Revert表达式从SQL Server 2005就有。它的作用是用于切换当前过程的执行上下文返回上一个EXECUTE AS 语句发生之前的安全上下文。Revert可以在存储过程、ad-hoc环境下、用户定义函数中使用。Revert是需要和EXECUTE AS配合使用。
-- Create two temporary principals. CREATE LOGIN login1 WITH PASSWORD = ‘J345#$)thb‘; CREATE LOGIN login2 WITH PASSWORD = ‘Uor80$23b‘; GO CREATE USER user1 FOR LOGIN login1; CREATE USER user2 FOR LOGIN login2; GO -- Give IMPERSONATE permissions on user2 to user1 -- so that user1 can successfully set the execution context to user2. GRANT IMPERSONATE ON USER:: user2 TO user1; GO -- Display current execution context. SELECT SUSER_NAME(), USER_NAME(); -- Set the execution context to login1. EXECUTE AS LOGIN = ‘login1‘; -- Verify that the execution context is now login1. SELECT SUSER_NAME(), USER_NAME(); -- Login1 sets the execution context to login2. EXECUTE AS USER = ‘user2‘; -- Display current execution context. SELECT SUSER_NAME(), USER_NAME(); -- The execution context stack now has three principals: the originating caller, login1, and login2. -- The following REVERT statements will reset the execution context to the previous context. REVERT; -- Display the current execution context. SELECT SUSER_NAME(), USER_NAME(); REVERT; -- Display the current execution context. SELECT SUSER_NAME(), USER_NAME(); -- Remove the temporary principals. DROP LOGIN login1; DROP LOGIN login2; DROP USER user1; DROP USER user2; GO
REVERT还支持一个WITH COOKIE = @varbinary_variable选项。这个东西的作用主要是为了保证在启动连接池(connection pool)的情况下,当前会话的上下文不被下一个重用会话的人切换。这个东西就像一个密码一样的东西,你保存了密码,就只有你自己知道密码,才能去解码。
--Create temporary principal CREATE LOGIN login1 WITH PASSWORD = ‘P@$$w0rdO1‘; GO CREATE USER user1 FOR LOGIN login1; GO DECLARE @cookie varbinary(100); --variable to store the cookie --switch execution context, generate cookie and assign it to variable EXECUTE AS USER = ‘user1‘ WITH COOKIE INTO @cookie; select @cookie select CURRENT_USER EXECUTE AS USER = ‘user2‘; -- Use the cookie in the REVERT statement. SELECT CURRENT_USER AS UserName; DECLARE @cookie varbinary(100); -- Set the cookie value to the one from the SELECT @cookie statement. SET @cookie = 0x21873959E804DD435976EA5D25B7352431A98B4F144C76F6B1502C5AA3C20F30105842EEA9C361B3DA03B2DBD36E0E070100; REVERT WITH COOKIE = @cookie; -- Verify the context switch reverted. SELECT CURRENT_USER AS UserName; GO
Switching Stored Procedure Execution Context in SQL Server using the REVERT clause