Tux是在Linus Torvalds和Alan Cox的建议下,由Larry Ewing于1996年创作的,这是来自维基百科的解释。但历史总是比它看上去要复杂。我们知道,当时大多数的讨论都是通过邮件列表进行的。在1996 年,Linux内核正处于繁忙开发之中,最有名的领袖就是Linus Torvalds(创始人)和Alan Cox(排行第二)。开发者们都想要一个Linux标识,去直面Windows。很多人在讨论鲨鱼,或者其他和BSD精灵一样强的东西。但是 Torvalds提出了企鹅的想法,原文是:
Re: Linux Logo
Linus Torvalds (torvalds@cs.helsinki.fi)
Sun, 12 May 1996 09:39:19 +0300 (EET DST)
Umm.. You don‘t have any gap to fill in.
"Linus likes penguins". That‘s it. There was even a headline on it in some Linux Journal some time ago (I was bitten by a Killer Penguin in Australia - I‘m not kidding). Penguins are fun.
他也有可能是被一部简短的电影《Creature Comforts》所影响,里面有一只相似的企鹅。
All the other logos were too boring - I wasn‘t looking for the
"Linux Corporate Image", I was looking for something _fun_ and
sympathetic to associate with Linux. A slightly fat penguin that sits
down after having had a great meal fits the bill perfectly.
1996年,Larry Ewing用Gimp创作了这只可爱的企鹅。这幅图片遵守GNU,源文件可以在作者的博客找到。
从那时开始,Linux开发者开始使用新的吉祥物。散布于网上各处的最有名的签名来自David Navarro:
/v L I N U X
// >Phear the Penguin<
/( )
和Paul Gray:
/ Message void if penguin violated
__V Don‘t mess with the penguin
而Tux这个名字则来自James Hughes:
Re: Let‘s name the penguin! (was: Re: Linux 2.0 really _is_ released..)
James Hughes (jamesh@interpath.com)
Mon, 10 Jun 1996 20:25:52 -0400
(T)orvalds (U)ni(X) --> TUX!
"Some people have told me they don‘t think a fat penguin really
embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen
a angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They‘d be a
lot more careful about what they say if they had."
在2009年,Tux甚至被Tuz替换过,这只来自塔斯马尼亚的家伙是食肉有袋类动物,抗议着它面临的灭绝。Tuz由Andrew McGown和Josh Brush设计,在linux.au.conf大会上展出。