select sysuser1.* from (select sysuser2.*, rownum rownum_temp from (select yycgdmx.id yycgdmxid, -- yycgdmx.zbjg, yycgdmx.jyjg, yycgdmx.cgl, yycgdmx.cgje, yycgdmx.cgzt, (select dictinfo.info from dictinfo where dictinfo.typecode = ‘011‘ and dictinfo.dictcode = yycgdmx.cgzt) cgztmc, useryy.mc useryymc, useryy.id useryyid, usergys.mc usergysmc, usergys.id usergysid, ypxx.id, ypxx.bm, ypxx.mc, ypxx.jx, ypxx.gg, ypxx.zhxs, ypxx.scqymc, ypxx.spmc, -- ypxx. zbjg, ypxx.jyzt, (select info from dictinfo where ypxx.jyzt = dictcode and typecode = ‘003‘) jyztmc from yycgdmx2015 yycgdmx, yycgd2015 yycgd, ypxx, useryy, usergys where yycgdmx.yycgdid = yycgd.id and yycgd.useryyid = useryy.id and yycgdmx.ypxxid = ypxx.id and yycgdmx.usergysid = usergys.id and yycgdmx.yycgdid = ‘2015100000‘) sysuser2 where rownum <= 20) sysuser1 where sysuser1.rownum_temp > 0
sysuser2.* *中 有 有列名重复
导致 不知道 外层 选哪一个列