" {{{ ====================== Vundle ======================== set nocompatible " be iMproved, required filetype off " required " set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins "call vundle#begin(‘~/some/path/here‘) " let Vundle manage Vundle, required Plugin ‘gmarik/Vundle.vim‘ Plugin ‘Valloric/YouCompleteMe‘ Plugin ‘scrooloose/syntastic‘ Plugin ‘scrooloose/nerdtree‘ "Plugin ‘TagHighlight‘ Plugin ‘dyng/ctrlsf.vim‘ "Plugin ‘szw/vim-ctrlspace‘ Plugin ‘jiangmiao/auto-pairs‘ "Plugin ‘github-theme‘ "Plugin ‘freya‘ "Plugin ‘Lucius‘ " Plugin ‘rainbow.zip‘ "Plugin ‘Color-Scheme-Explorer‘ "Plugin ‘colorer-color-scheme‘ "Plugin ‘altercation/vim-colors-solarized‘ "Plugin ‘OmniCppComplete‘ "Plugin ‘code_complete-new-update‘ Plugin ‘ervandew/supertab‘ Plugin ‘Mark‘ "Plugin ‘taglist.vim‘ Plugin ‘Tagbar‘ Plugin ‘scrooloose/nerdcommenter‘ Plugin ‘kien/ctrlp.vim‘ "Plugin ‘vim-auto-save‘ Plugin ‘DoxygenToolkit.vim‘ " Plugin ‘DoxyGen-Syntax‘ " Plugin ‘sjl/gundo.vim‘ Plugin ‘TaskList.vim‘ Plugin ‘pthrasher/conqueterm-vim‘ "Plugin ‘tfnico/vim-gradle‘ Plugin ‘rhysd/vim-clang-format‘ "Plugin ‘othree/xml.vim‘ Plugin ‘a.vim‘ Plugin ‘tpope/vim-surround‘ "Plugin ‘tpope/vim-fugitive‘ " git tool Plugin ‘godlygeek/tabular‘ "Plugin ‘plasticboy/vim-markdown‘ Plugin ‘bbchung/clighter‘ "Plugin ‘xuzhezhaozhao/vim-potion‘ Plugin ‘name5566/vim-bookmark‘ " Plugin ‘MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks‘ Plugin ‘saihoooooooo/glowshi-ft.vim‘ Plugin ‘panozzaj/vim-autocorrect‘ "Plugin ‘matlab.vim‘ "Plugin ‘MatlabFilesEdition‘ Plugin ‘Align.vim‘ "Plugin ‘mattn/emmet-vim‘ "Plugin ‘justinmk/vim-syntax-extra‘ Plugin ‘hdima/python-syntax‘ Plugin ‘raichoo/haskell-vim‘ Plugin ‘tpope/vim-repeat‘ Plugin ‘tmhedberg/matchit‘ Plugin ‘Igorjan94/codeforces.vim‘ " The following are examples of different formats supported. " Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end. " plugin on GitHub repo " Plugin ‘tpope/vim-fugitive‘ " plugin from http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html " Plugin ‘L9‘ " Git plugin not hosted on GitHub " Plugin ‘git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git‘ " git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin) " Plugin ‘file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin‘ " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim. " Pass the path to set the runtimepath properly. " Plugin ‘rstacruz/sparkup‘, {‘rtp‘: ‘vim/‘} " Avoid a name conflict with L9 " Plugin ‘user/L9‘, {‘name‘: ‘newL9‘} " All of your Plugins must be added before the following line call vundle#end() " required filetype plugin indent on " required " }}} ========================================================== " {{{ ==================== autocmd ============================ autocmd FileType vim :setlocal foldmethod=marker " }}} ========================================================== " {{{ =================== 基本设置 ============================== set runtimepath+=~/.vim,/etc/vim,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vim74,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/addons/after,~/.vim/after let $VIM = "/home/xuzz/usr/local/share/vim" let $VIMRUNTIME = "/home/xuzz/.usr/local/share/vim/vim74" set nocompatible " 推荐设置,使用vim模式,不使用vi模式 " set cindent "C格式的自动缩进 set autoindent set smartindent set nu "行号 set ruler " 显示状态栏标尺 set cc=81 " 标尺功能 set textwidth=0 " 放到.vim/ftplugin/cpp.vim c.vim 中 "set makeprg=g++\ -g\ -std=c++11\ % " quickfix参数 set tabstop=4 " set expandtab " 用 space 代替tab输入 set smarttab set shiftwidth=4 set cursorline " 高亮显示当前行 set hlsearch " 高亮搜索结果 set anti set guifont=YaHei\ Consolas\ Hybrid\ 14,Fixed\ 14 " 设置 gvim 的字体及大小 "set guifont=Menlo\ Regular\ 12,Fixed\ 12 " 设置 gvim 的字体及大小 set autochdir " 自动设置当前编辑的文件所在路径为工作路径 set so=3 " 光标在还有3行时自动滚屏 set ignorecase smartcase " 搜索时默认不区分大小写,只有搜索关键字中出现一个大字母时才区分大小写 set incsearch " 即时搜素 set showcmd " 命令模式下显示输入的命令 syntax on " 语法高亮 filetype plugin on " 文件类型检查 set backspace=indent,eol,start " 设置backspace可以删除字符 set whichwrap=<,>,[,] " 具体查看 :help, 设置左右方向键在行头行尾是否转至上/下一行 " set foldenable " 开始折叠 " 按 space键 toggle 折叠块 nnoremap <space> zA set foldmethod=indent " 设置折叠方式为按缩进折叠 set foldlevel=99 "set foldopen=all " 设置为自动打开折叠 set wildmenu " 增强版命令行,状态栏列出符合条件的命令 set wildignore=*.o,*~,*.swp " 补全时忽略指定后缀文件 set cmdheight=1 " 命令栏高度 set wrap " 一行太长时,自动显示为多行 "Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside if exists("&autoread") set autoread endif " Return to last edit position when opening files (You want this!) autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("‘\"") > 0 && line("‘\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal! g`\"" | \ endif " Remember info about open buffers on close set viminfo^=% " always display status line set laststatus=2 " Format the status line "set statusline=\ %{HasPaste()}%F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ CWD:\ %r%{getcwd()}%h\ \ \ Line:\ %l set statusline=\ %{HasPaste()}%F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ \ \ set statusline+=%= set statusline+=\ %l\ /\ %L\ \ \ \ \ \ \ %c\ \ \ \ \ \ \ set statusline+=%p%%\ \ " 高亮匹配 <> set mps+=<:> """""" 去除 scrollbar set guioptions+=r set guioptions-=L " 去除工具栏 set guioptions+=m set guioptions+=T set columns=94 set fileencoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,chinese,cp936 " }}} ========================================================== " {{{ ============= 变量设置 ==================================== " 映射 <Leader>键 let g:mapleader = "," " }}} =========================================================== " {{{ =================== 键盘映射 ============================== " use space to toggle folding area " 以下3行命令将ctrl-s映射为保存 nnoremap <C-S> :w<CR> vnoremap <C-S> <C-C>:w<CR> inoremap <C-S> <C-O>:w<CR> " 放到 .vim/ftplugin/cpp.vim 中 "Topcoder, compile "nnoremap <F5> :w<CR>:make<CR> "vnoremap <F5> <C-C>:w<CR>:make<CR><CR> "inoremap <F5> <C-O>:w<CR>:make<CR><CR> "Topcoder, run "nnoremap <C-F5> :!./a.out<CR> "vnoremap <C-F5> <C-C>:!./a.out<CR> "inoremap <C-F5> <C-O>:!./a.out<CR> "Topcoder submit "nnoremap <F6> :!./fomat.sh<CR> "vnoremap <F6> <C-C>:!./fomat.sh<CR> "inoremap <F6> <C-O>:!./fomat.sh<CR> " Topcoder format code " 将4个空格替换为一个tab " nnoremap <C-A><C-K><C-F> :%s/ /<tab>/g<CR><C-O> " inoremap <C-K><C-F> <C-O>:%s/ /<tab>/g<CR><ESC><CR><C-O>i " 一键启动Pyclewn调试 "nnoremap <F8> :Pyclewn<CR>:Cmapkeys<CR>:make<CR>:Cfile a.out<CR> "vnoremap <F8> <C-C>:Pyclewn<CR>:Cmapkeys<CR>:make<CR>:Cfile a.out<CR> "inoremap <F8> <C-O>:Pyclewn<CR>:Cmapkeys<CR>:make<CR>:Cfile a.out<CR> " 生成tags文件 "nnoremap <C-F12> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR> nnoremap <C-F12> :!ctags -R .<CR> "窗口分割时,进行切换的按键热键需要连接两次,比如从下方窗口移动 "光标到上方窗口,需要<c-w><c-w>k,非常麻烦,现在重映射为<c-k>,切换的 "时候会变得非常方便. nnoremap <C-H> <C-W>h nnoremap <C-J> <C-W>j nnoremap <C-K> <C-W>k nnoremap <C-L> <C-W>l " 快速保存 nnoremap <leader>w :w<cr> " 快速退出 nnoremap <leader>q :q!<CR> " Visual mode pressing * or # searches for the current selection " Super useful! From an idea by Michael Naumann vnoremap <silent> * :call VisualSelection(‘f‘)<CR> vnoremap <silent> # :call VisualSelection(‘b‘)<CR> " Treat long lines as break lines (useful when moving around in them) nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk " Move a line of text using ALT+[jk] or Comamnd+[jk] on mac " 上下移动一行或选定的区域 nnoremap <M-j> mz:m+<cr>`z nnoremap <M-k> mz:m-2<cr>`z vnoremap <M-j> :m‘>+<cr>`<my`>mzgv`yo`z vnoremap <M-k> :m‘<-2<cr>`>my`<mzgv`yo`z " 插入匹配括号 (不用了,使用插件 auto-pairs) " inoremap ( ()<LEFT> " inoremap [ []<LEFT> " inoremap { {}<LEFT> " (不使用,有问题)输入一个字符时,如果下一个字符也是括号,则删除它,避免出现重复字符 " inoremap ) <ESC>:call RemoveNextDoubleChar(‘)‘)<CR>a " inoremap ] <ESC>:call RemoveNextDoubleChar(‘]‘)<CR>a " inoremap } <ESC>:call RemoveNextDoubleChar(‘}‘)<CR>a " 用退格键删除一个左括号时同时删除对应的右括号 inoremap <BS> <ESC>:call RemovePairs()<CR>a " tabs间切换 nnoremap <leader>l :tabnext<cr> nnoremap <leader>h :tabpre<cr> " edit .vimrc and save nnoremap <leader>ev :e $MYVIMRC<CR> nnoremap <leader>sv :source $MYVIMRC<CR> " go to line head and tail nnoremap H ^ nnoremap L $ " wrap the word under the cursor with " or ‘ nnoremap <leader>" viw<esc>a"<esc>bi"<esc>e nnoremap <leader>‘ viw<esc>a‘<esc>bi‘<esc>e " wrap visual selection area with " or ‘ vnoremap <leader>" <esc>a"<esc>`<i"<esc>`>l vnoremap <leader>‘ <esc>a‘<esc>`<i‘<esc>`>l " grep the WORD under the cursor in current directory "nnoremap <leader>g :execute "grep! -R" . shellescape(expand("<cWORD>")) . " ."<cr>:copen<cr><cr> " add ; to the end of line nnoremap ; A;<esc> " add pair to visual selection area vnoremap ‘ <esc>`<i‘<esc>`>la‘<esc> vnoremap ( <esc>`<i(<esc>`>la)<esc> vnoremap ) <esc>`<i(<esc>`>la)<esc> vnoremap [ <esc>`<i[<esc>`>la]<esc> vnoremap ] <esc>`<i[<esc>`>la]<esc> vnoremap { <esc>`<i{<esc>`>la}<esc> vnoremap } <esc>`<i{<esc>`>la}<esc> " move in insert mode inoremap <c-l> <c-o>l "inoremap <c-h> <c-o>h " no use, ctrl H is binded to BackSpace key inoremap <c-k> <c-o>k inoremap <c-j> <c-o>j " smart indentation vnoremap < <gv vnoremap > >gv " preview html file nmap <silent> <leader>v :!google-chrome-stable %<CR> " 系统剪切板 vmap Y "+y nmap Y "+yy nmap P "+p nmap <c-n> :nohl<cr> " }}} =================================================== " {{{ ============== correct word ======================= iabbrev adn and iabbrev teh the iabbrev waht what " }}} =================================================== "{{{ ==== plugin setup ===== " " {{{ ============= UltiSnips 插件设置 ================== " 代码片段 set runtimepath+=~/.vim/ultisnips_rep "UltiSnips " let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<tab>" " let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<tab>" " let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<s-tab>" "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ============ tags =============================== " set tags+=/usr/include/tags " set tags+=~/.vim/tags/glib.tags " set tags+=~/.vim/tags/libc.tags " set tags+=~/.vim/tags/susv2.tags "set tags+=~/.vim/tags/clean.tags " /usr/include 目录下删除不用的头文件之后生成的 "set tags+=~/.vim/tags/cpp.tags " 插件生成的 STL tags "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ============== code_complete update 版插件设置 ==== " let g:CodeCompl_Hotkey="<C-X>" " 设置补全热键 "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ============= pyclewn 设置 ======================= set previewheight=6 " 设置调试窗口大小, 宽度为 8 "}}} ================================================== "{{{ ============== tagbar 设置 ========================= nnoremap <leader>b :TagbarToggle<cr> let g:tagbar_left = 1 " 使其出现在左边 "let g:tagbar_right = 1 " 使其出现右边 set updatetime=100 " 根据光标位置自动更新高亮tag的间隔时间,单位为毫秒 let g:tagbar_width = 25 " 设置窗口宽度 " let g:tagbar_compact= 1 " 不显示顶部帮助信息,节省空间 let g:tagbar_show_linenumbers = 0 " 不显示行号 " let g:tagbar_expand = 1 " 自动扩展gui窗口 " autocmd VimEnter * nested :TagbarOpen " 启动vim时自动打开tagbar " autocmd VimEnter * nested :call tagbar#autoopen(1) " 若文件类型支持,则自动打开tagbar " autocmd BufEnter * nested :call tagbar#autoopen(0) " 打开新标签时,自动打开tagbar "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ============= CtrlP 插件 =================================== let g:ctrlp_map = ‘<c-p>‘ " 启动热键 nmap <leader>. :CtrlPTag<cr> let g:ctrlp_by_filename = 1 " 通过文件名查找,0 是路径名加文件名 set wildignore+=*/dox/*,*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*tar.bz2,*tar,*.gz " MacOSX/Linux, 排除文件 let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { \ ‘dir‘: ‘\v[\/]\.(git|hg|svn)$‘, \ ‘file‘: ‘\v\.(exe|so|dll)$‘, \ ‘link‘: ‘some_bad_symbolic_links‘, \ } let g:ctrlp_follow_symlinks = 1 "显示链接文件 " MRU模式下不显示的文件 let g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude = ‘/tmp/.*\|/temp/.*‘ " MacOSX/Linux, " let g:ctrlp_mruf_include = ‘\.cpp$\|\.h$‘ " 只记住的文件 "MRU模式下只显示工作目录下的文件 let g:ctrlp_mruf_relative = 1 " 顺序即为<c-b>, <c-f>时出现的顺序 "let g:ctrlp_extensions = [‘tag‘, ‘buffertag‘, ‘quickfix‘, ‘dir‘, ‘rtscript‘, " \ ‘undo‘, ‘line‘, ‘changes‘, ‘mixed‘, ‘bookmarkdir‘] " let g:ctrlp_extensions = [‘quickfix‘] "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================== syntastic 插件设置 ================== let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler = ‘g++‘ let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options = ‘-g -std=c++11 -Wall -DLEVELDB_PLATFORM_POSIX‘ let g:syntastic_python_python_exec = ‘/usr/bin/python3‘ " ignore some messages " let g:syntastic_quiet_messages = {"regex": ‘no such‘} "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================= YouCompleteme ==================== "设置全局配置文件的路径 let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = ‘~/.ycm_extra_conf.py‘ " 解决与Unisnips插件的冲突 "let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = [‘<C-TAB>‘,‘<Down>‘] "let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = [‘<C-S-TAB>‘,‘<Up>‘] "let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = ‘<C-Tab>‘ " make YCM compatible with UltiSnips (using supertab) let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = [‘<C-n>‘, ‘<Down>‘] let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = [‘<C-p>‘, ‘<Up>‘] let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = ‘<C-n>‘ "" better key bindings for UltiSnipsExpandTrigger let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = "<tab>" let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = "<tab>" let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger = "<s-tab>" function! g:UltiSnips_Complete() call UltiSnips#ExpandSnippet() if g:ulti_expand_res == 0 if pumvisible() return "\<C-n>" else call UltiSnips#JumpForwards() if g:ulti_jump_forwards_res == 0 return "\<TAB>" endif endif endif return "" endfunction au BufEnter * exec "inoremap <silent> " . g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger . " <C-R>=g:UltiSnips_Complete()<cr>" " let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<tab>" " let g:UltiSnipsListSnippets="<c-e>" " this mapping Enter key to <C-y> to chose the current highlight item " and close the selection list, same as other IDEs. " CONFLICT with some plugins like tpope/Endwise " inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<C-g>u\<CR>" " 对全C函数的补全快捷键 let ycm_key_invoke_completion = ‘<S-space>‘ "设置error和warning的提示符,如果没有设置,ycm会以syntastic的 " g:syntastic_warning_symbol 和 g:syntastic_error_symbol 这两个为准 " let g:ycm_error_symbol=‘>>‘ " let g:ycm_warning_symbol=‘>*‘ "设置跳转的快捷键,可以跳转到definition和declaration "nnoremap <leader>gc :YcmCompleter GoToDeclaration<CR> "nnoremap <leader>gf :YcmCompleter GoToDefinition<CR> nnoremap <c-[> :YcmCompleter GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration<CR> "nnoremap <c-"> :YcmCompleter GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration<CR> ""开启基于tag的补全,可以在这之后添加需要的标签路径 "let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 1 "set tags+=~/.vim/tags/cpp.tags " 插件生成的 STL tags " 语法关键字补全 let g:ycm_seed_identifiers_with_syntax = 1 "不显示开启vim时检查ycm_extra_conf文件的信息 let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf = 0 "每次重新生成匹配项,禁止缓存匹配项 let g:ycm_cache_omnifunc = 0 "在注释中也可以补全 let g:ycm_complete_in_comments = 1 "在字符串输入中也能补全 let g:ycm_complete_in_strings = 1 "注释和字符串中的文字也会被收入补全 let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_comments_and_strings = 1 "输入第一个字符就开始补全 let g:ycm_min_num_of_chars_for_completion = 1 "查询ultisnips提供的代码模板补全, 就跟vs + Assist X一样 let g:ycm_use_ultisnips_completer = 1 "让Vim的补全菜单行为与一般IDE一致(参考VimTip1228) set completeopt=longest,menu "离开插入模式后自动关闭预览窗口 autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif " 0: 关闭ycm的syntastic let g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui = 1 " 将出错信息写入到locationlist中去 "let g:ycm_always_populate_location_list = 1 "nmap <C-Y> :YcmForceCompileAndDiagnostics<cr> nmap <C-Y> :YcmDiags<cr> "}}} ==================================================== "{{{ ================== NerdTree ======================== " This option is used to specify which files the NERD tree should ignore. " It must be a list of regular expressions. " let NERDTreeIgnore=[‘\.vim$‘, ‘\~$‘] " let NERDTreeIgnore=[‘.d$[[dir]]‘, ‘.o$[[file]]‘] let NERDTreeIgnore=[‘.o$[[file]]‘, ‘.asv$[[file]]‘, ‘.fig$[[file]]‘, ‘.xlsx$[[file]]‘] " display line number " let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=1 " 指定文件排序方式, see more from help " let NERDTreeSortOrder = [] " For example, if the option is set to: > " [‘\.vim$‘, ‘\.c$‘, ‘\.h$‘, ‘*‘, ‘foobar‘] " < " then all .vim files will be placed at the top, followed by all .c files then " all .h files. All files containing the string ‘foobar‘ will be placed at the " end. The star is a special flag: it tells the script that every node that " doesnt match any of the other regexps should be placed here. let NERDTreeSortOrder = [‘\/$‘, ‘\.cpp$‘, ‘\.c$‘, ‘\.cc$‘, ‘\.h$‘, ‘*‘] " 窗口宽度 let NERDTreeWinSize = 25 " 指定位置 "let NERDTreeWinPos = "left" let NERDTreeWinPos = "right" " 自动更新 let NERDTreeAutoDeleteBuffer=1 " 若最后一个窗口是NerdTree窗口时,自动关闭它 autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") &&b:NERDTreeType == "primary") | q | endif " nnoremap f :NERDTreeToggle<CR><C-L> "}}} ==================================================== " 打开 vim 时自动打开 NERDTree 和 Tagbar " autocmd vimenter * call ToggleNERDTreeAndTagbar() " autocmd BufNewFile * call ToggleNERDTreeAndTagbar() "}}} ====================================================== "{{{ ========== 打开NERDTree和Tagbar,分左右两列 =========== function! ToggleNERDTreeAndTagbar2() let w:jumpbacktohere = 1 " Detect which plugins are open if exists(‘t:NERDTreeBufName‘) let nerdtree_open = bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) != -1 else let nerdtree_open = 0 endif let tagbar_open = bufwinnr(‘__Tagbar__‘) != -1 " Perform the appropriate action if nerdtree_open && tagbar_open NERDTreeClose TagbarClose elseif nerdtree_open Tagbar elseif tagbar_open NERDTree else NERDTree Tagbar endif " Jump back to the original window for window in range(1, winnr(‘$‘)) execute window . ‘wincmd w‘ if exists(‘w:jumpbacktohere‘) unlet w:jumpbacktohere break endif endfor endfunction nnoremap <leader>f :call ToggleNERDTreeAndTagbar2()<CR> "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ==================== CtrlSF ======================= " 由于后端是 ag 处理,所以 .agignore 文件中可以定义忽略的文件类型, " 并且会自动忽略.gitignore中定义的文件类型 nnoremap <c-d> :silent execute "CtrlSF " . shellescape(expand("<cword>"))<cr> " 搜索结果在右端显示 " let g:ctrlsf_open_left = 0 "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ========== NERDCommenter ========================= "}}} ================================================== "{{{ ========== Ctrl Space ============================= " 设置启动热键 let g:ctrlspace_default_mapping_key="<C-U>" "let g:ctrlspace_use_tabline=1 " Colors of CtrlSpace for Solarized Dark " (MacVim and Console Vim under iTerm2 with Solarized Dark theme) " Based on Solarized TablineSel " hi CtrlSpaceSelected guifg=#586e75 guibg=#eee8d5 guisp=#839496 gui=reverse,bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=7 cterm=reverse,bold " Based on Solarized Tabline/TablineFill " original Normal " hi CtrlSpaceNormal guifg=#839496 guibg=#073642 guisp=#839496 gui=NONE ctermfg=12 ctermbg=0 cterm=NONE " tweaked Normal with darker background in Gui " hi CtrlSpaceNormal guifg=#839496 guibg=#021B25 guisp=#839496 gui=NONE ctermfg=12 ctermbg=0 cterm=NONE " Based on Title " hi CtrlSpaceSearch guifg=#cb4b16 guibg=NONE gui=bold ctermfg=9 ctermbg=NONE term=bold cterm=bold " Based on PmenuThumb " hi CtrlSpaceStatus guifg=#839496 guibg=#002b36 gui=reverse term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=12 ctermbg=8 "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ============= color scheme ======================== " colorscheme freya colorscheme neon "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ============= DoxygenToolkit ======================= let g:doxygenToolkit_authorName="xuzhezhao" let g:doxygenToolkit_briefTag_funcName="yes" nnoremap <leader>df :Dox<CR> nnoremap <leader>da :DoxAuthor<CR> "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================= Doxygen-Syntax ================== " 打开Doxgen语法高亮功能 let g:load_doxygen_syntax=0 "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================= vim-clang-format ================== nnoremap <c-a><c-k><c-f> :ClangFormat<cr> " format on buffer saving let g:clang_format#auto_format = 0 let g:clang_format#auto_format_on_insert_leave = 0 " format command let g:clang_format#command = ‘clang-format‘ "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================= Eclim ================== " work with YCM "let g:EclimCompletionMethod = ‘omnifunc‘ "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================ a.vim =========================== " If this variable is true then a.vim will not alternate to a file/buffer which " does not exist. E.g while editing a.c and the :A will not swtich to a.h " unless it exists. let g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate = 1 " Setup default search path " by default " let g:alternateSearchPath = ‘sfr:../source,sfr:../src,sfr:../include,sfr:../inc‘ let g:alternateSearchPath = ‘sfr:../source,sfr:../src,sfr:../include,sfr:../inc,sfr:./include‘ "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================== vim-markdown =================== let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled = 1 let g:vim_markdown_no_default_key_mappings = 1 "}}} =================================================== "{{{ ================= clighter ======================= let g:clighter_libclang_file = ‘/home/xuzz/lib/llvm-3.5/lib/libclang.so.1‘ let g:clighter_autostart = 0 "let g:clighter_window_size = -1 " whole buffer let g:clighter_window_size = 0 " highlight current screen of window "let g:clighter_window_size = 1 let g:clighter_realtime = 0 let g:clighter_rename_prompt_level = 1 let g:clighter_syntax_groups = [‘clighterNamespaceRef‘, ‘clighterFunctionDecl‘, ‘clighterFieldDecl‘, ‘clighterDeclRefExprCall‘, ‘clighterMemberRefExprCall‘, ‘clighterMemberRefExprVar‘, ‘clighterNamespace‘, ‘clighterNamespaceRef‘, ‘cligherInclusionDirective‘, ‘clighterVarDecl‘] "let g:clighter_syntax_groups = [‘clighterPrepro‘,‘clighterDecl‘, ‘clighterRef‘,‘clighterMacroInstantiation‘,‘clighterVarDecl‘,‘clighterStructDecl‘,‘clighterUnionDecl‘,‘clighterClassDecl‘,‘clighterEnumDecl‘,‘clighterParmDecl‘,‘clighterFunctionDecl‘,‘clighterEnumConstantDecl‘,‘clighterDeclRefExprEnum‘,‘clighterDeclRefExprCall‘,‘clighterMemberRefExprCall‘,‘clighterMemberRefExprVar‘, ‘clighterTypeRef‘, ‘clighterNamespace‘, ‘clighterNamespaceRef‘, ‘clighterTemplateTypeParameter‘,‘clighterTemplateRef‘, ‘clighterOccurrences‘] "let g:clighter_highlight_groups = [‘clighterMacroInstantiation‘, ‘clighterStructDecl‘, ‘clighterClassDecl‘, ‘clighterEnumDecl‘, ‘clighterEnumConstantDecl‘, ‘clighterTypeRef‘, ‘clighterDeclRefExprEnum‘] let g:ClighterOccurrences = 0 "nmap <silent> <Leader>r :call clighter#Rename()<CR> "}}} ================================================== "{{{ ================= vim-bookmark ======================= let g:vbookmark_bookmarkSaveFile = $HOME . ‘/.vimbookmark‘ " 禁用默认的按键绑定 let g:vbookmark_disableMapping = 1 " 使用新的快捷键 nnoremap <silent> mm :VbookmarkToggle<CR> nnoremap <silent> mn :VbookmarkNext<CR> nnoremap <silent> mp :VbookmarkPrevious<CR> nnoremap <silent> ma :VbookmarkClearAll<CR> "}}} ================================================== "{{{ ================= vim-bookmarks ======================= "let g:bookmark_center = 1 "let g:bookmark_save_per_working_dir = 1 "let g:bookmark_auto_save = 1 "" Finds the Git super-project directory based on the file passed as an argument. "function! g:BMBufferFileLocation(file) "let filename = ‘vim-bookmarks‘ "let location = ‘‘ "if isdirectory(fnamemodify(a:file, ":p:h").‘/.git‘) "" Current work dir is git‘s work tree "let location = fnamemodify(a:file, ":p:h").‘/.git‘ "else "" Look upwards (at parents) for a directory named ‘.git‘ "let location = finddir(‘.git‘, fnamemodify(a:file, ":p:h").‘/.;‘) "endif "if len(location) > 0 "return simplify(location.‘/.‘.filename) "else "return simplify(fnamemodify(a:file, ":p:h").‘/.‘.filename) "endif "endfunction "}}} ================================================== "{{{ ================= glowshi-ft ======================= let glowshi_ft_no_default_key_mappings = 1 map f <plug>(glowshi-ft-f) map F <plug>(glowshi-ft-F) map t <plug>(glowshi-ft-t) map T <plug>(glowshi-ft-T) "map <unique>; <plug>(glowshi-ft-repeat) "map <unique>, <plug>(glowshi-ft-opposite) " " highlight let g:glowshi_ft_selected_hl_link = ‘Cursor‘ "let g:glowshi_ft_candidates_hl_link = ‘Error‘ "}}} ================================================== "{{{ ============ python.vim ========================== let g:python_highlight_indent_errors = 0 let g:python_highlight_space_errors = 0 let g:python_highlight_indent_errors = 0 let g:python_highlight_builtins = 1 let g:python_highlight_exceptions = 1 let g:python_highlight_string_formatting = 1 let g:python_highlight_string_format = 1 let g:python_highlight_string_templates = 1 let g:python_highlight_doctests = 1 let g:python_print_as_function = 1 let g:python_highlight_file_headers_as_comments = 1 let g:python_highlight_all = 1 "}}} ================================================== "}}} ===== "{{{ ================== Help funtions ================= " From: http://amix.dk/vim/vimrc.html function! CmdLine(str) exe "menu Foo.Bar :" . a:str emenu Foo.Bar unmenu Foo endfunction function! VisualSelection(direction) range let l:saved_reg = @" execute "normal! vgvy" let l:pattern = escape(@", ‘\\/.*$^~[]‘) let l:pattern = substitute(l:pattern, "\n$", "", "") if a:direction == ‘b‘ execute "normal ?" . l:pattern . "^M" elseif a:direction == ‘gv‘ call CmdLine("vimgrep " . ‘/‘. l:pattern . ‘/‘ . ‘ **/*.‘) elseif a:direction == ‘replace‘ call CmdLine("%s" . ‘/‘. l:pattern . ‘/‘) elseif a:direction == ‘f‘ execute "normal /" . l:pattern . "^M" endif let @/ = l:pattern let @" = l:saved_reg endfunction " Returns true if paste mode is enabled function! HasPaste() if &paste return ‘PASTE MODE ‘ en return ‘‘ endfunction " Don‘t close window, when deleting a buffer command! Bclose call <SID>BufcloseCloseIt() function! <SID>BufcloseCloseIt() let l:currentBufNum = bufnr("%") let l:alternateBufNum = bufnr("#") if buflisted(l:alternateBufNum) buffer # else bnext endif if bufnr("%") == l:currentBufNum new endif if buflisted(l:currentBufNum) execute("bdelete! ".l:currentBufNum) endif endfunction " 按退格键时判断当前光标前一个字符,如果是左括号,则删除对应的右括号以及括号中间的内容 function! RemovePairs() let l:line = getline(".") let l:previous_char = l:line[col(".")-1] " 取得当前光标前一个字符 if index(["(", "[", "{"], l:previous_char) != -1 let l:original_pos = getpos(".") execute "normal %" let l:new_pos = getpos(".") " 如果没有匹配的右括号 if l:original_pos == l:new_pos execute "normal! a\<BS>" return end let l:line2 = getline(".") if len(l:line2) == col(".") " 如果右括号是当前行最后一个字符 execute "normal! v%xa" else " 如果右括号不是当前行最后一个字符 execute "normal! v%xi" end else execute "normal! a\<BS>" end endfunction " 最大化窗口 function! Maximize_Window() silent !wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz endfunction "}}} ===================================================