================================================== #!/bin/bash sqlplus=sqlplus64 username=$1 psswd=$2 filedir=$3 [[ $filedir ]] || filedir="/sandbox/EDF_API_REPO_DIR" [[ -d $filedir ]] || { echo "mkdir $filedir"; mkdir $filedir; chmod 777 $filedir; } [[ -d $filedir ]] || { echo "cannot create oracle directory"; exit 1; } [[ $username ]] || { echo "Where is user name?" ; exit 1; } [[ $psswd ]] || psswd=$username echo "create user $username identified by $psswd"; sqlcode=" connect sys/111111@localhost:1522/xe as sysdba; \n set serveroutput on; \n create user $username identified by $psswd; \n grant all privileges to $username; \n grant execute on utl_http to $username; \n grant execute on utl_file to $username; \n grant execute on utl_smtp to $username; \n CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY EDF_API_REPO_DIR as ‘$filedir‘; \n declare \n uzer varchar2(100) := ‘$username‘; \n BEGIN\n uzer := upper(uzer); \n begin \n dbms_network_acl_admin.drop_acl(\n ‘utl_http.xml‘\n );\n exception when others then dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); end; dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl (\n acl => ‘utl_http.xml‘,\n description => ‘HTTP Access‘,\n principal => uzer ,\n is_grant => TRUE,\n privilege => ‘connect‘\n );\n dbms_network_acl_admin.add_privilege (\n acl => ‘utl_http.xml‘,\n principal => uzer, \n\n is_grant => TRUE,\n privilege => ‘resolve‘\n );\n dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl (\n acl => ‘utl_http.xml‘,\n host => ‘*‘\n );\n dbms_output.put_line(‘acl created‘ ); \n END; \n /\n show errors;" echo -e $sqlcode | $sqlplus /nolog