在Andoird Studio下编译java文件时,经常会出现像下面的错误:
Error:(29, 43) 閿欒: 缂栫爜UTF-8鐨勪笉鍙槧灏勫瓧绗?
on error resume next Set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") dirPath=WshShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "请选择路径", 0, "").items().item().path if right(dirPath,1)<>"\" then dirPath=dirpath&"\" ma=inputbox("请输入要转换为的编码","","UTF-8") if ma="" or dirPath="\" or msgbox("在使用前请确认已备份文件夹"&dirPath,1)=2 then WScript.Quit ‘遍历文件夹下的文件 Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set f = FSO.GetFolder(dirPath) Set fs = f.files For Each fileN in fs FN=dirPath&fileN.name&"" if ".java"=lcase(right(FN,5)) then Call WriteToFile2(FN, ReadFile(FN, "ANSI_X3.4-1986"), ma) Next Set FSO = Nothing wscript.echo "全部成功" ‘检测文件的编码 Function CheckCode (FileUrl) Dim slz set slz = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") slz.Type = 1 slz.Mode = 3 slz.Open slz.Position = 0 slz.Loadfromfile FileUrl Bin=slz.read(2) if AscB(MidB(Bin,1,1))=&HEF and AscB(MidB(Bin,2,1))=&HBB Then Codes="UTF-8" elseif AscB(MidB(Bin,1,1))=&HFF and AscB(MidB(Bin,2,1))=&HFE Then Codes="Unicode" else Codes="ANSI" end if slz.Close set slz = Nothing ‘wscript.echo Codes CheckCode=Codes End Function ‘以指定的编码读取文件 Function ReadFile(FileUrl, CharSet) On Error Resume Next Dim Str Set stm = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") stm.Type = 2 stm.mode = 3 stm.charset = CharSet stm.Open stm.loadfromfile FileUrl Str = stm.readtext stm.Close Set stm = Nothing ‘wscript.echo Str ReadFile = Str End Function ‘以指定的编码写文件 Function WriteToFile (FileUrl, Str, CharSet) On Error Resume Next Set stm = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") stm.Type = 2 stm.mode = 3 stm.charset = CharSet stm.Open stm.WriteText Str stm.SaveToFile FileUrl, 2 stm.flush stm.Close Set stm = Nothing End Function Function WriteToFile2 (FileUrl, Str, CharSet) On Error Resume Next Set stm = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") stm.Type = 2 stm.mode = 3 stm.charset = CharSet stm.Open stm.WriteText Str stm.Position = 3 Set newStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") newStream.mode = 3 newStream.Type = 1 newStream.Open() stm.CopyTo(newStream) newStream.SaveToFile FileUrl,2 stm.flush stm.Close Set stm = Nothing newStream.flush newStream.Close Set newStream = Nothing End Function
【分享】Android Studio专用文件转换工具:把ANSI文件批量另存为无BOM的UTF-8文件