info") p.add_option("-i", "--vm-nic-info", action="store", type="string", dest="vm_nic_info", help=‘nic info: "name_of_nic, ip_address, net_mask, gateway". ‘ ‘eg: -a init -n vm01 -p 123456 -i "eth0,,,"‘) p.add_option("-L", "--vm-list", action="store", type="string", dest="vm_list", help=‘a list of vms. eg: -a stop-list -L "vm01, vm02, vm03"‘) p.set_defaults(action=‘list‘, vm_cluster=‘Host-Only‘, vm_template=‘tpl-s1‘) opt, args = p.parse_args() oe_conn = None try: oe_conn = API(url=OE_URL, username=OE_USERNAME, password=OE_PASSWORD, ca_file=OE_CA_FILE) if opt.action == ‘list‘: vm_list(oe_conn) elif opt.action == ‘start‘: vm_start(oe_conn, opt.vm_name) elif opt.action == ‘stop‘: vm_stop(oe_conn, opt.vm_name) elif opt.action == ‘delete‘: vm_delete(oe_conn, opt.vm_name) elif opt.action == ‘create‘: vm_create_from_tpl(oe_conn, opt.vm_name, opt.vm_template, opt.vm_cluster) elif opt.action == ‘init‘: vm_run_once(oe_conn, opt.vm_name, opt.vm_password, opt.vm_nic_info) elif opt.action == ‘start-list‘: for vm in opt.vm_list.split(‘, ‘): print(‘[I] try to start vm: {0}‘.format(vm)) vm_start(oe_conn, vm) elif opt.action == ‘stop-list‘: for vm in opt.vm_list.split(‘, ‘): print(‘[I] try to stop vm: {0}‘.format(vm)) vm_stop(oe_conn, vm) elif opt.action == ‘delete-list‘: for vm in opt.vm_list.split(‘, ‘): print(‘[I] try to delete: {0}‘.format(vm)) vm_delete(oe_conn, vm) elif opt.action == ‘create-list‘: for vm in opt.vm_list.split(‘, ‘): print(‘[I] try to create: {0}‘.format(vm)) vm_create_from_tpl(oe_conn, vm, opt.vm_template, opt.vm_cluster) except Exception as e: print(‘[E] :\n{0}‘.format(str(e))) finally: if oe_conn is not None: oe_conn.disconnect() ZYXW、参考 1、docs http://www.ovirt.org/Python-sdk http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/PythonApi http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Cloud-Init_Integration https://access.redhat.com/documentation/zh-CN/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.5/html-single/Technical_Guide/index.html#chap-REST_API_Quick_Start_Example