Public Sub AppendLineByIndex(ByVal ParamArray Index() As Integer) _Rows += 1 If Index.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim I As Integer, K As Integer = 0
ReDim Preserve Left(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Right(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Up(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Down(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Row(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Col(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Ans(_NodeCount + Index.Length)
For I = 0 To Index.Length - 1
_NodeCount += 1
If I = 0 Then Left(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount Right(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount Else Left(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount - 1 Right(_NodeCount) = Right(_NodeCount - 1) Left(Right(_NodeCount - 1)) = _NodeCount Right(_NodeCount - 1) = _NodeCount End If
Down(_NodeCount) = Index(I) Up(_NodeCount) = Up(Index(I)) Down(Up(Index(I))) = _NodeCount Up(Index(I)) = _NodeCount
Row(_NodeCount) = _Rows Col(_NodeCount) = Index(I) Next
End Sub
Dim tS As New clsDancingLinks(7)
tS.AppendLineByIndex(3, 5, 6) tS.AppendLineByIndex(1, 4, 7) tS.AppendLineByIndex(2, 3, 6) tS.AppendLineByIndex(1, 4) tS.AppendLineByIndex(2, 7) tS.AppendLineByIndex(4, 5, 7)
Dim Ans() As Integer = tS.Dance
至此,求解精确覆盖问题的Dancing Links算法就介绍完了。利用十字循环双向链这个特殊的数据结构,不可思议的完成了缓存矩阵和回溯矩阵的过程,十分优雅,十分高效。故Donald E.Knuth把它称为Dancing Links(舞蹈链)。我更喜欢跳跃的舞者这个名字
有很多问题都能转换为精确覆盖问题,再利用Dancing Links算法求解就方便多了。
Public Class clsDancingLinks Private Left() As Integer, Right() As Integer, Up() As Integer, Down() As Integer Private Row() As Integer, Col() As Integer
Private _Head As Integer
Private _Rows As Integer, _Cols As Integer, _NodeCount As Integer Private Ans() As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal Cols As Integer) ReDim Left(Cols), Right(Cols), Up(Cols), Down(Cols), Row(Cols), Col(Cols), Ans(Cols) Dim I As Integer
Up(0) = 0 Down(0) = 0 Right(0) = 1 Left(0) = Cols
For I = 1 To Cols Up(I) = I Down(I) = I Left(I) = I - 1 Right(I) = I + 1 Col(I) = I Row(I) = 0 Next
Right(Cols) = 0
_Rows = 0 _Cols = Cols _NodeCount = Cols _Head = 0 End Sub
Public Sub AppendLine(ByVal ParamArray Value() As Integer) _Rows += 1 If Value.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim I As Integer, K As Integer = 0
For I = 0 To Value.Length - 1 If Value(I) = 1 Then _NodeCount += 1 ReDim Preserve Left(_NodeCount) ReDim Preserve Right(_NodeCount) ReDim Preserve Up(_NodeCount) ReDim Preserve Down(_NodeCount) ReDim Preserve Row(_NodeCount) ReDim Preserve Col(_NodeCount) ReDim Preserve Ans(_NodeCount) If K = 0 Then Left(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount Right(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount K = 1 Else Left(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount - 1 Right(_NodeCount) = Right(_NodeCount - 1) Left(Right(_NodeCount - 1)) = _NodeCount Right(_NodeCount - 1) = _NodeCount End If
Down(_NodeCount) = I + 1 Up(_NodeCount) = Up(I + 1) Down(Up(I + 1)) = _NodeCount Up(I + 1) = _NodeCount
Row(_NodeCount) = _Rows Col(_NodeCount) = I + 1 End If Next
End Sub
Public Sub AppendLineByIndex(ByVal ParamArray Index() As Integer) _Rows += 1 If Index.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim I As Integer, K As Integer = 0
ReDim Preserve Left(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Right(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Up(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Down(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Row(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Col(_NodeCount + Index.Length) ReDim Preserve Ans(_NodeCount + Index.Length)
For I = 0 To Index.Length - 1
_NodeCount += 1
If I = 0 Then Left(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount Right(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount Else Left(_NodeCount) = _NodeCount - 1 Right(_NodeCount) = Right(_NodeCount - 1) Left(Right(_NodeCount - 1)) = _NodeCount Right(_NodeCount - 1) = _NodeCount End If
Down(_NodeCount) = Index(I) Up(_NodeCount) = Up(Index(I)) Down(Up(Index(I))) = _NodeCount Up(Index(I)) = _NodeCount
Row(_NodeCount) = _Rows Col(_NodeCount) = Index(I) Next
End Sub
Public Function Dance() As Integer() Return IIf(Dance(0) = True, Ans, Nothing) End Function
Private Function Dance(ByVal K As Integer) As Boolean
Dim C1 As Integer = Right(_Head) If (C1 = _Head) Then ReDim Preserve Ans(K - 1) Return True End If RemoveCol(C1)
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
I = Down(C1) Do While I <> C1 Ans(K) = Row(I)
J = Right(I) Do While J <> I RemoveCol(Col(J)) J = Right(J) Loop
If Dance(K + 1) Then Return True
J = Left(I) Do While J <> I ResumeCol(Col(J)) J = Left(J) Loop
I = Down(I) Loop
ResumeCol(C1) Return False End Function
Public Sub RemoveCol(ByVal Col As Integer)
Left(Right(Col)) = Left(Col) Right(Left(Col)) = Right(Col)
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
I = Down(Col) Do While I <> Col J = Right(I) Do While J <> I Up(Down(J)) = Up(J) Down(Up(J)) = Down(J) J = Right(J) Loop
I = Down(I) Loop
End Sub
Public Sub ResumeCol(ByVal Col As Integer)
Left(Right(Col)) = Col Right(Left(Col)) = Col
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
I = Up(Col)
Do While (I <> Col) J = Right(I) Do While J <> I Up(Down(J)) = J Down(Up(J)) = J J = Right(J) Loop I = Up(I) Loop
End Sub End Class跳跃的舞者,舞蹈链(Dancing Links)算法——求解精确覆盖问题(转)