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Quartz.NET笔记(三) More About Jobs & JobDetails

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如你所见,Job相当容易实现。这里只是介绍有关Jobs本质, IJob接口的Execute(..)方法以及JobDetails中需要理解的内容。


Using Quartz.NET

 1 // define the job and tie it to our HelloJob class
 2 IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<HelloJob>()
 3     .WithIdentity("myJob", "group1")
 4     .Build();
 6 // Trigger the job to run now, and then every 40 seconds
 7 ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
 8   .WithIdentity("myTrigger", "group1")
 9   .StartNow()
10   .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x
11       .WithIntervalInSeconds(40)
12       .RepeatForever())
13   .Build();
15 sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

现在考虑如下定义的 HelloJob类:

1 public class HelloJob : IJob
2 {
3     public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
4     {
5         Console.WriteLine("HelloJob is executing.");
6     }
7 }






Setting Values in a JobDataMap:

1 // define the job and tie it to our DumbJob class
2 IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<DumbJob>()
3     .WithIdentity("myJob", "group1") // name "myJob", group "group1"
4     .UsingJobData("jobSays", "Hello World!")
5     .UsingJobData("myFloatValue", 3.141f)
6     .Build();

下面的代码展示了在Job执行过程中从JobDataMap 获取数据的代码:

Getting Values from a JobDataMap:

 1 public class DumbJob : IJob
 2 {
 3     public void Execute(JobExecutionContext context)
 4     {
 5       JobKey key = context.JobDetail.Key;
 7       JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;//注意同下面例子的差别
 9       string jobSays = dataMap.GetString("jobSays");
10       float myFloatValue = dataMap.GetFloat("myFloatValue");
12       Console.Error.WriteLine("Instance " + key + " of DumbJob says: " + jobSays + ", and val is: " + myFloatValue);
13     }
14 } 





Here‘s a quick example of getting data from the JobExecutionContext‘s merged JobDataMap during the job‘s execution:

 1 public class DumbJob : IJob
 2 {
 3     public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
 4     {
 5         JobKey key = context.JobDetail.Key;
 7         JobDataMap dataMap = context.MergedJobDataMap;  // Note the difference from the previous example
 9         string jobSays = dataMap.GetString("jobSays");
10         float myFloatValue = dataMap.GetFloat("myFloatValue");
11         IList<DateTimeOffset> state = (IList<DateTimeOffset>) dataMap["myStateData"];//这个上面的例子中并没有设置,会报错。集合形式的如何设置值呢?待研究!
12         state.Add(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
14         Console.Error.WriteLine("Instance " + key + " of DumbJob says: " + jobSays + ", and val is: " + myFloatValue);
15     }
16 }


Or if you wish to rely on the JobFactory "injecting" the data map values onto your class, it might look like this instead:

 1 public class DumbJob : IJob
 2 {
 3     public string JobSays { private get; set; }
 4     public float FloatValue { private get; set; }
 6     public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
 7     {
 8         JobKey key = context.JobDetail.Key;
10         JobDataMap dataMap = context.MergedJobDataMap;  // Note the difference from the previous example
12         IList<DateTimeOffset> state = (IList<DateTimeOffset>) dataMap["myStateData"];//这个上面的例子中并没有设置,会报错。集合形式的如何设置值呢?待研究!
13  state.Add(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); 14 15 Console.Error.WriteLine("Instance " + key + " of DumbJob says: " + JobSays + ", and val is: " + FloatValue); 16  } 17 }


You‘ll notice that the overall code of the class is longer, but the code in the Execute() method is cleaner. One could also argue that although the code is longer, that it actually took less coding, if the programmer‘s IDE was used to auto-generate the properties, rather than having to hand-code the individual calls to retrieve the values from the JobDataMap. The choice is yours.

Job "Instances"

Many users spend time being confused about what exactly constitutes a "job instance". We‘ll try to clear that up here and in the section below about job state and concurrency.

很多用户在准确地构建 Job实例时花时间并变得困惑,我们试图在本节和下面的章节解释清楚job的状态和并发性。

You can create a single job class, and store many ‘instance definitions‘ of it within the scheduler by creating multiple instances of JobDetails - each with its own set of properties and JobDataMap - and adding them all to the scheduler.

可以创建单个作业存储许多 ‘实例定义‘ 计划程序创建多个实例 JobDetails-自己属性JobDataMap -添加调度程序

For example, you can create a class that implements the IJob interface called "SalesReportJob". The job might be coded to expect parameters sent to it (via the JobDataMap) to specify the name of the sales person that the sales report should be based on. They may then create multiple definitions (JobDetails) of the job, such as "SalesReportForJoe" and "SalesReportForMike" which have "joe" and "mike" specified in the corresponding JobDataMaps as input to the respective jobs.


When a trigger fires, the JobDetail (instance definition) it is associated to is loaded, and the job class it refers to is instantiated via the JobFactory configured on the Scheduler. The default JobFactory simply calls the default constructor of the job class using Activator.CreateInstance, then attempts to call setter properties on the class that match the names of keys within the JobDataMap. You may want to create your own implementation of JobFactory to accomplish things such as having your application‘s IoC or DI container produce/initialize the job instance.

当触发器被触发的时候,通过Scheduler中配置的JobFactory来实例化与之关联的Job类。缺省的JobFactory只是简单地对Job类调用GetScheduler ()方法。创建自己JobFactory可以利用应用中诸如Ioc或者DI容器所产生或者初始化的Job实例。


In "Quartz speak", we refer to each stored JobDetail as a "job definition" or "JobDetail instance", and we refer to a each executing job as a "job instance" or "instance of a job definition". Usually if we just use the word "job" we are referring to a named definition, or JobDetail. When we are referring to the class implementing the job interface, we usually use the term "job type".

"Quartz speak",我们每个存储的 JobDetail 称为"作业定义""JobDetail 实例",我们每个执行中的工作作为"作业实例""作业定义实例"通常如果我们只是使用"工作"我们一个命名定义 JobDetail我们实现工作接口我们通常使用术语"工作类型"。

Job State and Concurrency

Now, some additional notes about a job‘s state data (aka JobDataMap) and concurrency. There are a couple attributes that can be added to your Job class that affect Quartz‘s behaviour with respect to these aspects.

现在一些附加说明关于工作状态数据 (aka JobDataMap) 并发性属性可以添加工作影响石英的行为这些方面


DisallowConcurrentExecution is an attribute that can be added to the Job class that tells Quartz not to execute multiple instances of a given job definition (that refers to the given job class) concurrently. Notice the wording there, as it was chosen very carefully. In the example from the previous section, if "SalesReportJob" has this attribute, than only one instance of "SalesReportForJoe" can execute at a given time, but it can execute concurrently with an instance of "SalesReportForMike". The constraint is based upon an instance definition (JobDetail), not on instances of the job class. However, it was decided (during the design of Quartz) to have the attribute carried on the class itself, because it does often make a difference to how the class is coded.

DisallowConcurrentExecution 一个属性,可以添加工作告诉Quartz不并发地执行给定作业定义 (给定工作类) 请注意这里谨慎的措辞前一示例如果"SalesReportJob"具有属性只有一个实例"SalesReportForJoe"可以执行给定时间可以执行"SalesReportForMike"一个实例约束基于实例定义(JobDetail) 工作实例然而决定 (设计过程中石英) 具有属性进行本身因为确实时常如何编码差异


PersistJobDataAfterExecution is an attribute that can be added to the Job class that tells Quartz to update the stored copy of the JobDetail‘s JobDataMap after the Execute() method completes successfully (without throwing an exception), such that the next execution of the same job (JobDetail) receives the updated values rather than the originally stored values. Like theDisallowConcurrentExecution attribute, this applies to a job definition instance, not a job class instance, though it was decided to have the job class carry the attribute because it does often make a difference to how the class is coded (e.g. the ‘statefulness‘ will need to be explicitly ‘understood‘ by the code within the execute method).


If you use the PersistJobDataAfterExecution attribute, you should strongly consider also using the DisallowConcurrentExecution attribute, in order to avoid possible confusion (race conditions) of what data was left stored when two instances of the same job (JobDetail) executed concurrently.

Other Attributes Of Jobs

Here‘s a quick summary of the other properties which can be defined for a job instance via the JobDetail object:

  • Durability - if a job is non-durable, it is automatically deleted from the scheduler once there are no longer any active triggers associated with it. In other words, non-durable jobs have a life span bounded by the existence of its triggers.
  • RequestsRecovery - if a job "requests recovery", and it is executing during the time of a ‘hard shutdown‘ of the scheduler (i.e. the process it is running within crashes, or the machine is shut off), then it is re-executed when the scheduler is started again. In this case, the JobExecutionContext.Recovering property will return true.


Finally, we need to inform you of a few details of the IJob.Execute(..) method. The only type of exception that you should throw from the execute method is the JobExecutionException. Because of this, you should generally wrap the entire contents of the execute method with a ‘try-catch‘ block. You should also spend some time looking at the documentation for the JobExecutionException, as your job can use it to provide the scheduler various directives as to how you want the exception to be handled.


Quartz.NET笔记(三) More About Jobs & JobDetails



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