All unknown abbreviations will be transformed to tag, e.g. foo
→ <foo></foo>
Alias of html:5
Alias of input[type=hidden name]
Alias of input:hidden
Alias of inp
Alias of inp[type=search]
Alias of inp[type=email]
Alias of inp[type=url]
Alias of inp[type=password]
Alias of input:password
Alias of inp[type=datetime]
Alias of inp[type=date]
Alias of inp[type=datetime-local]
Alias of inp[type=month]
Alias of inp[type=week]
Alias of inp[type=time]
Alias of inp[type=number]
Alias of inp[type=color]
Alias of inp[type=checkbox]
Alias of input:checkbox
Alias of inp[type=radio]
Alias of input:radio
Alias of inp[type=range]
Alias of inp[type=file]
Alias of input:file
Alias of input:submit
Alias of input:image
Alias of input:button
Alias of input:button[type=reset]
Alias of menu[type=context]>
Alias of menu:context
Alias of menu[type=toolbar]>
Alias of menu:toolbar
Alias of blockquote
Alias of acronym
Alias of figure
Alias of figcaption
Alias of iframe
Alias of embed
Alias of object
Alias of source
Alias of caption
Alias of colgroup
Alias of fieldset
Alias of button
Alias of button[type=button]
Alias of button[type=reset]
Alias of button[type=submit]
Alias of optgroup
Alias of option
Alias of textarea
Alias of legend
Alias of section
Alias of article
Alias of header
Alias of footer
Alias of address
Alias of dialog
Alias of strong
Alias of progress
Alias of datagrid
Alias of datalist
Alias of keygen
Alias of output
Alias of details
Alias of command
Alias of html>(head>meta[charset=UTF-8]+title{¥{1:Document}})+body
Alias of html>(head>meta[http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=¥{charset}"]+title{¥{1:Document}})+body
Alias of !!!4t+doc4[lang=¥{lang}]
Alias of !!!4s+doc4[lang=¥{lang}]
Alias of !!!xt+doc4[xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml xml:lang=¥{lang}]
Alias of !!!xs+doc4[xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml xml:lang=¥{lang}]
Alias of !!!xxs+doc4[xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml xml:lang=¥{lang}]
Alias of !!!+doc[lang=¥{lang}]
Alias of ol>li
Alias of ul>li
Alias of dl>dt+dd
Alias of map>area
Alias of table>tr>td
Alias of colgroup>col
Alias of tr>td
Alias of >option
Alias of optgroup>option
CSS module uses fuzzy search to find unknown abbreviations, e.g. ov:h
== ov-h
== ovh
== oh
If abbreviation wasn’t found, it is transformed into property name: foo-bar
→ foo-bar: |;
You can prefix abbreviations with hyphen to produce vendor-prefixed properties: -foo
Alias of tm
Alias of tn
Alias of xsl:when
Alias of each
Alias of xsl:choose>xsl:when+xsl:otherwise
Alias of !!!+xsl:stylesheet[version=1.0 xmlns:xsl=http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform]>{ |}