线程安全一般都涉及到synchronized 就是一段代码同时只能有一个线程来操作 不然中间过程可能会产生不可预制的结果
举例 比如一个 ArrayList 类,在添加一个元素的时候,它可能会有两步来完成:1. 在 Items[Size] 的位置存放此元素;2. 增大 Size 的值。
在单线程运行的情况下,如果 Size = 0,添加一个元素后,此元素在位置 0,而且 Size=1; 而如果是在多线程情况下,比如有两个线程,线程 A 先将元素存放在位置 0。但是此时 CPU 调度线程A暂停,线程 B 得到运行的机会。线程B也向此 ArrayList 添加元素,因为此时 Size 仍然等于 0 (注意哦,我们假设的是添加一个元素是要两个步骤哦,而线程A仅仅完成了步骤1),所以线程B也将元素存放在位置0。然后线程A和线程B都继续运行,都增加 Size 的值。 那好,现在我们来看看 ArrayList 的情况,元素实际上只有一个,存放在位置 0,而 Size 却等于 2。这就是“线程不安全”了。
Thread safety is a computer programming concept applicable in the context of multi-threaded programs. A piece of code is thread-safe if it only manipulates shared data structures in a manner that guarantees safe execution by multiple threads at the same time. There are various strategies for making thread-safe data structures.[1][2]
A program may execute code in several threads simultaneously in a shared address space where each of those threads has access to virtually all of the memory of every other thread. Thread safety is a property that allows code to run in multi-threaded environments by re-establishing some of the correspondences between the actual flow of control and the text of the program, by means of synchronization.