2 import math
3 from PodSixNet.Connection import ConnectionListener,connection
4 from time import sleep
6 # 客户端游戏类
7 class BoxesGame(ConnectionListener):
8 def initSound(self):
9 pygame.mixer.music.load("music.wav")
10 self.winSound=pygame.mixer.Sound(‘win.wav‘)
11 self.loseSound=pygame.mixer.Sound(‘lose.wav‘)
12 self.placeSound=pygame.mixer.Sound(‘place.wav‘)
13 pygame.mixer.music.play()
14 # 收到来自Server的 action:close指令后调用下面方法
15 def Network_close(self,data):
16 exit()
17 def Network_yourturn(self,data):
18 self.turn=data[‘torf‘]
19 def Network_startgame(self,data):
20 self.running=True
21 self.num=data["player"]
22 self.gameid=data["gameid"]
23 def Network_place(self,data):
24 self.placeSound.play()
25 x=data["x"]
26 y=data["y"]
27 hv=data["is_horizontal"]
28 if hv:
29 self.boardh[y][x]=True
30 else:
31 self.boardv[y][x]=True
32 # 设定某个格子为自己的
33 def Network_win(self,data):
34 self.owner[data["x"]][data["y"]]="win"
35 self.boardh[data["y"]][data["x"]]=True
36 self.boardv[data["y"]][data["x"]]=True
37 self.boardh[data["y"]+1][data["x"]]=True
38 self.boardv[data["y"]][data["x"]+1]=True
39 self.winSound.play()
40 self.me+=1
41 def Network_lose(self,data):
42 self.owner[data["x"]][data["y"]]="lose"
43 self.boardh[data["y"]][data["x"]]=True
44 self.boardv[data["y"]][data["x"]]=True
45 self.boardh[data["y"]+1][data["x"]]=True
46 self.boardv[data["y"]][data["x"]+1]=True
47 self.loseSound.play()
48 self.otherplayer+=1
50 def __init__(self):
51 self.justplaced=10
52 pygame.init()
53 pygame.font.init()
54 width, height = 389, 489
55 self.me = 0
56 self.otherplayer = 0
57 self.didwin = False
58 self.gameid=None
59 self.num=None
60 self.num=0
61 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
62 self.owner=[[0 for x in range(6)] for y in range(6)]
63 self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
64 self.turn = True
65 self.running=False
66 self.boardh = [[False for x in range(6)] for y in range(7)]
67 self.boardv = [[False for x in range(7)] for y in range(6)]
68 print(self.boardh)
69 print(self.boardv)
70 self.initGraphics()
71 self.initSound()
72 self.drawHUD()
73 pygame.display.set_caption("Boxes")
75 # address=raw_input("Host:Port(localhost:8080):")
76 # try:
77 # if not address:
78 # host,port="localhost",3721
79 # else:
80 # host,port=address.split(":")
81 # self.Connect((host,port))
82 # except:
83 # print("Error Connecting to Server")
84 # print("Usage: host:port")
85 # print("eg;3721")
86 # exit()
87 self.Connect()
88 print("Boxes client started")
89 while not self.running:
90 self.Pump()
91 connection.Pump()
92 self.running=True
93 sleep(0.01)
94 print("not running ,connecting...")
95 if self.num==0:
96 # self.turn=True
97 self.marker=self.greenplayer
98 self.othermarker=self.blueplayer
99 else:
100 self.turn=False
101 self.marker=self.blueplayer
102 self.othermarker=self.greenplayer
105 def initGraphics(self):
106 self.normallinev = pygame.image.load("normalline.png")
107 self.normallineh = pygame.transform.rotate(self.normallinev, -90)
108 self.bar_donev = pygame.image.load("bar_done.png")
109 self.bar_doneh = pygame.transform.rotate(self.bar_donev, -90)
110 self.hoverlinev = pygame.image.load("hoverline.png")
111 self.hoverlineh = pygame.transform.rotate(self.hoverlinev, -90)
112 # self.boardh[5][4]=True
113 # self.boardv[5][5]=True
114 self.separators = pygame.image.load("separators.png")
115 self.score_panel = pygame.image.load("score_panel.png")
116 self.redindicator = pygame.image.load("redindicator.png")
117 self.greenindicator = pygame.image.load("greenindicator.png")
118 self.greenplayer = pygame.image.load("greenplayer.png")
119 self.blueplayer = pygame.image.load("blueplayer.png")
120 self.winningscreen = pygame.image.load("youwin.png")
121 self.gameover = pygame.image.load("gameover.png")
123 def drawBoard(self):
124 for x in range(6):
125 for y in range(7):
126 if not self.boardh[y][x]:
127 self.screen.blit(self.normallineh, [(x) * 64 + 5, (y) * 64])
128 else:
129 self.screen.blit(self.bar_doneh, [(x) * 64 + 5, (y) * 64])
130 for x in range(7):
131 for y in range(6):
132 if not self.boardv[y][x]:
133 self.screen.blit(self.normallinev, [(x) * 64, (y) * 64 + 5])
134 else:
135 self.screen.blit(self.bar_donev, [(x) * 64, (y) * 64 + 5])
137 def update(self):
138 # 判断方格是否已经都有归属
139 if self.me+self.otherplayer==36:
140 self.didwin=True if self.me>self.otherplayer else False
141 return 1
142 self.justplaced-=1
143 # print(‘pump connect info‘)
144 connection.Pump()
145 self.Pump()
146 # print(‘pump connect info finish‘)
147 self.clock.tick(60)
148 self.screen.fill(0)
149 self.drawBoard()
150 self.drawHUD()
151 self.drawOwnermap()
152 for event in pygame.event.get():
153 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
154 exit()
156 mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
157 xpos = int(math.ceil((mouse[0] - 32) / 64.0))
158 ypos = int(math.ceil((mouse[1] - 32) / 64.0))
159 # 判断鼠标位置更接近与那条线
160 is_horizontal = abs(mouse[1] - ypos * 64) < abs(mouse[0] - xpos * 64)
161 ypos = ypos - 1 if mouse[1] - ypos * 64 < 0 and not is_horizontal else ypos
162 xpos = xpos - 1 if mouse[0] - ypos * 64 < 0 and is_horizontal else xpos
164 board = self.boardh if is_horizontal else self.boardv
165 isoutofbounds = False
167 try:
168 if not board[ypos][xpos]: self.screen.blit(self.hoverlineh if is_horizontal else self.hoverlinev,
169 [xpos * 64 + 5 if is_horizontal else xpos * 64,
170 ypos * 64 if is_horizontal else ypos * 64 + 5])
171 except:
172 isoutofbounds = True
173 pass
174 if not isoutofbounds:
175 alreadyplaced = board[ypos][xpos]
176 else:
177 alreadyplaced = False
178 # 鼠标点击时,发送place信号给自己划线
179 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and not alreadyplaced and not isoutofbounds and self.turn==True and self.justplaced<=10:
180 self.justplaced=10
181 if is_horizontal:
182 self.boardh[ypos][xpos] = True
183 self.Send({"action":"place","x":xpos,"y":ypos,"is_horizontal":is_horizontal,"gameid":self.gameid,"num":self.num})
184 else:
185 self.boardv[ypos][xpos] = True
186 self.Send({"action":"place","x":xpos,"y":ypos,"is_horizontal":is_horizontal,"gameid":self.gameid,"num":self.num})
187 pygame.display.flip()
188 # 画记分区域
189 def drawHUD(self):
190 self.screen.blit(self.score_panel, [0, 389])
191 myfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 32)
192 label = myfont.render("Your turn", 1, (255, 255, 255))
193 self.screen.blit(label, (10, 400))
194 self.screen.blit(self.greenindicator if self.turn else self.redindicator ,(130, 395))
195 myfont64 = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 64)
196 myfont20 = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 20)
198 scoreme = myfont64.render(str(self.me), 1, (255, 255, 255))
199 scoreother = myfont64.render(str(self.otherplayer), 1, (255, 255, 255))
200 scoretextme = myfont20.render("You", 1, (255, 255, 255))
201 scoretextother = myfont20.render("Other Player", 1, (255, 255, 255))
203 self.screen.blit(scoretextme, (10, 425))
204 self.screen.blit(scoreme, (10, 435))
205 self.screen.blit(scoretextother, (280, 425))
206 self.screen.blit(scoreother, (280, 435))
207 # 给占领与被占领格子着色
208 def drawOwnermap(self):
209 for x in range(6):
210 for y in range(6):
211 if self.owner[x][y]!=0:
212 if self.owner[x][y]=="win":
213 self.screen.blit(self.marker,(x*64+5,y*64+5))
214 if self.owner[x][y]=="lose":
215 self.screen.blit(self.othermarker,(x*64+5,y*64+5))
216 # 游戏结束后显示gameover或winning的图案
217 def finished(self):
218 self.screen.blit(self.gameover if not self.didwin else self.winningscreen,(0,0))
219 while 1:
220 for event in pygame.event.get():
221 if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
222 exit()
223 pygame.display.flip()
226 bg = BoxesGame()
227 while 1:
228 if bg.update()==1:
229 break
230 bg.finished()
2 import PodSixNet.Channel
3 import PodSixNet.Server
4 from time import sleep
6 # 定义客户端通道,继承PodSixNet.Channel.Channel
7 class ClientChannel(PodSixNet.Channel.Channel):
8 def Network(self,data):
9 print data
10 def Network_place(self,data):
11 hv=data["is_horizontal"]
12 x=data["x"]
13 y=data["y"]
14 # 客户标号
15 num=data["num"]
16 # 本游戏id
17 self.gameid=data["gameid"]
18 self._server.placeLine(hv,x,y,data,self.gameid,num)
19 def Close(self):
20 self._server.close(self.gameid)
22 # 定义游戏服务端
23 class BoxesServer (PodSixNet.Server.Server):
24 channelClass = ClientChannel
25 def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
26 PodSixNet.Server.Server.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs)
27 self.games=[]
28 self.queue=None
29 self.currentIndex=0
30 def Connected(self,channel,addr):
31 print ‘new connection:‘,channel
32 # 如果队列为空,则新建一局game
33 if self.queue==None:
34 self.currentIndex+=1
35 channel.gameid=self.currentIndex
36 self.queue=Game(channel,self.currentIndex)
37 #如果队列中已有一局game在等待,则将新连进来的channel作为第二名游戏者与等待游戏者配对,加入games[]列表,将queue清空
38 else:
39 channel.gameid=self.currentIndex
40 self.queue.player1=channel
41 self.queue.player0.Send({"action":"startgame","player":0,"gameid":self.queue.gameid})
42 self.queue.player1.Send({"action":"startgame","player":1,"gameid":self.queue.gameid})
43 self.games.append(self.queue)
44 self.queue=None
45 # def placeLine(self,is_h,x,y,data,gameid,num):
46 # if num==self.turn:
47 # self.turn=0 if self.turn else 1
48 # self.player1.Send({"action":"yourturn","torf":True if self.turn==1 else False})
49 # self.player0.Send({"action":"yourturn","torf":True if self.turn==0 else False})
50 # if is_h:
51 # self.boardh[y][x]=True
52 # else:
53 # self.boardv[y][x]=True
54 # self.player0.Send(data)
55 # self.player1.Send(data)
57 #通知GameServer哪句游戏要划线,调用游戏placeLine
58 def placeLine(self,is_h,x,y,data,gameid,num):
59 game=[a for a in self.games if gameid==a.gameid]
60 if len(game)==1:
61 game[0].placeLine(is_h,x,y,data,num)
62 # 关闭某局game
63 def close(self,gameid):
64 try:
65 game=[a for a in self.games if a.gameid==gameid][0]
66 game.player0.Send({"action":"close"})
67 game.player1.Send({"action":"close"})
68 except:
69 pass
70 # 判断方格归属
71 def tick(self):
72 index=0
73 # 状态未改变 code 3
74 change=3
75 # 扫描每局游戏
76 for game in self.games:
77 change=3
78 # 扫描2次,因为存在放置一个线条完成两个方格占领的情况
79 for time in range(2):
80 for y in range(6):
81 for x in range(6):
82 # 判断是否是新围成的方格
83 if game.boardh[y][x] and game.boardv[y][x] and game.boardh[y+1][x] and game.boardv[y][x+1] and not game.owner[x][y]:
84 # 是否为己方围成的,围成的一方可以继续走一步
85 # 此处self.games[index]能否替换为game?
86 if self.games[index].turn==0:
87 self.games[index].owner[x][y]=2
88 game.player1.Send({"action":"win","x":x,"y":y})
89 game.player0.Send({"action":"lose","x":x,"y":y})
90 change=1
91 print("player1 win 1 grid")
92 else:
93 self.games[index].owner[x][y]=1
94 game.player0.Send({"action":"win","x":x,"y":y})
95 game.player1.Send({"action":"lose","x":x,"y":y})
96 change=0
97 print("player0 win 1 grid")
98 # 如果状态改变了(即有一方完成了方格占领)则下一步仍由该方走棋;否则正常交替走棋
99 self.games[index].turn=change if change!=3 else self.games[index].turn
100 game.player1.Send({"action":"yourturn","torf":True if self.games[index].turn==1 else False})
101 game.player0.Send({"action":"yourturn","torf":True if self.games[index].turn==0 else False})
102 index+=1
103 self.Pump()
105 # 单纯一局游戏的控制类
106 class Game:
107 def __init__(self,player0,currentIndex):
108 self.turn=0
109 self.owner=[[False for x in range(6)] for y in range(6)]
110 self.boardh=[[False for x in range(6)] for y in range(7)]
111 self.boardv=[[False for x in range(7)] for y in range(6)]
112 self.player0=player0
113 self.player1=None
114 self.gameid=currentIndex
117 # while not self.running:
118 # self.Pump()
119 # connection.Pump()
120 # sleep(0.01)
121 # if self.num==0:
122 # self.turn=True
123 # self.marker=self.greenplayer
124 # self.othermarker=self.blueplayer
125 # else:
126 # self.turn=False
127 # self.marker=self.blueplayer
128 # self.othermarker=self.greenplayer
129 # 划线
130 def placeLine(self,is_h,x,y,data,num):
131 if num==self.turn:
132 self.turn=0 if self.turn else 1
133 self.player1.Send({"action":"yourturn","torf":True if self.turn==1 else False})
134 self.player0.Send({"action":"yourturn","torf":True if self.turn==0 else False})
135 if is_h:
136 self.boardh[y][x]=True
137 else:
138 self.boardv[y][x]=True
139 self.player0.Send(data)
140 self.player1.Send(data)
141 # def Network_palce(self,data):
142 # x=data["x"]
143 # y=data["y"]
144 # hv=data["is_horizontal"]
145 # if hv:
146 # self.boardh[y][x]=True
147 # else:
148 # self.boardv[y][x]=True
151 print "Staring server on localhost"
152 address=raw_input("Host:Port(localhost:8080):")
153 if not address:
154 host,port="localhost",31425
155 print("default host and port")
156 print(host,":",port)
157 else:
158 host,port=address.split(":")
159 print(host,":",port)
161 boxesServer=BoxesServer( localaddr=("", 31425))
162 # boxesServer=BoxesServer()
163 while True:
164 boxesServer.Pump()
165 boxesServer.tick()
166 sleep(0.01)