collect.py, 这个只能在Linux下用。。。#!/usr/bin/python
import sys import os import thread import cPickle import time import re from socket import inet_ntoa from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import dpkt try: import pcap except ImportError: print "Failed to import pcap library!" print "If you are using Debian/Ubuntu Linux, please:" print " root@whatever:~# apt-get install python-pypcap" sys.exit(1) class TracertException(Exception): pass def tracert(host): """ Traceroute eg: l = tracert("") Return value: a list of routers """ p = Popen(["traceroute", "-n", "-q", "2", "-I", host], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) p.wait() (o, e) = p.communicate() if e != ‘‘: e = e.replace("\n", "") raise TracertException(e) t = [] r = re.compile(r"((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})") # this matches a ip address for i in o.split("\n")[1:-1]: # prompt at head and empty line at tail s = r.search(i) if s: t.append(s.group()) else: t.append(None) del p return t def thread_func(arg): "thread func, trace route and store in rmap" global rmap, rmap_lock, taskqueue, taskqueue_lock, ending_flag global threadcount, threadcount_lock, my_ip, tracked, tracked_lock try: threadcount_lock.acquire() threadcount = threadcount + 1 threadcount_lock.release() while True: while not len(taskqueue): time.sleep(1) if ending_flag: threadcount_lock.acquire() threadcount = threadcount - 1 threadcount_lock.release() #print "Thread %d is terminated." % thread.get_ident() thread.exit() if ending_flag: threadcount_lock.acquire() threadcount = threadcount - 1 threadcount_lock.release() #print "Thread %d is terminated." % thread.get_ident() thread.exit() taskqueue_lock.acquire() if len(taskqueue): ip = taskqueue.pop(0) else: taskqueue_lock.release() continue taskqueue_lock.release() print "Thread %d got work to do: %s" % (thread.get_ident(), ip) route = tracert(ip) tracked_lock.acquire() for i in route: tracked[i] = 1 # None is ok, i think, so not filtering tracked_lock.release() print "%s: %s" % (ip, repr(route)) f = my_ip h = 1 rmap_lock.acquire() for t in route: if t == None: h = h + 1 continue rmap[(f,t)] = h h = 1 f = t if h != 1: rmap[(f,None)] = ip # missing rmap_lock.release() except Exception, e: import traceback threadcount_lock.acquire() threadcount = threadcount - 1 threadcount_lock.release() print "Thread %d is *CRASHED*!" % (thread.get_ident(), ) print traceback.format_exc() thread.exit() def get_ifaddr(ifn): """get ip address of specified iface >>> get_ifaddr("wlan0") "113.121.xx.xx" """ import struct, socket, fcntl s = socket.socket() return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack("256s", ifn[:15]))[20:24]) def main(): global rmap, rmap_lock, taskqueue, taskqueue_lock, ending_flag global threadcount, threadcount_lock, tracked, tracked_lock, my_ip if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Please specify a network interface!" sys.exit(1) if os.geteuid(): print "This tool require root privilege to run!" sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists("routemap.dat"): # is there a saved router map? print "Loading saved route map..." f = open("routemap.dat", "rb") rmap, my_ip = cPickle.load(f) f.close() my_ip = get_ifaddr(sys.argv[1]) # add my ip to tracked tracked[my_ip] = 1 # start working threads for i in xrange(20): thread.start_new_thread(thread_func, (None,)) # start packet capture try: p = pcap.pcap(sys.argv[1]) for i in p: pkt = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(i[1]) while not isinstance(pkt, str): pkt = pkt.data if isinstance(pkt, dpkt.ip.IP): src = inet_ntoa(pkt.src) dst = inet_ntoa(pkt.dst) #print "%s => %s" % (src, dst) if not tracked.get(src): tracked[src] = 1 print "Task: %s" % src taskqueue_lock.acquire() taskqueue.append(src) taskqueue_lock.release() if not tracked.get(dst): tracked[dst] = 1 print "Task: %s" % dst taskqueue_lock.acquire() taskqueue.append(dst) taskqueue_lock.release() except KeyboardInterrupt: intr = True if taskqueue_lock.locked(): taskqueue_lock.release() if intr: print "Waiting for all thread to terminate..." try: ending_flag = True while threadcount: print threadcount time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "OK, OK, I‘ll terminate immediatly..." sys.exit(1) # save the result print "Saving route map..." f = open("routemap.dat", "wb") cPickle.dump((rmap, my_ip), f, 2) f.close() print "Program terminated." sys.exit(0) class DbgLock: def __init__(self, name): self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.name = name def acquire(self): self.lock.acquire() print ":: Thread %d Locking %s" % (thread.get_ident(), self.name) def release(self): print ":: Thread %d Releasing %s" % (thread.get_ident(), self.name) self.lock.release() def locked(self): return self.lock.locked() # ---------------------------------------------------- rmap = {} # Router map, all things goes here. this should be saved. #rmap_lock = thread.allocate_lock() rmap_lock = DbgLock("rmap") taskqueue = [] # task queue, ips going to be tracked #taskqueue_lock = thread.allocate_lock() taskqueue_lock = DbgLock("taskqueue") tracked = {} # ips already tracerouted #tracked_lock = thread.allocate_lock() tracked_lock = DbgLock("tracked") ending_flag = False # whether to end collecting... threadcount = 0 #threadcount_lock = thread.allocate_lock() threadcount_lock = DbgLock("threadcount") my_ip = "" if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import cPickle import yapgvb import random def main(): def get_vertex_info(ip): if nodetree.get(ip): # is source ip node already exist? vv = nodetree[ip][0] # vertex vl = nodetree[ip][1] # child vertex list else: vv = g.add_node(ip) #vv.shape = "circle" vv.color = "blue" vl = [] nodetree[ip] = (vv, vl) return (vv, vl) nodetree = {} filename = "routemap.dat" if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Didn‘t specify filename, use ‘routemap.dat‘" else: filename = sys.argv[1] f = open(filename, "rb") rmap, my_ip = cPickle.load(f) f.close() g = yapgvb.Digraph("RouteMap") get_vertex_info(my_ip)[0].color = "green" for v, deg in rmap.items(): vertex, vertexlist = get_vertex_info(v[0]) dup = False for ip, data in vertexlist: if ip == v[1]: # this is a duplicate dup = True break if dup: continue if v[1] is not None: # is it a LOST trace? if deg > 1: for i in range(1, deg): vt = g.add_node("* %d" % random.randint(0,100000000)) vt.color = "red" vertex >> vt vertex = vt vertex_t, vertex_tlist = get_vertex_info(v[1]) if vertex == vertex_t: print v else: edge = vertex >> vertex_t vertexlist.append((v[1], edge)) else: vertex_t = g.add_node("LOST(%s)" % deg) vertex_t.color = "red" if vertex == vertex_t: print v else: edge = vertex >> vertex_t g.layout(yapgvb.engines.dot) print "Rendering..." g.render("result.svg") if __name__ == "__main__": main()