#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:utf-8 # xcopy Lib directory and rename all files to *d.lib import os from os.path import join,exists import shutil from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon from msvcrt import getch root_path = r"E:\workspace\Src" origLibpath = root_path + r"\vc\Lib\lib18x64" newLibpath = root_path + r"\libd\lib18x64" if not exists(origLibpath): print("Can‘t find original libs!") else: if os.path.exists(newLibpath): shutil.rmtree(newLibpath) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(origLibpath): for pre_fname in files: if not pre_fname.endswith(‘.lib‘): continue new_fname = pre_fname.replace(‘.‘, ‘d.‘) pre_fullname = join(path, pre_fname) new_fullname = join(path.replace(origLibpath, newLibpath), new_fname) shell.SHFileOperation((0, shellcon.FO_COPY, pre_fullname, new_fullname, shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR, None, None)) origLibpath = r"D:\devenv\Lib\vc90x64" newLibpath = root_path + r"\libd\vc90x64" for path, dirs, files in os.walk(origLibpath): for pre_fname in files: if not pre_fname.endswith(‘.lib‘): continue new_fname = pre_fname.replace(‘.‘, ‘d.‘) pre_fullname = join(path, pre_fname) new_fullname = join(path.replace(origLibpath, newLibpath), new_fname) shell.SHFileOperation((0, shellcon.FO_COPY, pre_fullname, new_fullname, shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION|shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR, None, None)) print("已复制了两处 Lib目录,文件重命名加d!") print("按任意键退出。") getch()