问题:Job for httpd.service failed. See ‘systemctl status httpd.service‘ and ‘journalctl -xn‘ for details.
[root@iZ25dmhrwpjZ ~]#systemctl restart httpd.service
Job for httpd.service failed. See ‘systemctl status httpd.service‘ and ‘journalctl -xn‘ for details.
[root@iZ25dmhrwpjZ ~]# systemctl status httpd.service
httpd.service - SYSV: Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI.
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd)
Active: failed (Result: timeout) since Sat 2016-01-23 20:28:54 CST; 48s ago
Process: 5386 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Jan 23 20:23:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI....
Jan 23 20:23:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ httpd[5386]: Starting httpd: AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server‘s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘...this message
Jan 23 20:23:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ httpd[5386]: httpd (pid 23763) already running
Jan 23 20:23:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ httpd[5386]: [ OK ]
Jan 23 20:23:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ systemd[1]: PID file /var/run/httpd.pid not readable (yet?) after start.
Jan 23 20:28:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ systemd[1]: httpd.service operation timed out. Terminating.
Jan 23 20:28:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ systemd[1]: Failed to start SYSV: Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI..
Jan 23 20:28:54 iZ25dmhrwpjZ systemd[1]: Unit httpd.service entered failed state.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
Job for httpd.service failed. See 'systemctl status httpd.service'