Dijkstra算法 涉及到的 优先队列的操作实现(该优先队列的数据类型不是 int , 而是 Distance),详情参见http://blog.csdn.net/pacosonswjtu/article/details/49923389
1.1)贪婪算法一般分阶段去求解一个问题, 在每个阶段它都把当前出现的当做是最好的去处理:
1.2)Dijkstra 算法:解决单源最短路径问题的一般方法叫做 Dijkstra算法, 它的解法是贪婪算法最好的例子;
2.1)图是稠密的: 通过使用扫描表来找出最小值dv, 那么每一步将花费 O(|V|)时间找到最小值, 从而整个算法过程将花费 O(|V|^2)时间查找最小值;每次更新dw的时间是常数, 而每条边最多有一次更新,总计为 O(|E|),因此总的运行时间为
O(|E| + |V|)=O(|V|^2);
2.2)图是稀疏的:边数 |E|=Θ(|V|) , 那么扫描法就太慢了,不适用于稀疏图;
4.1)download source code:
4.2)source code at a glance(for complete code, please click given link above):
#include "dijkstra.h"
//allocate the memory for initializing unweighted table
WeightedTable *initWeightedTable(int size)
WeightedTable* table;
int i;
table = (WeightedTable*)malloc(sizeof(WeightedTable) * size);
Error("out of space ,from func initWeightedTable");
return NULL;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
table[i] = makeEmptyWeightedTable();
return NULL;
return table;
// allocate the memory for every element in unweighted table
WeightedTable makeEmptyWeightedTable()
WeightedTable element;
element = (WeightedTable)malloc(sizeof(struct WeightedTable));
Error("out of space ,from func makeEmptyWeightedTable");
return NULL;
element->known = 0; // 1 refers to accessed , also 0 refers to not accessed
element->distance = MaxInt;
element->path = -1; // index starts from 0 and -1 means the startup vertex unreaches other vertexs
return element;
// allocate the memory for storing index of vertex in heap and let every element -1
int *makeEmptyArray(int size)
int *array;
int i;
array = (int*)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
Error("out of space ,from func makeEmptyArray");
return NULL;
for(i=0; i<size; i++)
array[i] = -1;
return array;
//computing the unweighted shortest path between the vertex under initIndex and other vertexs
void dijkstra(AdjTable* adj, int size, int startVertex, BinaryHeap bh)
int adjVertex;
int tempDistance;
WeightedTable* table;
int vertex;
AdjTable temp;
Distance tempDisStruct;
int *indexOfVertexInHeap;
int indexOfHeap;
table = initWeightedTable(size);
tempDisStruct = makeEmptyDistance();
indexOfVertexInHeap = makeEmptyArray(size);
tempDisStruct->distance = table[startVertex-1]->distance;
tempDisStruct->vertexIndex = startVertex-1;
insert(tempDisStruct, bh, indexOfVertexInHeap); // insert the (startVertex-1) into the binary heap
table[startVertex-1]->distance = 0;// update the distance
table[startVertex-1]->path = 0;// update the path of starting vertex
//vertex = deQueue(queue); // if the queue is not empty, conducting departing queue
vertex = deleteMin(bh)->vertexIndex; // return the minimal element in binary heap
table[vertex]->known = 1; // update the vertex as accessed, also responding known 1
temp = adj[vertex]->next;
adjVertex = temp->index; // let each adjVertex adjacent to vertex enter the queue
//enQueue(queue, adjVertex);
tempDistance = table[vertex]->distance + temp->weight; // update the distance
if(tempDistance < table[adjVertex]->distance)
table[adjVertex]->distance = tempDistance;
table[adjVertex]->path = vertex; //update the path of adjVertex, also responding path evaluated as vertex
// key, we should judge whether adjVertex was added into the binary heap
//if true , obviously the element has been added into the binary heap(so we can‘t add the element into heap once again)
if(indexOfVertexInHeap[adjVertex] != -1)
indexOfHeap = indexOfVertexInHeap[adjVertex];
bh->elements[indexOfHeap]->distance = tempDistance; // update the distance of corresponding vertex in binary heap
tempDisStruct->distance = table[adjVertex]->distance;
tempDisStruct->vertexIndex = adjVertex;
insert(tempDisStruct, bh, indexOfVertexInHeap); // insert the adjVertex into the binary heap
temp = temp->next;
printDijkstra(table, size, startVertex);
//print unweighted table
void printDijkstra(WeightedTable* table, int size, int startVertex)
int i;
char *str[4] =
printf("\n\t === storage table related to Dijkstra alg as follows: === ");
printf("\n\t %6s%6s%9s%5s", str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3]);
for(i=0; i<size; i++)
if(i != startVertex-1 && table[i]->path!=-1)
printf("\n\t %-3d %3d %5d v%-3d ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, table[i]->path+1);
else if(table[i]->path == -1)
printf("\n\t %-3d %3d %5d %-3d ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, table[i]->path);
printf("\n\t *%-3d %3d %5d %-3d ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, 0);
int main()
AdjTable* adj;
BinaryHeap bh;
int size = 7;
int capacity;
int i;
int j;
int column = 4;
int startVertex;
int adjTable[7][4] =
{2, 4, 0, 0},
{4, 5, 0, 0},
{1, 6, 0, 0},
{3, 5, 6, 7},
{7, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{6, 0, 0, 0}
int weight[7][7] =
{2, 1, 0, 0},
{3, 10, 0, 0},
{4, 5, 0, 0},
{2, 2, 8, 4},
{6, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 0, 0, 0}
printf("\n\n\t ====== test for dijkstra alg finding weighted shortest path from adjoining table ======\n");
adj = initAdjTable(size);
printf("\n\n\t ====== the initial weighted adjoining table is as follows:======\n");
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(j = 0; j < column; j++)
insertAdj(adj, adjTable[i][j]-1, i, weight[i][j]); // insertAdj the adjoining table over
printAdjTable(adj, size);
capacity = 7;
bh = initBinaryHeap(capacity+1);
//conducting dijkstra alg to find the unweighted shortest path starts
startVertex = 1; // you should know our index for storing vertex starts from 0
dijkstra(adj, size, startVertex, bh);
return 0;
4.3)printing results: