ios 8 的时间滚轮控件实现了扁平化,带来很好用户体验,android没有现成控件,小弟不才,数学与算法知识不过关,顾十分苦恼,幸好在github上找到sai大神实现代码,甚为欣喜,顾把学习这个控件点滴记录下来,分享给大家。项目原地址https://github.com/saiwu-bigkoo/Android-PickerView。
ios 8 滚轮的效果:
public interface WheelAdapter<T> { /** * Gets items count */ public int getItemsCount(); /** * Gets a wheel item by index. * * @param index the item index * @return the wheel item text or null */ public T getItem(int index); /** * Gets maximum item length. It is used to determine the wheel width. * If -1 is returned there will be used the default wheel width. * * @return the maximum item length or -1 */ public int indexOf(T o); }
public static DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); private View view; private WheelView wv_year; private WheelView wv_month; private WheelView wv_day; private WheelView wv_hours; private WheelView wv_mins; private Type type; private static int START_YEAR = 1990, END_YEAR = 2100; public View getView() { return view; } public void setView(View view) { this.view = view; } public static int getSTART_YEAR() { return START_YEAR; } public static void setSTART_YEAR(int sTART_YEAR) { START_YEAR = sTART_YEAR; } public static int getEND_YEAR() { return END_YEAR; } public static void setEND_YEAR(int eND_YEAR) { END_YEAR = eND_YEAR; } public WheelTime(View view) { super(); this.view = view; type = Type.ALL; setView(view); } public WheelTime(View view,Type type) { super(); this.view = view; this.type = type; setView(view); } public void setPicker(int year ,int month,int day){ this.setPicker(year, month, day, 0, 0); } /** * @Description: TODO 弹出日期时间选择器 */ public void setPicker(int year ,int month ,int day,int h,int m) { // 添加大小月月份并将其转换为list,方便之后的判断 String[] months_big = { "1", "3", "5", "7", "8", "10", "12" }; String[] months_little = { "4", "6", "9", "11" }; final List<String> list_big = Arrays.asList(months_big); final List<String> list_little = Arrays.asList(months_little); Context context = view.getContext(); // 年 wv_year = (WheelView) view.findViewById(R.id.year); wv_year.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(START_YEAR, END_YEAR));// 设置"年"的显示数据 wv_year.setLabel(context.getString(R.string.pickerview_year));// 添加文字 wv_year.setCurrentItem(year - START_YEAR);// 初始化时显示的数据 // 月 wv_month = (WheelView) view.findViewById(R.id.month); wv_month.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 12)); wv_month.setLabel(context.getString(R.string.pickerview_month)); wv_month.setCurrentItem(month); // 日 wv_day = (WheelView) view.findViewById(R.id.day); // 判断大小月及是否闰年,用来确定"日"的数据 if (list_big.contains(String.valueOf(month + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 31)); } else if (list_little.contains(String.valueOf(month + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 30)); } else { // 闰年 if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 29)); else wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 28)); } wv_day.setLabel(context.getString(R.string.pickerview_day)); wv_day.setCurrentItem(day - 1); wv_hours = (WheelView)view.findViewById(R.id.hour); wv_hours.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(0, 23)); wv_hours.setLabel(context.getString(R.string.pickerview_hours));// 添加文字 wv_hours.setCurrentItem(h); wv_mins = (WheelView)view.findViewById(R.id.min); wv_mins.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(0, 59)); wv_mins.setLabel(context.getString(R.string.pickerview_minutes));// 添加文字 wv_mins.setCurrentItem(m); // 添加"年"监听 OnItemSelectedListener wheelListener_year = new OnItemSelectedListener() { @Override public void onItemSelected(int index) { int year_num = index + START_YEAR; // 判断大小月及是否闰年,用来确定"日"的数据 int maxItem = 30; if (list_big .contains(String.valueOf(wv_month.getCurrentItem() + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 31)); maxItem = 31; } else if (list_little.contains(String.valueOf(wv_month .getCurrentItem() + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 30)); maxItem = 30; } else { if ((year_num % 4 == 0 && year_num % 100 != 0) || year_num % 400 == 0){ wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 29)); maxItem = 29; } else{ wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 28)); maxItem = 28; } } if (wv_day.getCurrentItem() > maxItem - 1){ wv_day.setCurrentItem(maxItem - 1); } } }; // 添加"月"监听 OnItemSelectedListener wheelListener_month = new OnItemSelectedListener() { @Override public void onItemSelected(int index) { int month_num = index + 1; int maxItem = 30; // 判断大小月及是否闰年,用来确定"日"的数据 if (list_big.contains(String.valueOf(month_num))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 31)); maxItem = 31; } else if (list_little.contains(String.valueOf(month_num))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 30)); maxItem = 30; } else { if (((wv_year.getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR) % 4 == 0 && (wv_year .getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR) % 100 != 0) || (wv_year.getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR) % 400 == 0){ wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 29)); maxItem = 29; } else{ wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 28)); maxItem = 28; } } if (wv_day.getCurrentItem() > maxItem - 1){ wv_day.setCurrentItem(maxItem - 1); } } }; wv_year.setOnItemSelectedListener(wheelListener_year); wv_month.setOnItemSelectedListener(wheelListener_month); // 根据屏幕密度来指定选择器字体的大小(不同屏幕可能不同) int textSize = 6; switch(type){ case ALL: textSize = textSize * 3; break; case YEAR_MONTH_DAY: textSize = textSize * 4; wv_hours.setVisibility(View.GONE); wv_mins.setVisibility(View.GONE); break; case HOURS_MINS: textSize = textSize * 4; wv_year.setVisibility(View.GONE); wv_month.setVisibility(View.GONE); wv_day.setVisibility(View.GONE); break; case MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MIN: textSize = textSize * 3; wv_year.setVisibility(View.GONE); break; case YEAR_MONTH: textSize = textSize * 4; wv_day.setVisibility(View.GONE); wv_hours.setVisibility(View.GONE); wv_mins.setVisibility(View.GONE); } wv_day.setTextSize(textSize); wv_month.setTextSize(textSize); wv_year.setTextSize(textSize); wv_hours.setTextSize(textSize); wv_mins.setTextSize(textSize); } /** * 设置是否循环滚动 * @param cyclic */ public void setCyclic(boolean cyclic){ wv_year.setCyclic(cyclic); wv_month.setCyclic(cyclic); wv_day.setCyclic(cyclic); wv_hours.setCyclic(cyclic); wv_mins.setCyclic(cyclic); } public String getTime() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append((wv_year.getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR)).append("-") .append((wv_month.getCurrentItem() + 1)).append("-") .append((wv_day.getCurrentItem() + 1)).append(" ") .append(wv_hours.getCurrentItem()).append(":") .append(wv_mins.getCurrentItem()); return sb.toString(); }
@Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { this.widthMeasureSpec = widthMeasureSpec; remeasure(); setMeasuredDimension(measuredWidth, measuredHeight); } private void remeasure() { if (adapter == null) { return; } measureTextWidthHeight(); //最大Text的高度乘间距倍数得到 可见文字实际的总高度,半圆的周长 halfCircumference = (int) (maxTextHeight * lineSpacingMultiplier * (itemsVisible - 1)) ; //整个圆的周长除以PI得到直径,这个直径用作控件的总高度 measuredHeight = (int) ((halfCircumference * 2) / Math.PI); //求出半径 radius = (int) (halfCircumference / Math.PI); //控件宽度,这里支持weight measuredWidth = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); //计算两条横线和控件中间点的Y位置 firstLineY = (int) ((measuredHeight - lineSpacingMultiplier * maxTextHeight) / 2.0F); secondLineY = (int) ((measuredHeight + lineSpacingMultiplier * maxTextHeight) / 2.0F); centerY = (int) ((measuredHeight + maxTextHeight) / 2.0F - CENTERCONTENTOFFSET); //初始化显示的item的position,根据是否loop if (initPosition == -1) { if (isLoop) { initPosition = (adapter.getItemsCount() + 1) / 2; } else { initPosition = 0; } } preCurrentIndex = initPosition; }
@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { boolean eventConsumed = gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); float itemHeight = lineSpacingMultiplier * maxTextHeight; switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); cancelFuture(); previousY = event.getRawY(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: float dy = previousY - event.getRawY(); previousY = event.getRawY(); totalScrollY = (int) (totalScrollY + dy); // 边界处理。 if (!isLoop) { float top = -initPosition * itemHeight; float bottom = (adapter.getItemsCount() - 1 - initPosition) * itemHeight; if (totalScrollY < top) { totalScrollY = (int) top; } else if (totalScrollY > bottom) { totalScrollY = (int) bottom; } } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: default: if (!eventConsumed) { float y = event.getY(); double l = Math.acos((radius - y) / radius) * radius; int circlePosition = (int) ((l + itemHeight / 2) / itemHeight); float extraOffset = (totalScrollY % itemHeight + itemHeight) % itemHeight; mOffset = (int) ((circlePosition - itemsVisible / 2) * itemHeight - extraOffset); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > 120) { // 处理拖拽事件 smoothScroll(ACTION.DAGGLE); } else { // 处理条目点击事件 smoothScroll(ACTION.CLICK); } } break; } invalidate(); return true; }
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (adapter == null) { return; } //可见的item数组 Object visibles[] = new Object[itemsVisible]; //更加滚动的Y值高度除去每行Item的高度,得到滚动了多少个item,即change数 change = (int) (totalScrollY / (lineSpacingMultiplier * maxTextHeight)); try { //滚动中实际的预选中的item(即经过了中间位置的item) = 滑动前的位置 + 滑动相对位置 preCurrentIndex = initPosition + change % adapter.getItemsCount(); }catch (ArithmeticException e){ System.out.println("出错了!adapter.getItemsCount() == 0,联动数据不匹配"); } if (!isLoop) {//不循环的情况 if (preCurrentIndex < 0) { preCurrentIndex = 0; } if (preCurrentIndex > adapter.getItemsCount() - 1) { preCurrentIndex = adapter.getItemsCount() - 1; } } else {//循环 if (preCurrentIndex < 0) {//举个例子:如果总数是5,preCurrentIndex = -1,那么preCurrentIndex按循环来说,其实是0的上面,也就是4的位置 preCurrentIndex = adapter.getItemsCount() + preCurrentIndex; } if (preCurrentIndex > adapter.getItemsCount() - 1) {//同理上面,自己脑补一下 preCurrentIndex = preCurrentIndex - adapter.getItemsCount(); } } //跟滚动流畅度有关,总滑动距离与每个item高度取余,即并不是一格格的滚动,每个item不一定滚到对应Rect里的,这个item对应格子的偏移值 int itemHeightOffset = (int) (totalScrollY % (lineSpacingMultiplier * maxTextHeight)); // 设置数组中每个元素的值 int counter = 0; while (counter < itemsVisible) { int index = preCurrentIndex - (itemsVisible / 2 - counter);//索引值,即当前在控件中间的item看作数据源的中间,计算出相对源数据源的index值 //判断是否循环,如果是循环数据源也使用相对循环的position获取对应的item值,如果不是循环则超出数据源范围使用""空白字符串填充,在界面上形成空白无数据的item项 if (isLoop) { if (index < 0) { index = index + adapter.getItemsCount(); if(index < 0){ index = 0; } } if (index > adapter.getItemsCount() - 1) { index = index - adapter.getItemsCount(); if (index > adapter.getItemsCount() - 1){ index = adapter.getItemsCount() - 1; } } visibles[counter] = adapter.getItem(index); } else if (index < 0) { visibles[counter] = ""; } else if (index > adapter.getItemsCount() - 1) { visibles[counter] = ""; } else { visibles[counter] = adapter.getItem(index); } counter++; } //中间两条横线 canvas.drawLine(0.0F, firstLineY, measuredWidth, firstLineY, paintIndicator); canvas.drawLine(0.0F, secondLineY, measuredWidth, secondLineY, paintIndicator); //单位的Label if(label != null) { int drawRightContentStart = measuredWidth - getTextWidth(paintCenterText,label); //靠右并留出空隙 canvas.drawText(label, drawRightContentStart - CENTERCONTENTOFFSET, centerY, paintCenterText); } counter = 0; while (counter < itemsVisible) { canvas.save(); // L(弧长)=α(弧度)* r(半径) (弧度制) // 求弧度--> (L * π ) / (π * r) (弧长X派/半圆周长) float itemHeight = maxTextHeight * lineSpacingMultiplier; double radian = ((itemHeight * counter - itemHeightOffset) * Math.PI) / halfCircumference; // 弧度转换成角度(把半圆以Y轴为轴心向右转90度,使其处于第一象限及第四象限 float angle = (float) (90D - (radian / Math.PI) * 180D); if (angle >= 90F || angle <= -90F) { canvas.restore(); } else { String contentText = getContentText(visibles[counter]); //计算开始绘制的位置 measuredCenterContentStart(contentText); measuredOutContentStart(contentText); int translateY = (int) (radius - Math.cos(radian) * radius - (Math.sin(radian) * maxTextHeight) / 2D); //根据Math.sin(radian)来更改canvas坐标系原点,然后缩放画布,使得文字高度进行缩放,形成弧形3d视觉差 canvas.translate(0.0F, translateY); canvas.scale(1.0F, (float) Math.sin(radian)); if (translateY <= firstLineY && maxTextHeight + translateY >= firstLineY) { // 条目经过第一条线 canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(0, 0, measuredWidth, firstLineY - translateY); canvas.scale(1.0F, (float) Math.sin(radian) * SCALECONTENT); canvas.drawText(contentText, drawOutContentStart, maxTextHeight, paintOuterText); canvas.restore(); canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(0, firstLineY - translateY, measuredWidth, (int) (itemHeight)); canvas.scale(1.0F, (float) Math.sin(radian) * 1F); canvas.drawText(contentText, drawCenterContentStart, maxTextHeight - CENTERCONTENTOFFSET, paintCenterText); canvas.restore(); } else if (translateY <= secondLineY && maxTextHeight + translateY >= secondLineY) { // 条目经过第二条线 canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(0, 0, measuredWidth, secondLineY - translateY); canvas.scale(1.0F, (float) Math.sin(radian) * 1.0F); canvas.drawText(contentText, drawCenterContentStart, maxTextHeight - CENTERCONTENTOFFSET, paintCenterText); canvas.restore(); canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(0, secondLineY - translateY, measuredWidth, (int) (itemHeight)); canvas.scale(1.0F, (float) Math.sin(radian) * SCALECONTENT); canvas.drawText(contentText, drawOutContentStart, maxTextHeight, paintOuterText); canvas.restore(); } else if (translateY >= firstLineY && maxTextHeight + translateY <= secondLineY) { // 中间条目 canvas.clipRect(0, 0, measuredWidth, (int) (itemHeight)); canvas.drawText(contentText, drawCenterContentStart, maxTextHeight - CENTERCONTENTOFFSET, paintCenterText); int preSelectedItem = adapter.indexOf(visibles[counter]); if(preSelectedItem != -1){ selectedItem = preSelectedItem; } } else { // 其他条目 canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(0, 0, measuredWidth, (int) (itemHeight)); canvas.scale(1.0F, (float) Math.sin(radian) * SCALECONTENT); canvas.drawText(contentText, drawOutContentStart, maxTextHeight, paintOuterText); canvas.restore(); } canvas.restore(); } counter++; } }
老猪带你玩转自定义控件三——sai大神带我实现ios 8 时间滚轮控件