public delegate void MyDelegate(int aIntParam, string aStringParam);
TMyDelegateFunc = function (AIntParam: integer; AStringParam: string): Boolean;
TMyDelegateProc = procedure (AIntParam: integer; AStringParam: string);
在以上的声明中,还可以用of object关键字来规定所定义的“委托”是应用于对象的函数/过程,还是应用于非对象的函数/过程,例:
TMyObjectDelegate = procedure (AIntParam: integer; AStringParam: string) of object; //对象的
TMyRegularDelegate = procedure (AIntParam: integer; AStringParam: string); //非对象的(一般的)函数/过程
- unit UnitFrmTest;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls;
- type
- TDelegateType = (dtObject, dtRegular);
- TObjectNumFuncs = function (const ANumOne: Double;
- const ANumTwo: Double): Double of object;
- TRegularNumFuncs = function (const ANumOne: Double;
- const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- type
- TfrmTest = class(TForm)
- edtNumOne: TEdit;
- edtNumTwo: TEdit;
- btnAdd: TButton;
- btnSub: TButton;
- btnMultiply: TButton;
- btnDivide: TButton;
- lblResult: TLabel;
- rbObjectDelegate: TRadioButton;
- rbRegularDelegate: TRadioButton;
- procedure rbRegularDelegateClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure rbObjectDelegateClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure MyButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- FDelegateType: TDelegateType;
- function Add(const ANumOne: Double;
- const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function Sub(const ANumOne: Double;
- const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function Multiply(const ANumOne: Double;
- const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function Divide(const ANumOne: Double;
- const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function DoObjectCalc(const ANumOne: Double;
- const ANumTwo: Double; AMethod: TObjectNumFuncs): Double;
- public
- end;
- function Add(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function Sub(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function Multiply(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function Divide(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- function DoRegularCalc(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double;
- AMethod: TRegularNumFuncs): Double;
- var
- frmTest: TfrmTest;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- function Add(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- Result := ANumOne + ANumTwo;
- end;
- function Sub(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- Result := ANumOne - ANumTwo;
- end;
- function Multiply(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- Result := ANumOne * ANumTwo;
- end;
- function Divide(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- try
- Result := ANumOne / ANumTwo;
- except
- on E: EZeroDivide do
- begin
- frmTest.edtNumTwo.SetFocus();
- frmTest.lblResult.Caption := ‘除数不能为零‘;
- Abort();
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function DoRegularCalc(const ANumOne: Double; const ANumTwo: Double;
- AMethod: TRegularNumFuncs): Double;
- begin
- Result := AMethod(ANumOne, ANumTwo);
- end;
- function TfrmTest.Add(const ANumOne, ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- Result := ANumOne + ANumTwo;
- end;
- function TfrmTest.Divide(const ANumOne, ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- try
- Result := ANumOne / ANumTwo;
- except
- on E: EZeroDivide do
- begin
- edtNumTwo.SetFocus();
- lblResult.Caption := ‘除数不能为零‘;
- Abort;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TfrmTest.DoObjectCalc(const ANumOne, ANumTwo: Double;
- AMethod: TObjectNumFuncs): Double;
- begin
- Result := AMethod(ANumOne, ANumTwo);
- end;
- function TfrmTest.Multiply(const ANumOne, ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- Result := ANumOne * ANumTwo;
- end;
- procedure TfrmTest.MyButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, dblResult: Double;
- begin
- if not (Sender is TButton) then Exit;
- dblNumOne := StrToFloatDef(Trim(edtNumOne.Text), 0.0);
- dblNumTwo := StrToFloatDef(Trim(edtNumTwo.Text), 0.0);
- case (Sender as TButton).Tag of
- 0:
- begin
- case Self.FDelegateType of
- dtObject:
- begin
- dblResult := Self.DoObjectCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, Self.Add);
- end;
- dtRegular:
- begin
- dblResult := DoRegularCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, UnitFrmTest.Add);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- case Self.FDelegateType of
- dtObject:
- begin
- dblResult := Self.DoObjectCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, Self.Sub);
- end;
- dtRegular:
- begin
- dblResult := DoRegularCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, UnitFrmTest.Sub);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- case Self.FDelegateType of
- dtObject:
- begin
- dblResult := Self.DoObjectCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, Self.Multiply);
- end;
- dtRegular:
- begin
- dblResult := DoRegularCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, UnitFrmTest.Multiply);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 3:
- begin
- case Self.FDelegateType of
- dtObject:
- begin
- dblResult := Self.DoObjectCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, Self.Divide);
- end;
- dtRegular:
- begin
- dblResult := DoRegularCalc(dblNumOne, dblNumTwo, UnitFrmTest.Divide);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- lblResult.Caption := ‘结果:‘ + FloatToStr(dblResult);
- end;
- procedure TfrmTest.rbObjectDelegateClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Self.FDelegateType := dtObject;
- end;
- procedure TfrmTest.rbRegularDelegateClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Self.FDelegateType := dtRegular;
- end;
- function TfrmTest.Sub(const ANumOne, ANumTwo: Double): Double;
- begin
- Result := ANumOne - ANumTwo;
- end;
- end.