static void Main() { string c=Console.ReadLine(); string d=Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(c+","+d); //用“+”连接符 }
static void Main() { string c=Console.ReadLine(); string d=Console.ReadLine(); string m=String.Format(“{0},{1}”,c,d); //字符串格式输出 Response.Write(m); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i=12345; Response.Write("{0:C}",i); //货币 Response.Write("{0:D}",i); //十进制数 Response.Write("{0:E}",i); //科学技术法 Response.Write("{0:F}",i); // 浮点数表示法 Response.Write("{0:G}",i); //G或g General 常用格式 Response.Write("{0:N}",i); //N或n 用逗号分割千位的数字 }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string s1 = "三百"; string s2 = "1000"; string s3 = "2,000"; string s4 = "-1000"; string s5 = "4000d"; int currentValue = 0; Response.Write(int.TryParse(s1, out currentValue)); //返回False Response.Write(int.TryParse(s2, out currentValue)); //返回True Response.Write(int.TryParse(s3, out currentValue)); //返回False Response.Write(int.TryParse(s4, out currentValue)); //返回True Response.Write(int.TryParse(s5, out currentValue)); //返回False }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = "Do you like ASP.NET?"; Response.Write(str.ToUpper()); //转换为大写 Response.Write(str.ToLower()); //转换为小写 }
d MM/dd/yyyy ShortDatePattern(短日期模式)
D dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy LongDatePattern(长日期模式)
F dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm Full date and time (long date and short time)(全日期和时间模式)
F dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss FullDateTimePattern (long date and long time)(长日期和长时间)
G MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm General (short date and short time)(通用模式,短日期和短时间)
G MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss General (short date and long time)(通用模式,短日期和长时间)
M,M MMMM dd MonthDayPattern(月天模式)
r,R ddd,dd MMM yyyy,HH‘:‘mm‘:‘ss ‘GMT‘ RFC1123Pattern (RFC1123模式)
S yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SortableDateTimePattern (conforms to ISO 8601) using local time(使用本地时间的可排序模式)
T HH:mm ShortTimePattern (短时间模式)
T HH:mm:ss LongTimePattern(长时间模式)
U yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss UniversalSortable-DateTimePattern (conforms to ISO 8601) using universal time(通用可排序模式)
U dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy,HH:mm:ss UniversalSortable-DateTimePattern(通用可排序模式)
y,Y MMMM,yyyy YearMonthPattern(年月模式)
static void Main() { Response.Write("{0:D}",DateTime.Now); //输出到天 Response.Write("{0:y}",DateTime.Now); //输出到月 Response.Write("{0:m}",DateTime.Now); //取出是那个月 Response.Write("{0:T}",DateTime.Now); // 取长时间到秒 Response.Write("{0:t}",DateTime.Now); //取短时间到分 Response.Write("{0:tt}",DateTime.Now); //取出是上午还是下午 }