#This is for auto run the script to save the time
#By bobo5620301@163.com
#chose the latest 10 file and chose one to run
array[0]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘2p‘`
array[1]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘3p‘`
array[2]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘4p‘`
array[3]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘5p‘`
array[4]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘6p‘`
array[5]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘7p‘`
array[6]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘8p‘`
array[7]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘9p‘`
array[8]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘10p‘`
array[9]=`ls -lt /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental | awk ‘{ print $9 }‘ | sed -n ‘11p‘`
cat << EOF
Select which one you like to run:
1. ${array[0]}
2. ${array[1]}
3 ${array[2]}
4. ${array[3]}
5. ${array[4]}
6. ${array[5]}
7. ${array[6]}
8. ${array[7]}
9. ${array[8]}
10. ${array[9]}
while [ ! "${command}" ]
echo -n "Select commandistrator :"
read ASTR
case ${ASTR} in
1 ) command=${array[0]} ;;
2 ) command=${array[1]} ;;
3 ) command=${array[2]} ;;
4 ) command=${array[3]} ;;
5 ) command=${array[4]} ;;
6 ) command=${array[5]} ;;
7 ) command=${array[6]} ;;
8 ) command=${array[7]} ;;
9 ) command=${array[8]} ;;
10 ) command=${array[9]} ;;
* ) echo "Number not found" ;;
# when we chose the file and we will run int with the below command one after one.
echo "the select command is ${command}"
/home/mli/workspace/mkautows.sh /mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental/${command}/sf3500A0SataDebug /home/mli/workspace/autows
echo "/mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental/${command}/sf3500A0SataDebug "
/home/mli/workspace/cpfw_tcms.py --releasedir=/mnt/shfw/builds/Griffin/Experimental/${command}/sf3500A0SataDebug --config=C35000301
本文出自 “bobo5620301” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://bobo5620301.blog.51cto.com/946576/1714005