tungsten-replicator 技术交流群:376068310
一 规划主机: #mysql主机 (事先安装好,安装步骤详见 前一篇博客 ) #mongodb主机 (事先安装好,安装步骤详见 前一篇博客)
二 前置条件:(128和129)
1 创建tungsten用户
[root@localhost ~] useradd tungsten [root@localhost ~] passwd tungsten
2 将tungsten账户添加到 mysql 用户组里
128主机: [root@localhost ~] sudo usermod -G mysql tungsten 129主机 [root@localhost ~] sudo usermod -G mongod tungsten
3 修改sudoers权限,并且让 tungsten 用户使用 sudo 命令时免密码
[root@localhost ~] chmod 740 /etc/sudoers [root@localhost ~] vi /etc/sudoers 添加如下一行: tungsten ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
4 切换到 tungsten 用户下
[root@localhost ~] su - tungsten
5 切换到 tungsten 用户后,创建密钥对。默认在/home/tungsten/.ssh 目录下
[tungsten@localhost ~] ssh-keygen -t rsa
6 修改 limit 文件
[tungsten@localhost ~] vi /etc/security/limits.conf 添加下面一行: * - nofile 65535
7 检查修改是否成功
[tungsten@localhost ~] ulimit -n 65535
8 配置hosts
[tungsten@localhost ~] sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost host1 host2
9 测试主机
[tungsten@localhost ~] uname -n host1
10 测试ip地址
[tungsten@localhost ~] hostname --ip-address
11 防火墙设置
[tungsten@localhost ~] iptables -A INPUT -i lo -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
12 把生成的公钥和私钥拷贝到 tungsten用户的主目录下 。默认就在用户主目录
[tungsten@localhost ~] cp .ssh/id_rsa.pub .ssh/id_rsa /home/tungsten/.ssh
13 把公钥放到 .ssh/authorized_keys文件中,128 的公钥放到 129,129 的公钥放到 128
[tungsten@localhost ~] cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
14 修改权限
[tungsten@localhost ~] chmod 700 ~/.ssh [tungsten@localhost ~] 600 ~/.ssh/*
15 测试主机间ssh
[tungsten@localhost ~] ssh tungsten@host2
16 修改mysql配置
[tungsten@localhost ~] vi /etc/my.cnf server-id = 128 open_files_limit = 65535 log-bin = mysql-bin sync_binlog = 1 max_allowed_packet = 52m default-storage-engine = InnoDB innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 binlog-format = row binlog-row-image = full
17 登录mysql,创建用户 tungsten 复制的 mysql 用户
[tungsten@localhost ~] /usr/bin/mysql mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to tungsten_alpha@‘%‘ identified by ‘ts‘ with grant options; mysql> flush privileges;
三 安装服务:
1 创建 tungsten-replication 软件主目录
[tungsten@localhost ~] sudo mkdir /opt/continuent/soft [tungsten@localhost ~] sudo chown -R tungsten /opt/continuent [tungsten@localhost ~] sudo chmod 700 /opt/continuent
2 把下载好的 tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-2667425.tar.gz 包上传到 soft 目录
[tungsten@localhost ~] cd /opt/continuent/soft [tungsten@host1 software] ll [tungsten@host1 software] tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-2667425.tar.gz [tungsten@host1 software] tar -zxvf tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-2667425.tar.gz [tungsten@host1 software] cd tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-2667425 [tungsten@host1 tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-2667425]
[tungsten@host1 tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-2667425] ./tools/tpm install alpha --info --master= --datasource-mysql-conf=/etc/my.cnf --enable-heterogenous-master=true --replication-user=tungsten_alpha --replication-password=ts --install-directory=/opt/continuent/alpha --start-and-report
[tungsten@host2 tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-2667425]./tools/tpm install alpha --info --datasource-type=mongodb --master= --members= --enable-heterogenous-slave=true --topology=master-slave --install-directory=/opt/continuent/alpha --start-and-report
3 如果两个主机的 state 都是 online 说明 两个主机的 tungsten-replicator 都正常运行了
4 在mysql 主机上的 tungsten_alpha 库中 创建一张表,然后在mongo主机中查看 同步是否成功
使用 tungsten-replicator4 实现 mysql -- > monogo 数据同步