How to use user’s location in your app?
there are two more settings
(1)click the project-> Build Phases -> link Binary With Libraries -> click “+” -> search for “location” -> click the CoreLocation.framework, import the library to your project
(2)find info.plist,and add two keys and values
the first key is :NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, you can put whatever you want in the value field to explain your reason to request user location,such as"Because I want to know where you are”. this can help you to request user location when the app is running.
the second key is:NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription,you can puts reasons in the value field such as”Because I always want to know your locations”,this can help you in any time to get the user location ,even the app is not running.
How to use user’s location in your app?