我发现很多朋友在开发数据库时都使用 Delphi 自带的 ADO 组 件 或 Diamond ADO,其实在 Delphi 中使用原生 ADO 接口也是十分方便和有效的。我使用原生 ADO 开发项目已有很长一段时 间,也回答过一些朋友类似的问题,现在把自己的一点心得与大家分享,班门弄斧,只是希望能对大家有所帮助。当然,这帖子也是原生的,不是转贴的。一、优点
大家知道 Delphi 对 ADO 接口进行了一番包装后形成了 ADOExpress,我想 Borland 的主要目的还是想与自己的数据敏感控件
么 ADOExpress 基本上失去了其应有的作用,无数冗余的属性、虚方法,不管你用不用得到一股脑给你编译进去,也会使你的程序再大上 200K;
2、MSDN 和 VB 中的例子你可以搬过来就用。
3、告诉那些 Delphi 反对者,Delphi 不是离开组件就活不了。
5、别说帖子太长,那你看看 DB.pas, ADODB.pas 多长?
Variants, ComObj;
2、一些基本常数(其它查 ADODB2000.pas):
const adOpenDynamic = $00000002; adOpenStatic = $00000003; adLockOptimistic = $00000003; adLockBatchOptimistic = $00000004; adStateClosed = $00000000; adStateOpen = $00000001; adStateConnecting = $00000002; adStateExecuting = $00000004; adStateFetching = $00000008; adUseServer = $00000002; adUseClient = $00000003; adModeReadWrite = $00000003; adXactCursorStability = $00001000; adCmdText = $00000001; adCmdTable = $00000002; adCmdStoredProc = $00000004; adCmdFile = $00000100; adAffectCurrent = $00000001; adAffectGroup = $00000002; adAffectAll = $00000003; adAffectAllChapters = $00000004; 3、一些基本函数和过程 //创建 Connection 对象 function CreateConnection: OleVariant; //释放 Connection 对象;cnn 为 Connection 对象 procedure FreeConnection(var cnn: OleVariant); //创建 Recordset 对象 function CreateRecordset: OleVariant; //释放 Recordset 对象;rst 为 Recordset 对象 procedure FreeRecordset(var rst: OleVariant); //创建 Command 对象 function CreateCommand: OleVariant; //释放 Command 对象;cmd 为 Command 对象 procedure FreeCommand(var cmd: OleVariant); //用 Connection 连接到 SQLServer 数据库;cnn 为 Connection 对象,db 数据库名,host 主机名,usr 用户名,pwd 密码 function ConnectToDB(cnn: OleVariant; const db, host, usr, pwd: string): Boolean; //执行 SQL 语句,有返回行,无事务处理;cnn 为 Connection 对象,rst 为 Recordset 对象,sql 为 SQL 语句(可以是存储过程) function ExecSQL(cnn, rst: OleVariant; const sql: string): Boolean; //执行 SQL 语句,无返回行,有事务处理;cnn 为 Connection 对象,cmd 为 Command 对象,sql 为 SQL 语句(可以是存储过程) function ExecSQLA(cnn, cmd: OleVariant; const sql: string): Boolean; function CreateConnection: OleVariant; begin try Result := CreateOleObject(‘ADODB.Connection‘); Result.CursorLocation := adUseServer; Result.IsolationLevel := adXactCursorStability; Result.Mode := adModeReadWrite; Result.Provider := ‘SQLOLEDB.1‘; except if not VarIsEmpty(Result) then Result := Unassigned; end; end; procedure FreeConnection(var cnn: OleVariant); begin if not VarIsEmpty(cnn) then begin if cnn.State <> adStateClosed then cnn.Close; cnn := Unassigned; end; end; function CreateRecordset: OleVariant; begin try Result := CreateOleObject(‘ADODB.Recordset‘); Result.CacheSize := 1000; Result.CursorType := adOpenStatic; Result.CursorLocation := adUseServer; Result.LockType := adLockOptimistic; except if not VarIsEmpty(Result) then Result := Unassigned; end; end; procedure FreeRecordset(var rst: OleVariant); begin FreeConnection(rst); end; function CreateCommand: OleVariant; begin try Result := CreateOleObject(‘ADODB.Command‘); Result.CommandType := adCmdText; Result.CommandTimeout := 5; except if not VarIsEmpty(Result) then Result := Unassigned; end; end; procedure FreeCommand(var cmd: OleVariant); begin if not VarIsEmpty(cmd) then cmd := Unassigned; end; function ConnectToDB(cnn: OleVariant; const db, host, usr, pwd: string): Boolean; begin Result := not VarIsEmpty(cnn); if Result then begin if cnn.State <> adStateClosed then cnn.Close; cnn.ConnectionString := ‘Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=‘ + db + ‘;Data Source=‘ + host + ‘;Connect Timeout=5;‘ + ‘Use Procedure for Prepare=1‘; try cnn.Open(cnn.ConnectionString, usr, pwd, -1); except Result := False; end; end; end; function ExecSQL(cnn, rst: OleVariant; const sql: string): Boolean; begin Result := not (VarIsEmpty(cnn) or VarIsEmpty(rst)) and (cnn.State = adStateOpen); if Result then begin if rst.State <> adStateClosed then rst.Close; try rst.Open(sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); except Result := False; end; end; end; function ExecSQLA(cnn, cmd: OleVariant; const sql: string): Boolean; begin Result := not (VarIsEmpty(cnn) or VarIsEmpty(cmd)) and (cnn.State = adStateOpen); if Result then begin cnn.BeginTrans; try cmd.ActiveConnection := cnn; cmd.CommandText := sql; cmd.Prepared := True; cmd.Execute; cnn.CommitTrans; except cnn.RollbackTrans; Result := False; end; end; end;
三、访问数据1、最前 rst.MoveFirst;
2、最后 rst.MoveLast;
3、向前 rst.MovePrevious;
4、向后 rst.MoveNext;
5、取当前记录 rst.Fields[0].Value 或 rst.Fields[‘字段名‘].Value;
6、修改当前记录 rst.Update(rst.Fields[0].Name, 某值);
7、取消修改 rst.CancelUpdate;
8、删除当前记录 rst.Delete(adAffectCurrent);
9、删除所有记录 rst.Delete(adAffectAll);
rst.Fields[0].Value := 值1;
rst.Fields[1].Value := 值2;
11、刷新 rst.Refresh;
12、记录数 rst.RecordCount
15、其它方法和属性查 MSDN 或 ADO 的帮助;
//变量声明 var cnn, rst, cmd: OleVariant; //创建对象 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin cnn := CreateConnection; rst := CreateRecordset; cmd := CreateCommand; end; //释放对象 procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin FreeCommand(cmd); FreeRecordset(rst); FreeConnection(cnn); end; //连接数据库 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ConnectToDB(cnn, ‘mydb‘, ‘‘, ‘sa‘, ‘ok‘) then Caption := ‘连接成功‘ else Caption := ‘连接失败‘; end; //取记录 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin ExecSQL(cnn, rst, ‘select * from 表a‘); Caption := VarToStr(rst.Fields[‘字段a‘].Value); end;
五、原生 ADO 与 Delphi ADOExpress 组件的对应关系1、Connection <=> ADOConnection.ConnectionObject;
2、Recordset <=> ADODataSet.Recordset;
3、Command <=> ADOCommand.CommandObject;
4、? <=> ADOQuery,因为 ADOQuery 根本就不是原生 ADO 对象
5、ExecSQL <=> ADODataSet.Open;
6、ExecSQLA <=> ADOCommand.Execute;
uses ComObj; //Access //TableName: 表名; OldColName: 原字段名; NewColName: 新字段名; procedure RenameField(const TableName, OldColName, NewColName: string); var DB, Col: OleVariant; begin DB := CreateOleObject(‘ADOX.Catalog‘); DB.ActiveConnection := ADOConnection1.ConnectionObject; Col := CreateOleObject(‘ADOX.Column‘); Col := DB.Tables[TableName].Columns[OldColName]; Col.Name := NewColName; end; //SQLServer procedure RenameField(const TableName, OldColName, NewColName: string); begin with ADOCommand1 do begin CommandText := ‘EXEC sp_rename ‘‘‘ + TableName + ‘.‘ + OldColName + ‘‘‘,‘‘‘ + NewColName + ‘‘‘,‘‘COLUMN‘‘;‘; Excute; end; end; 2、取得 Access 库中的表结构 type TTableDef = record Name, DateCreated, LastUpdated, Description: string; end; TTableDefs = array of TTableDef; procedure GetTableDefs(const DBName: string; out TableDefs: TTableDefs); var DBEngine, DB: OleVariant; I: Longint; begin try DBEngine := CreateOleObject(‘DAO.DBEngine.36‘); DB := DBEngine.OpenDatabase(DBName); SetLength(TableDefs, Longint(DB.TableDefs.Count)); for I := Low(TableDefs) to High(TableDefs) do begin TableDefs[I].Name := DB.TableDefs[I].Name; TableDefs[I].DateCreated := DB.TableDefs[I].DateCreated; TableDefs[I].LastUpdated := DB.TableDefs[I].LastUpdated; try TableDefs[I].Description := DB.TableDefs[I].Properties[‘Description‘].Value; except TableDefs[I].Description := ‘‘; end; end; finally DB := Unassigned; DBEngine := Unassigned; end; end; 3、取得 Access 表中的字段结构 type TFieldDef = record Name: string; Types, Size: Longint; Description: string; end; TFieldDefs = array of TFieldDef; procedure GetFieldDefs(const DBName, TableName: string; out FieldDefs: TFieldDefs); var DBEngine, DB: OleVariant; I: Longint; begin try DBEngine := CreateOleObject(‘DAO.DBEngine.36‘); DB := DBEngine.OpenDatabase(DBName); SetLength(FieldDefs, Longint(DB.TableDefs[TableName].Fields.Count)); for I := Low(FieldDefs) to High(FieldDefs) do begin FieldDefs[I].Name := DB.TableDefs[TableName].Fields[I].Name; FieldDefs[I].Types := DB.TableDefs[TableName].Fields[I].Type; FieldDefs[I].Size := DB.TableDefs[TableName].Fields[I].Size; try FieldDefs[I].Description := DB.TableDefs[TableName].Fields[I].Properties[‘Description‘].Value; except FieldDefs[I].Description := ‘‘; end; end; finally DB := Unassigned; DBEngine := Unassigned; end; end;
4、至于如何动态创建 Access 数据库之类我就不罗嗦了,到处都有相关的月经贴七、其它
1、我使用 ADO 的经历:ADOExpress-->ADOExpress的原生接口-->引用ADO2.1接口单元,即ADODB_TLB-->直接使用 ADO 的 COM 接口;