sage: open [-e] [-t] [-f] [-W] [-R] [-n] [-g] [-h] [-b <bundle identifier>] [-a <application>] [filenames] [--args arguments]
Help: Open opens files from a shell.
By default, opens each file using the default application for that file.
If the file is in the form of a URL, the file will be opened as a URL.
-a 以指定app打開.
-b Opens with the specified application bundle identifier.
-e 以 TextEdit打開.
-t 以默認文本編輯器打開.
-f 從輸入讀入並用TextEdit打開.
-F --fresh Launches the app fresh, that is, without restoring windows. Saved persistent state is lost, excluding Untitled documents.
-R, --reveal 在Finder中選中,並不打開.
-W, --wait-apps Blocks until the used applications are closed (even if they were already running).
--args All remaining arguments are passed in argv to the application‘s main() function instead of opened.
-n, --new 為一個運行中的App開啟另一個實例
-j, --hide 啟動隱藏App.
-g, --background 並不前置app.
-h, --header 搜索相同header的文檔一併開啟