i = insert mode at cursor
I = insert at the beginning of line
a = append after the cursor
A = append at the end of the line
o = open blank line below current line
O = open blank line above current line
Esc = exit insert mode
h,j,k,l = ←, ↓, ↑, →
ctrl+f = 下一页(forward)
ctrl+b = 上一页(backward)
w = 跳到下一个单词的开头
W = 跳到下一个单词(空白分隔)的开头
e = 跳到下一个单词的末尾
E = 跳到下一个单词(空白分隔)的末尾
b = 跳到前一个单词的开头
B = 跳到前一个单词(空白分隔)的开头
0 = 跳到本行行头
$ = 跳到本行行尾
^ = 跳到本行第一个非空白字符
g_ = 跳到本行最后一个非空白字符
gg = 跳到第一行
G = 跳到最后一行
[N]G = 跳到第N行
`. = 跳到最后编辑的地方
* = 向下查找当前光标所在位置的字符串
# = 向上查找当前光标所在位置的字符串
u = undo
ctrl+r = redo
~ = switch case
>> = indent line one column right
<< = indent line one column left
== = auto-indent current line
dd = 删除当前行,并把删除的行存到剪贴板里
x = 删除当前字符
X = 删除前一个字符
dw = delete to end of word
D = delete to end of line
yy = 复制当前行
[N]yy = 复制N行
yw = copy to end of word
y$ = copy to end of line
p = 在光标位置之后粘贴
P = 在光标位置之前粘贴
/pattern = search for pattern
?pattern = search backwards for pattern
n = repeat search in same direction
N = repeat search in opposite direction
:w = 保存
:wq = 保存并退出
:x = 保存并退出
:q = 退出,有改动未保存时退出失败
:q! = 强制退出