Oraagent Memory Leak (文档 ID 1956840.1)
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
NOTE: This document is based on the analysis performed in a Windows environment
In Windows environment the oraagent process is consuming (leaking) memory at a rate 96 Mb per day.
The OS Watcher Process output show a steady increase of the processes virtual size:
(PDH-CSV 4.0) (hour date | Process (oraagent # 1) \ Virtual Size (bytes) |
7/9/2014 4:24:50 PM | 2438983680 |
7/9/2014 5:23:49 PM | 2455564288 |
7/9/2014 5:24:49 PM | 2455564288 |
7/10/2014 2:23:49 AM | 2472144896 |
The issue is caused by Bug 19228181 ORAAGENT MEMORY LEAK.
The fix for this bug has been included in Windows Bundle Patch 36 and onwards. Please refer to the following document for the latest bundle patch which includes the fix:
Note 161549.1 Oracle Database, CRS, ASM, Networking and EM Agent Patches for Microsoft Platforms
【翻译自mos文章】Windows平台下的 Oraagent Memory Leak