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The beginning iOS8 Programming with Swift 中文翻译 - 2

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Audience 读者说

This book is written for beginners without any prior programming experience and those   这本书是写给那些想要学习swift语言但之前没有过任何开发经验的初学者

who want to learn Swift programming. Whether you are a programmer who wants to learn   无论你是想学习一门新的语言的程序员或者是一个想把自己的设计融入到

a new programming language or a designer who wants to turn your design into an iOS    一个iOS app的设计人员,更或者是一个想要学习代码的企业主

app or an entrepreneur who wants to learn to code, this book is written for you.     这本书完全是为你准备的

I just assume you are comfortable using Mac OS X and iOS as a user.    当然,我假设你是一个觉得Mac os 及 iOS系统用起来比较舒服的人


Learning Tips 学习建议

I have been asked by some of my blog readers about the best way to start learning iOS   我曾经被一些我的部落格读者问过:什么是学习iOS开发最好的方式

programming. These are some of the learning tips I shared on my blog and I expect these   在我的部落格里有一些我曾经分享过的学习建议,现在,我希望这些建议也能对你有用

tips will be useful to you too.


1. As always, get your hands dirty. I emphasized this technique at the very beginning   

when I wrote my first book. You can‘t learn programming just by reading. You need to take

action and write some code. Fire up Xcode, play around with Swift and follow the first few

chapters to build your first app. Try your best to understand how the Hello World app

works before moving on to the next chapter. If you are able to manage the basics, it will be

much easier for you to understand the rest of the materials.



即写下一些代码.在你把注意力转移到下一句代码之前尽最大的努力去理解"Hello world"这个程序是怎样的



2. Bugs are your friends when learning programming. From time to time, you‘ll hit bugs

or errors. You probably want to email me and say the sample app doesn‘t work. How can I

get the bug fixed? Questions are always welcome and I love to help you learn

programming. However, I encourage you to attempt to figure out the solutions by yourself

first. You may go over the code again and again. Or search the web (stackoverflow.com in

particular) for solutions. Just try your best to solve the problem before asking. Like every

programmer, I hate bugs especially when facing a project deadline. However it‘s always

the bugs that help me improve my programming skills.

If you do not have any programming experience, one useful hint for you is that Swift is a

case-sensitive language. That means a variable named ‘message‘ is different from that

named ‘Message‘. This is one of the most common errors and frequently asked questions.










3. "The best way to learn is to teach" is an old saying. It still works in the modern

world, however. You don‘t need to be an expert to teach. I‘m not talking about giving a

lecture in a university or teaching a bunch of students in a formal class. Teaching does not

always happen that way. It can be as simple as sharing your knowledge with a colleague

or a classmate sitting next to you. When you learn something new, try to explain the

materials to someone else. For example, after building the HelloWorld app, teach your

close friend how it works and how he/she can create an app too. When you become more

knowledgeable with the programming language and materials, you may arrange an

interest group and share what you‘ve learnt to a larger group of people.

This is one of the most effective ways of learning as I learn so much while publishing

tutorials on appcoda.com, as well as developing my first book. Sometimes you think you

know the materials well. But once you need to explain the concept to someone else and

answer questions, you may find that you didn‘t understand the material thoroughly. And

this makes you study the materials even harder. Give this method a shot while you learn

iOS programming.




当你成功运行hello world程序后,你可以教给你亲密的小伙伴如何创建同样的项目并且告诉他这个项目运行的






4. It takes time to become a great programmer. Be patient. The materials in this book

are not magical. You will learn the basics of iOS programming and how to build your own

apps. That said, it takes time and lots of practices to become a competent programmer.

Don‘t set your expectations too high for your first app. Just create something simple and






5. I know money matters. Some of the people begin learning app development just

because of money. There is nothing wrong with that. You may want to build your app

business to earn some side income and eventually turn it into a full time business. That‘s

completely understandable. Who doesn’t want to live a rich life? However, if money is your

primary reason for building apps, you‘ll be easily discouraged when you hit bugs or errors.

And then you may give up. Programming is not easy and it is challenging. I find people

who successfully master the language are those who have a strong desire to build apps

and are enthusiastic to learn programming. They have an idea in their mind and want to

turn it into a real app. Making money is not the number one concern. They know the app

can solve their own problems and will be beneficial to others. With such a powerful

purpose in mind, they understand that bugs and problems are a challenge to face. The

only way to move on is to figure out the solutions. So think again why you want to learn


Lastly, thanks for choosing the book. I hope you will enjoy reading it and launch your first

iOS app on the App Store. If you’d like to share the story of your first app, drop me an

email at simonng@appcoda.com. I would love to hear from you.











The beginning iOS8 Programming with Swift 中文翻译 - 2



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