# 1.distinct
select distinct user_name from cwd_user;
# 2.limit
select * from user_mapping limit 2,3;
limit 2,3 : 2指mysql返回从行2开始的3行,不包括本身的第2行。
# 3.order by
select user_name from cwd_user order by user_name;
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user order by id desc;
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user order by user_name desc,email_address;
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user order by user_name asc,email_address;
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user order by id desc limit 1;
# 4. where #
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user where user_name=‘liubin‘;
#操作符 = <> != < <= > >= between
#between 4 and 10 从低值到高值,and关键字分隔
# 5. null #
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user where email_address is null;
#表示返回没有email_address的行,NULL 无值(no value),它与字段包含0,空字符串或仅仅包含空格不一样
# 6. and、or#
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user where id < 9666589 and user_name < ‘f‘;
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user where id < 9666589 or user_name < ‘f‘;
# 7. in #
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user where id in (425992,425993) order by user_name desc;
#where 子句中用来指定匹配的值的清单的关键字,功能与or相当
# 8. not #
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user where id not in (425992,425993) order by user_name desc;
# 9. 通配符 #
## 1) like ##
select id,user_name,email_address from cwd_user where user_name like ‘b%‘;
## 2)% 百分号 ##
## 3) _下划线 ##
## 4) 使用通配符技巧 ##
# 10. 正则表达式 #
regexp ‘表达式‘
## 1)解析 regexp与like
select prod_name from products where prod_name like ‘1000‘;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘1000‘;
| prod_name |
| JetPack 1000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘1000‘;
# ^1000$ 表示以1开头,0结尾
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘.000‘;
# . 表示匹配任意字符
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp binary ‘JetPacK .000‘;
# binary 区分大小写
# [[:<:]] 词的开始
# [[::>]] 词的结束
## 2) or ##
搜索两个串之一,可以使用 |
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘1000|2000‘;
# 查询包含1000或2000的行
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘[123] ton‘;
# [^123] 匹配以1,2,3开头的所有行
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘1|2|3 ton(可不加)‘;
# 匹配几个字符之一的行
## 3) 匹配范围 ##
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘[1-5]‘;
# 匹配所有包含1到5的行
select prod_name from products where prod_name regexp ‘[1-5] ton‘;
# 匹配所有以1-5行开头的行
特殊字符转义,必须以\\为前导。如,\\- 表示查询-,\\. 表示查询.
\\f 换页
\\n 换行
\\r 回车
\\t 制表
\\v 纵向制表
... ....
## 4) 匹配多次出现 ##
* 0个或多个匹配
+ 1个或多个匹配(等于 {1,})
? 0个或多个匹配(等于 {0,1})
{n} 指定数目的匹配
{n,} 不少于指定数目的匹配
{n,m} 匹配数目的范围(m,不超过255)
# 11. 计算字段 #
### 1) 拼接字段 ###
select concat(vend_name,‘ {‘,vend_country,‘}‘) from vendors order by vend_name;
### 2) 去行头行尾空格 ###
RTrim() 右侧
LTrim() 左侧
Trim() 两边
select concat(Trim(vend_name),‘ {‘,vend_country,‘}‘) from vendors order by vend_name;
### 3) 别名 ###
select concat(Trim(vend_name),‘ {‘,vend_country,‘}‘) AS vend_title from vendors order by vend_name;
### 4) 执行算术计算 ###
+ - * /
本文出自 “崛起” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://binbinwudi8688.blog.51cto.com/3023365/1736699